And here’s how I reacted to the post about ugly Jewish girls. Why are Ashkenazi Jews so similar to each other? Scary old Jewish women

I was born in Ukraine, in Chernigov. Well, of course, absolute inner hatred of oneself as a Jew. It's terrible, but it's a common thing, and you live with it as if it were a common thing. Negroes, I thought later, because somehow they live, and so will I. However, not all my thoughts were absorbed in this, because the city is beautiful, and I was lucky at school, the teachers were wonderful, the girlfriends were amazing. Our yard is friendly, mom and dad and grandma are just a song...

How did your family live?

This is a very funny story, and it is typical. The main food in the house is fried potatoes with lard, incredibly delicious baked potatoes with fried lard, and lard. I can tell you how to resin it correctly, how lard is different, because you can’t try it now - it simply doesn’t exist. There was also such food as stuffed neck and stuffed fish, “fish fish”. And this was already offensive, because no one in the house did this. My friends came to me, I treated them, and they asked what it was. Then the grandmother would get out and say that it was a “fish fish.” That is, her appearance was not only all-consuming, she also said that it was “riba fish”. Well, I would say that it’s just fish, but no, it’s “riba-fish.”

Then, that means, patronymics. Everything is fine with the names: dad is Mikhail, mom is Vera. But the middle names let us down: dad is Solomonovich, mom is Aizikovna, and grandmother is generally a disgrace to the whole world - because she is Basya Solomonovna. It's horrible. And also Uncle Ovram came from Kyiv. He, of course, is not Abram, but Ovram, but he’s also not good, that’s understandable.

Why nothing good? Was this already in the air?

Yes. I understood that this was indecent. I was tactless when I said that my parents were called that, and I realized it very quickly. Actually, I didn’t hear any conversations going on in our house: they say, anti-Semitism... No, I didn’t even know that such a thing existed. I only knew that for some reason being a Jew was indecent. And then there are the circumstances that come along. As a child, I was a very fat girl, to put it mildly. A fat Jewish child, all the charm for an anti-Semite was concentrated in me. And my sister and I are twins, well, that means the two of us are two fat Jewish children, indescribable beauty, in the sense of horror - curls and all that. We didn’t fit into any size, because there are no such sizes. Ashamed. On top of that, I’m also Jewish. Not only am I fat and ugly, I am Jewish. I had two more brothers, which means we have four children. It’s generally indecent that there are so many of us. Plus poverty. This is said loudly, because we were always full, simple healthy, well, not very healthy food, of course, but a lot. The children were well-fed, dressed like everyone else dressed then - just shoes, a uniform, nothing else, no other dresses - and why? That is, such a tangle of inferiority, of course, associated with Jewishness. This is true because we are Jews.

The fact is that if a child sees that someone lives differently next to him, then he cannot understand that there is someone else who lives differently from his neighbor, but precisely like him. Therefore, he cannot understand where is right and where is wrong, a row must necessarily line up. But such a row could not line up for me, it so happened that we were the only ones in the house. Upstairs lived the colonel's family, amazing people, the Dunaevs. I remember their grandmother Dunya, she was from Belarus, she wore a black skirt, a satin blouse, she was thin, she read all the time. Actually, she was illiterate, but she read all the time. There was this checkered arithmetic textbook with yellow drawings, and her Bible was woven into this arithmetic. But I couldn’t know this, and it turned out that my grandmother was reading arithmetic. And my friend Natasha is a wonderful girl, smart. We were always kind of unwashed (well, who stopped us from washing? Can we wash ourselves?), and she is sterile, has beautiful blond hair, and is dressed like a doll. They had just arrived from Cuba then. Do you understand what this is - from Cuba, 68-69? Knitted dress, bought with checks. Her mother completed courses at the House of Officers and sewed a raincoat from “space” fabric. Father, Colonel Semyon Frolovich, an amazing guy, thin, wearing a hat. Their houses are beautiful, the sinks are incredible, the carpets, and this old lady can do arithmetic. Can you imagine? I have a grandmother, so she makes fish all the time, the whole house stinks of garlic, and there my grandmother reads arithmetic.

Nevertheless, Natasha loved to come to us, we played, got crazy at home, and on the street. That is, it’s as if there is nothing, but at times there seems to be something. You live in anticipation of some kind of catch and start to think... I, like all fat children, and also Jews, began to think very early. We never talked about this with Alka, with my sister, because she is the same. Why poison each other's souls? So there was no one to talk to.

Were there other Jewish relatives, Jewish friends, perhaps?

No. These are the characteristics of our family, or more precisely, the character of the father. He was an extremely unsociable person. He worked like an ox, as a foreman, and built cultural objects: clubs, cinemas, monuments. We have never had inter-family communication, when we go to visit each other, because “they will still envy us.” What did we have to envy? I don’t know, a piece of lard or something. But for some reason my father was sure that people were evil, and it was better that no one came into the house. This, of course, did not apply to children.

When Grandma Basya was alive, she and my mother sometimes spoke Yiddish - so that we would not understand how this usually happens in families. Probably, he and his mother exchanged phrases like: “How much can these two fat fools eat, tell them to eat less.”

However, there was also grandmother Sonya, Sofa, Sofya Borisovna Polinovskaya in Ostra, and we went to see her. There was an abandoned garden, a huge house, with a leatherette sofa, a black wardrobe, a Bozhenkov sideboard, photographs in carved wooden frames, and napkins. Grandmother Sonya and Aunt Sonya lived in one part of the house, and they rented out the other part to a Belarusian family. And there I first encountered... It was in the summer, and then a lot of vacationers came there from Kyiv and for some reason from Leningrad. Blessed places, incredible beauty. And here we are sitting on this sofa with the visiting girls who settled with their family in their grandmother’s house; We were twelve years old then. It’s twilight, the shutters are closed, and they give me a “nettle” and say: “You’re a Jew, be patient.” Grandma is sleeping, mom has gone to the market. And the horror of this pain, some kind of meaninglessness, and again shame - it means that I deserved it in some way. The girls are good, no matter what? Some kind of idiocy. But then it discharged, and we went for a walk as if nothing had happened.

And on walks in Ostra, say, with my father or mother, I was interested in passers-by who they were and asked my parents. This is Moisey Abrasaulovich Kamsky, they answer. - And who is this? – And this is Isaac Berlazar Shai Moisey Shmulkin. - Fine. And who is this? - And this is Aunt Tilya. And this is Uncle Venya. In general, the names are completely indecent, but they live there with such names. I didn’t ask then why there were so many Jews, I just couldn’t. Firstly, because it was impossible to pronounce the word “Jew”, I had convulsions. However, over time it became clear to me that this is a Jewish city and that is why there are so many Jews. But going to Oster was also a shame. Because this is how I connect.

Didn’t it feel like you were in your own environment?

No. This is not my environment, I’m not like that. I cannot be that which is shameful, or rather, I do not want to be that which is shameful. I don’t understand why, why I’m ashamed, I see that these people work honestly, they don’t kill anyone, but I don’t want to, take me away from here.

Then Grandma Basya dies, it was 74. We just sighed after the death of our grandmother, because the place became vacant and we had to take Grandma Sonya in with us. What is it? Grandma Basya compared to grandma Sonya is just Marilyn Monroe in her best years. Because grandmother Sonya really let us down in terms of appearance. Her nose was simply indecent, criminal, she didn’t wear teeth because “why”, glasses, a haircut with a brace and a comb, and a stick. Such a Jewish Baba Yaga. A terrible old woman, a bony, tall, beautiful woman, as I now understand. And Aunt Sonya. Aunt Sonya is better, of course, but her accent is also terrible. And so, that means they will live with us. We had four rooms, for which dad needs to erect a separate monument. But the house is a “Khrushchev”, one room is ten meters, the second is four, the third is five, and there is a “hall” in which they put two beds. Well, for beauty, of course, they covered it with plush. But the girls come to me... And these two – okay, they’d lie there and be silent, but they’re still talking! "What's the weather like? Rainfall?" Death! Just die.

In addition, grandmother Sonya kept kosher; she brought a Passover dish and dishes with her from Ostra, and she used them every day. So what did these bastards do? Brother Borya was a serious boy, he read more and more books, but brother Sashka was a blast. The grandmother sits, doesn’t touch anyone, sits and eats with her spoon. So this little shit sits next to her, takes a piece of bacon, eats it and looks at her. Ashamed. Its crowning number is jam from a three-liter jar. In our house it’s poor, but it’s a lot; if it’s jam, it’s a three-liter jar. Sashka sits down opposite Grandma Sonya and eats straight from the can. And this infuriated her beyond belief. But she is silent. He eats, she is silent, he eats half a jar, does not wash the spoon - mom will wash it, of course. Dad comes for lunch. "Mom, how are you feeling?" Grandma is lying down. “Misha, I feel good. I always feel good. Today Sasha ate jam from a jar again. Misha! He’s not a person, he’s a Strukovite!” And the Strukovites are a famous monarchist gang that lived in their area.

However, the grandmothers survived. They died quickly, like all old people when they are removed from their place. Now: what needs to be done to at least somehow neutralize Jewishness, for me personally, here and now. I studied well, and so did my sister. Not excellent students, but good: mathematics - D, physics, chemistry - D, simply because these subjects should not exist, but they do, we fought with them in this way. But the story was going great, Ukrainian was great, I still adore this language. The language is brilliant, in terms of capacity, Russian rests before it, it apparently has more proto-Slavic roots, and what can be said in Ukrainian in one phrase takes a long time to develop in Russian.

The only thing is that Jewry must be neutralized, this terrible stigma must be washed away once and for all. How? I need to lose weight. Over the summer, my sister and I lost twenty kilograms each, and on the first of September our school fainted. Beauty. This is all very good, but inside I’m still a fat, nasty Jew. My life did not become any easier, because there was more deception, but the essence did not change. This means that we need to get rid of the remnants of external Jewry. This is very difficult, since I am like my grandmother Sonya, however, I have a gentle option. But it seemed to be possible, because everything became quiet. After all, grown people won’t tease you in the yard, it’s stupid. And so everyone knows everything about themselves, so this topic did not arise again. But then Jews began to leave Chernigov. Very little, here and there, but dad said that we wouldn’t go anywhere, because “there’s no point in going.” This issue is closed.

And then I met a wonderful girl, she was two years older than Alla and me. Masha Estrina. This is already tenth grade. Her family was amazing, and it was from them that I realized that there is no need to be shy, but to be proud. Just like people proudly sing Ukrainian songs and speak Ukrainian. I realized that my object of shame, at least, is not an object of shame, but I can live with it calmly and pronounce this word. In their family, I learned to say this word out loud.

And thanks to these people, I read Babel, Sholom Aleichem, what was then, so to speak, Jewish to read. And since then the horror of Jewry has gone away. I think that this would have happened in any case, he would have been overshadowed by something, by some other concerns, but the childhood horror disappeared right then, at the age of sixteen.

Schwartz Nechama (Berkenblit)

  • Annotation:
    The greatest American writer Mark Twain perfectly understood what was inaccessible to Tolstoy: “He (the Jew) can be proud of the fact that he always fought valiantly with the whole world, although he had to fight with his hands tied behind his back. The Egyptians, Babylonians and Persians filled the earth with noise and splendor, but then vanished like smoke and disappeared. The Greeks and Romans inherited their loud glory and also disappeared into oblivion. Other nations came for a time, raising high their flaming torch, but it burned out and now they sit in deep darkness or have completely disappeared. The Jew saw them all, defeated them all, and today he is the same as he always was: no decline or senile infirmity is visible in him, no weakening of his energy or dimming of his living and sharp mind. Everything in the world is mortal, but not the Jew. Everything disappears and Only the Jew is eternal." (M. Twain. "Concerning the Jews")

  • "Yes, I am a Jew, and when the honorable gentleman's ancestors were still cruel savages on an unknown island, my ancestors were priests in Solomon's Temple." (Benjamin Disraeli to member English Parliament to Daniel O'Connell, who accused Disraeli in Jewish origin) "But there was another fact that we ran past with our eyes closed. eyes; and not even past him, but right through, penetrating inside and not doing anything noticing, looking and not seeing, savoring and not feeling the ointment, analyzing the subtleties and without bumping into the shaft. This fact is Russian literature, the same one that since the time of Radishchev she glorified freedom and mercy for the fallen called, the one who is so strongly imbued with the ideas of heroism and ministry; the one who, through the lips of her best, not a single kind word did not speak about the tribes oppressed under the Russian power, and with their own hands the first did not strike a finger in their defense; the one who by the hands of your best and through her first lips she generously lavished blows and all the peoples from the Amur to the Dnieper are offended, and we are more and more bitter than all." (V. Zhabotinsky “Russian Weasel” 1909) "For us, Jews are Jews; for you, Jews are Jews..." (V. Kurochkin, satirical magazine "Iskra" 1858) This article does not purport to be a comprehensive study of Tolstoy's attitude toward Jews. I want to present to the reader just a few facts that will make him think at the entrance to the gallery with clay idols created by the Russian intelligentsia of the twentieth century and immortalized in our minds by the Soviet regime. Myths and bloody reality Myths are unusually tenacious, and no matter how many times they are refuted, some of them continue to stubbornly pollute the Jewish consciousness. How many have already written about the fact that the article “What is a Jew?” belongs to the pen of another person, and the myth does not want to die. And from time to time this article appears again under an enthusiastic message about how the great writer loved us. In fact: in 1908 In the Warsaw Yiddish weekly "Theater Velt" an article appeared signed by Tolstoy, "What is a Jew?", which later migrated to other publications. However, in 1931 in the Parisian "Dawn" it was indicated that this article belonged to the pen of G. Gutman and was published in the "Jewish Library". (SPB, 1871, vol. 1) How many Jewish intellectuals shed tears over L. Tolstoy's story about Hadji Murat! And Hadji Murat was Shamil’s right hand, robbed and slaughtered mountain Jews. Tolstoy needed an image of a whole person, living by his national interests, as opposed to a rotten Russian nobleman. Knowing Tolstoy’s meticulousness in collecting material for his books, it is difficult to believe that he did not know about the existence of Mountain Jews of the Caucasus. Jewish tears and Jewish blood remained outside the scope of his artistic task and simply did not interest the writer. Tolstoy never, despite numerous requests from the publicist F.M. Gets and the writer Sholom Aleichem, never spoke on his own behalf condemning the pogroms or even simply expressing sympathy for the victims and refused Sholem Aleichem a letter for the collection published in assistance to the victims of the Chisinau pogrom. Almost twenty Jews asked the man considered the conscience of Russia to publicly condemn this pogrom. Instead, Tolstoy writes to one of the petitioners (April 27, 1903), the writer E. Linetsky, that “all those who write, just like you, demand that I express my opinion about the Kishinev event. It seems to me that in these appeals There is some kind of misunderstanding about me. It is assumed that my voice has weight, and therefore I am required to express my opinion about such an important and complex event as the crime committed in Chisinau. The misunderstanding is that I am required the activity of a publicist, while I am a person entirely occupied with one very specific issue that has nothing to do with modern events: namely, the religious issue and its application to life. As for my attitude towards the Jews and the terrible Kishinev event, it would seem that it should be clear to all those who were interested in my worldview. Not yet knowing all the terrible details that now became known later, from the first newspaper report I understood the full horror of what had happened and experienced a heavy mixed feeling of pity for the innocent victims of the brutality of the crowd, bewilderment at the brutality of these people, supposedly Christians, a feeling of disgust and disgust for those the so-called educated people who excited the crowd and sympathized with its deeds and, most importantly, the horror of the real culprit of everything, our government with its stupefying and fanatical clergy and with its robber gang of officials. The crime in Chisinau is only a direct consequence of the preaching of lies and violence, which is carried out with such tension and tenacity by the Russian government." Tolstoy claims that he cannot engage in the activities of a publicist and that he is concerned only with religious issues. Meanwhile, he wrote 164 completed and 126 unfinished articles, treatises, books, addresses and other things devoted to the most pressing problems of life. Among them are “I Can’t Be Silent!,” and “Slavery of Our Time,” and “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” A few months before his death, Tolstoy, having read Korolenko’s article on the death penalty, “An Everyday Phenomenon,” which deeply disturbed him, sobbing, wrote him a letter, which later became public domain. His soul ached for murderers, and for rapists, and for members of the Khlysty sect, but not for the Jews. For him, the Jewish question (during the period of terrible anti-Jewish terror of 1905-07) stood, in his words, “in 81st place.” Tolstoy's advice to victims of pogroms The great Russian writer equated Judaism with paganism and taught Jews as a philanthropic Christian (in the same letter to Linetsky): “Jews, like all people, need one thing for their good: to follow the universal rule as much as possible in life - to do with others as you want to be dealt with, and fight the government not with violence - this means must be left to the government - but with a good life, excluding not only any violence against your neighbor, but also participation in violence and the use for your own benefit of the instruments of violence established by the government. and everything is very old and well-known that I have to say on the occasion of the terrible Kishinev event." This is his advice to the victims of pogroms and the disenfranchised Jewish masses, muzzled by the tsarist government and tortured by the peoples of Russia! And what kind of Jewish “participation in violence and the use for their own benefit of instruments of violence established by the government” can we even talk about?! Not only that, he also tries to teach the unfortunate with a postulate from their own teaching, passing it off as a Christian rule, as if forgetting from what sources the Christian religion was nourished and what it borrowed from Judaism. And it’s not without reason that Tolstoy talks about following the “universal” rule - therefore, the Jews did not lead a “good life”? Therefore, they are guilty and punished for it, and now he gives them advice on how to avoid punishment in the future? On May 10, 1903, after reading a letter to Linetsky, Sholom Aleichem wrote to Tolstoy: “As for your letter to your Jewish friend, some passages (especially the conclusion) are completely incomprehensible to me, and I do not dare criticize him.” Obviously, he still hoped that the conscience would awaken in the great writer of the Russian land and he would come out with a condemnation of the pogroms. And only on September 24, 1903. Sholom Aleichem finally makes it clear to Tolstoy that Judaism preceded the Christian religion, and that the Russian writer himself, who was once interested in the Jewish religion, should have known: “I forgot to notice to you at one time that the main idea of ​​(your) fairy tale” Assarhadon" is expressed by the Talmudic scholar Hillel - what is unpleasant for you, do not wish it upon your neighbor. According to Rabbi Hillel, this is the basis and goal of the entire Mosaic teaching." And after the pogrom in Chisinau, with despair and, obviously, without any hope, Sholom Aleichem writes to Tolstoy from America: “But won’t your powerful voice be heard now, when shame and misfortune have befallen our common homeland, and, most of all, they have touched us , unfortunate Jews?!.. 6 million Jews in Russia and about a million of my brothers in America are waiting for at least a word of consolation from you... We are waiting for it.” They waited in vain, letter dated October 30, 1905. remained unanswered. “A word is an action,” Tolstoy once wrote. Silence is also an act. Tolstoy's Discourses on the Talmud Having familiarized himself with the books of the Jewish educator and publicist F.M. Gets (1853-1931) “The Religious Question among Russian Jews” (1881), “On the Nature and Meaning of Jewish Ethics” (1882) and “What is Jewry” (1885), Tolstoy wrote in his diary: “What a disgusting name-calling. I sympathized with the Jews, after reading this I became disgusted.” It's hard to believe that they were ever pleasant to him. In one of his letters to the same Goetz (1890-94), he openly expresses his attitude towards the Jews: “I regret the oppression to which the Jews are subjected, I consider them not only unfair and cruel, but also insane, but this subject does not concern me me exclusively... There are many subjects that concern me more than this. And therefore I could not write anything about this subject that would touch people. What I think about the Jewish question is... that the moral teaching of the Jews and the practice of their life stands, without comparison, above the moral teaching and practice of life of our quasi-Christian society." Thank you also for the fact that the great count recognized us as “moral” at least once. However, “talking about the mission of Jewry, isolating Jewry, makes it repulsive, at least for me,” he adds. In the last years of his life, Tolstoy decided to publish a series of small books with stories about various religions and turned to the Talmud in Russian translation. Volunteer Jewish assistants selected books for him and translated numerous sayings. Of course, all their efforts were in vain. A man who was never able to understand the Jewish religion and appreciate the exceptional contribution of the Jews to civilization, who gave the world a universal morality and laid the foundations of social progress, a man who placed the Christian religion above the Jewish one, ascribing to the former an original and comprehensive meaning, without knowing or pretending to forget about the foundations stolen by the Christian religion from the Jewish one - what could such a person write about the Talmud? But here’s what: “it is difficult to find among any other people such an absurd book that is considered sacred like the Talmud,” “... in the Talmud there is a narrow nationalistic teaching and a number of the greatest truths. Of course, there is a lot of that, but these are few ... but there is one good moral teaching, “Pirkei Abot.” (from the notes of his friend and follower, the anti-Semite D. Makovitsky, whom Tolstoy urged “to try to correct yourself from this unkind feeling.”) Among the “Tolstoyites” there were many Jews. One of his students , Tolstoy Sunday school teacher T.I. Fainerman (pseudonym I. Teneromo) even converted to Orthodoxy under the influence of Tolstoy, who became his godfather. Later he published several books and articles describing Tolstoy’s admirable attitude towards the Jewish people: “L.N. .Tolstoy and the Jews” (St. Petersburg, 1908, 1910), “Living Speeches of Tolstoy” (Odessa, 1908), “L.N. Tolstoy on Judeophobia” (“Odessa News,” 1907). All this turned out to be a complete fantasy. Tolstoy and his family reacted negatively to these fabrications. “To numerous questions asked by both philo-Semites and anti-Semites whether Fainerman had distorted his words, Tolstoy replied that “he not only distorted, but invented, his book about the Jews is an amazing invention.” (KEE, vol. 8, page 991) Sholom Aleichem on Tolstoy The obituary written by Sholem Aleichem is full of bitterness: “Leo Tolstoy himself did little or nothing for the Jews, if we compare what he did with what he could do. If we were to value in Leo Tolstoy a champion of the Jewish equality, then we could calmly say that in his person Russian Jewry lost little. It was felt, and he himself said, that the Jewish question for him was one of many that needed a solution, but was more than secondary. Jews have always worried about this. If we remember not even the majestic pathos that gripped Tolstoy, for example, when thinking about the suffering of Russian sectarians or the practice of corporal punishment, not even those fiery words that he found to throw in the faces of rapists of all kinds, if we remember only that quiet the attention that was met in him by the torment of dumb animals, beaten by humans for cruel amusement, and then remembering that this attention was not enough to say his direct, decisive, powerful word in defense of his Jewish fellow citizens, then, naturally, it becomes painful.<...>Before the general appearance of a great man, revealed at the end of his great life, particulars disappear, trifles become smaller, and there is no need to remind that Leo Tolstoy studied the language of the Bible, was interested in Jewish writing and expounded Talmudic legends, that he was silent about Dreyfus or, summoned by private letters, he declared - which was already clear - that he, too, did not approve of the persecution of Jews. All this - precisely from the Jewish point of view - is terribly pale when you think about the enormous effect on minds that Leo Tolstoy had and which is a necessary step in the liberation of Jewry." ("New Sunrise" 1910, 33) And again: “I could not imagine that the greatest man of our century could see the monstrous injustice, the terrible cruelty committed in his country with several million of the most unfortunate creatures, my unfortunate brothers, and not speak out with his mighty word, which would be heard throughout world". (from a letter from Sholom Aleichem to editor I. Perper at the end of 1910) But here is evidence of Tolstoy’s indifference to the suffering of the Jews, coming from his friend the sculptor Ilya Ginzburg: “I have often been asked and continue to ask if I know from my private conversations with L.N. Tolstoy about L.N.’s attitude towards the Jews. They ask if I did I talk to him about this subject. Frankly, this question always confused me. I tried to talk with L.N. about Jews many times. But every time something stopped me, something prevented me from talking about what, Of course, I was deeply interested. And I think what hindered me was the situation in Yasnaya Polyana in which I was. This situation is exceptional. In Yasnaya, the question of nationality completely disappeared; it was somehow ashamed to raise it.<...>During the pogroms, talking about the horrors and hearing L.N.’s indignation, I once said that “Lev Nikolaevich, what you say would be important for everyone to hear.” To this he answered me: “I receive a lot of letters, requests to stand up for the Jews, but everyone knows my aversion to violence and oppression, and if I say little about what is being done against a particular nationality, it is only because I constantly speak out against any oppression." This somewhat evasive answer proved to me that L.N. does not particularly distinguish the Jewish question from all the issues that occupy him, and therefore I stopped inviting him to such a conversation." (I. Ginzburg "Tolstoy and the Jews", "New Voskhod" 1910 34) Tolstoy's view of the Jewish religion After the publication of the treatise “Religion and Morality,” Goetz again turned to Tolstoy. “The unfounded identification of Judaism with paganism (based on the “social” attitude of man to the world as opposed to the understanding of the meaning of life “only in serving the Will that produced him” in the Christian religion) offended Goetz, and he considered it necessary to give arguments refuting Tolstoy’s point of view Having received no response, Goetz outlined his position in the brochure “Open Letter to Count L.N. Tolstoy” (Vilno, 1898), which he sent to Yasnaya Polyana. Tolstoy responded with a letter “not for publication” (published in Riga, 1925), insisting on his interpretation." (KEE, vol. 8, p. 990) “According to the famous Jewish publicist and philosopher Ahad Ha-Am,” wrote Aizik Remba, “Tolstoy was a notorious anti-Semite, who until the end of his life was unable to get rid of great-power Slavophilism and Russian chauvinism. In the book about Tolstoy’s Gospel ( ) could not refrain from making some historical comparisons offensive to Jewry. It is not yet known, Ahad Ha-Am argued, whether Tolstoy did this based on personal considerations, or at the behest of the Holy Synod, which a few years later excommunicated the great Russian writer from the bosom of the Orthodox Church. How it is known that at the end of his life, Lev Nikolaevich was anathematized from the pulpits of all Russian churches. According to Ahad Ha-Am, in his book about the Gospel, Tolstoy tried to emphasize the worthlessness and parochialism of the “backward Jewish religion” and to elevate the “crystal evangelical” to unprecedented spiritual purity religion." Here is what Ahad-Haam wrote in one of his letters to Rabbi M.Z. Roizin: "And now I would like to ask you: how, when reading Tolstoy's books, can one not be imbued with sincere sympathy and respect for this greatest pillar of Russian thought!? And yet I know for sure that Tolstoy never loved Jews and had an infinite disdain for them..!" ("Dramas of the Life of Jewish Celebrities", 1973 Israel) Tolstoy's attitude to the Dreyfus affair October 15, 1894 In France, General Staff officer Alfred Dreyfus was arrested and court-martialed. And on December 22, he was found guilty of espionage and high treason, sentenced to deprivation of ranks and titles and lifelong exile to French Guiana. The French press accused all Jews of betraying the interests of France. The famous writer Emile Zola, distinguished by the disgusting anti-Semitism characteristic of the French, which was fully manifested in his Jewish characters, ready to commit any crimes for the sake of money, power, voluptuousness and fame, published an article in the Le Figaro newspaper “In defense of the Jews”, where he argued that the persecution of Jews goes beyond the boundaries of common sense, truth and justice. Despite the harsh attacks of anti-Semites, Zola continued to write against the “hateful and insane phenomenon.” January 13, 1898 in the newspaper "L" aurore " his famous letter to French President Faure "J" Accuse...! ("I accuse!") appeared, in which he accused the government and army of concealing the true facts and high treason. For insulting the honor of the government and army, Zola was sentenced to a fine and imprisonment and was forced to flee to England, pursued in the streets by crowds of angry anti-Semites. Tolstoy did not respond to numerous requests to speak out in defense of A. Dreyfus, who was innocently convicted in France. And only during the trial of Emile Zola did he give a series of interviews to Russian newspapers (Courier, Russian Leaflet), where he stated: “I don’t know Dreyfus, but I know many Dreyfuss, and they are all guilty...” “Personally I am confident of Dreyfus’s guilt..." (“The Trial of Emile Zola, Moscow, 1898) And this was said at a time when most people were already convinced of Dreyfus’s innocence. Only after Dreyfus’s release, talking with the French publicist J. Bourdin in March 1904 Tolstoy finally admitted, as if with regret: “Yes, yes, he is innocent. This has been proven. I read the materials of the trial. He is innocent, it is now impossible to refute this." Requests to raise his voice in defense of the innocently convicted Dreyfus aroused terrible indignation in the great writer who defended murderers and criminals: “Someone, someday, will be able to explain to me why the whole world is imbued with interest in the question of whether or not the Jews betrayed their homeland.” officer? This problem is of insignificant importance for France, and for the rest of the world it is completely devoid of interest... It is strange for us Russians to stand up for Dreyfus, a man in no way remarkable, when in our country so many exceptionally good people were hanged, exiled, imprisoned in solitary confinement." How can one not be indignant at Tolstoy’s attitude towards the torment of an innocently convicted person, when the sensitive writer had warm words and even tears when reporting on the execution of terrible criminals! And the point here is not at all that this is happening in France, but “we have so many exceptionally good people hanged,” etc. The fact is that Dreyfus is a Jew. And the Jews, so unpleasant to him, were also victims of pogroms, including the one in Chisinau. And it is precisely this that explains that the suffering of hungry peasant horses, which he proposed to take to the city for the winter and return to their owners in the spring, the suffering of dumb animals, aroused in him more pity and compassion than the Jews oppressed by double oppression. And he did not have any angry words condemning the rioters and bandits. The only public statement made abroad was his interview with the American newspaper North American Newspaper, in which he said that “the Russian government is to blame” for the Chisinau pogrom. The enemy of the people von Witte and the machinations of the Jews It is interesting to look at the letter from Tolstoy’s son, Lev Lvovich, to Nicholas II, dedicated to the defamation of Count Sergei von Witte: ( “Witte is an enemy of Russia. Witte is the great, greatest evil of our time. I think so, and tens of thousands of Russian people think so. Witte drunken and corrupted the people with a wine monopoly, he ruined them with a cheap tariff, which took millions of raw materials from Russia. He killed industry ". Finally, he concluded a shameful peace, on the eve of our victories, and created the Russian revolution with these and other conditions. It would be unfair to say that Witte alone is to blame for everything. But it is true that he is an enemy, involuntarily, perhaps, but our enemy. First of all, it is necessary that he retire and not disturb others. His close connection with the Jews, his short-sightedness and ignorance of society, his politics, his strange, inexplicable behavior during the latest events - all this is cruelly condemned by the entire Russian society. My father said recently: "Everyone did this Jews." I added to this: “With the permission of Witte, married to Jewish." (December 13, 1905) (emphasized by me N.S.Sh.) As you know: “Jews, Jews! There are only Jews all around!” Why do Christians and especially Russians and Why was Count Tolstoy excommunicated from the church? And now let us turn to Tolstoy’s article “Why Christian peoples in general and especially the Russian people are now in distress.” (May 7, 1907) ( /religion/227/) After long and tedious discussions, Tolstoy speaks about the reason for the disaster of the Christian peoples: “This reason is that the so-called Christian church teaching is not integral, The teaching that arose on the basis of the preaching of one great teacher, such as Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, is only a counterfeit of the true teaching of the great teacher, having almost nothing in common with the true teaching, except for the name of the founder and some unrelated provisions borrowed from the main teaching. I know that what I have to say now is precisely that the church faith, which for centuries has been and is now being professed by millions of people under the name of Christianity, is nothing more than a very crude Jewish sect, which has nothing in common with true Christianity, - will seem to people who verbally profess the teachings of this sect not only incredible, but the height of the most terrible blasphemy.” The whole trouble is, says Tolstoy, that the church replaced Christian teaching with the teaching of Paul: “But not only these opposing teachings of Christ and Paul show the incompatibility of the great, universal teaching, which clarifies what was expressed by all the greatest sages of Greece, Rome and the East, with the petty , sectarian, random, fervent preaching of an unenlightened, self-confident and petty-vain, boastful and clever Jew. This incompatibility cannot be obvious to every person who has accepted the essence of the great Christian teaching... But, be that as it may, the teaching of Jesus attracted the disciples , stirred up the people and, spreading more and more, became so unpleasant to the Jewish authorities that they executed Christ and after his death persecuted, tortured and executed his followers (Stephen and others)... I will not describe the misery, division, embitterment of the Christian people humanity... Salvation is not in peace conferences and pension funds, not in spiritualism, evangelism, free Protestantism, socialism; salvation lies in one thing: in the recognition of one such faith that could unite the people of our time. And this faith exists, and there are many people now who know it. This faith is the teaching of Christ, which was hidden from people by the false teaching of Paul and the church. One has only to remove these veils that hide the truth from us, and the teaching of Christ will be revealed to us, which explains to people the meaning of their lives..." So, the Christian religion was turned into “a very rude Jewish sect”, “with the petty, sectarian, random, provocative preaching of an unenlightened, self-confident and petty-vain, boastful and clever Jew”, the Jews executed God, persecuted his disciples and salvation lies only in unification all people under the banner of the Christian religion liberated from Jewish influence. How touchingly this resonates with the aspirations of some Nazi leaders at the first stage, until those who believed that it was impossible to cleanse the Christian religion of Jewish influence even after the complete destruction of the Jews won. The pagan gods sung by Wagner perfectly corresponded to the spirit of the German nation. Tolstoy's theory also echoes the "religion" of modern fascists from the Arian Nation, who claim that the Jews have disfigured and distorted the Christian religion. And with Russian fascists calling the Christian religion “Jewish things.” Of course, Tolstoy's ideas ran counter to the official Orthodox religion and this was the reason for his excommunication. How Tolstoy wanted to make Jews Christians Russian philosophers Vl. Soloviev, N. Berdyaev and S. Bulgakov, who rejected pogroms to achieve the universal triumph of the Christian religion and sought peaceful ways for the “final solution to the Jewish question,” debated the search for a “religious compromise.” That is, how to convince the Jews to admit the complete failure of the Jewish religion and, having made a small “religious compromise,” amicably disappeared from the arena of world history. Tolstoy was undoubtedly obsessed with the same idea and also made his own proposals for luring the Jews. And he did not limit himself only to Jews: even to the subbotnik Timofey Bondarev (1820-1898), exiled to a village near Minusinsk, who took the name David Abramovich, Tolstoy in 1893 suggested that Jesus “is not God and never pretended to be God, but was the great and last Jewish prophet, who taught not only Jews, but also all people how to serve the one true God, recognizing himself, just like all people, as his son... The Law of Christ agrees with the Law of Moses and with the Prophet not in all the little things, but most importantly, in love for God and neighbor." Using classic propaganda about the opium of the people, infused with the anti-Semitic potion of church legends, Tolstoy tries to assure Bondarev that it was not ordinary Jews who tortured and crucified Jesus, but the high priests, Pharisees and Sadducees. But the advanced progressive Jewish apostles, who rebelled against the ruling class of their hierarchy, spread Christian teaching throughout the world. The conflict that arose between Christians and Jews, who with purely Jewish stiff-necked stubbornness defended their religion for 2 thousand years, occurred, according to Tolstoy, by mistake. Christians, through a misunderstanding, insisted on the divine origin of their god. And if not for this, the Jews, of course, would have been able to love Jesus as “the very last great prophet.” Therefore, in order to resolve the conflict, both Jews and Orthodox “must recognize Christ as a man, a prophet of God, and then both will be united.” It is heavily implicated in peasant cunning and complete ignorance of Jewish religion and history. And it seemed, for sure, an irresistible argument, against which the Jews certainly could not resist. Just like in ancient times, when Hamor and his son, who forcibly dishonored Jacob’s daughter Dinah, persuade the inhabitants of Nablus to undergo circumcision so that Nablus could marry Dinah: “We will take their daughters as our wives, and give our daughters to them. Only with this these people will come together with us to live with us and be one people, if all our men are circumcised... Their herds, their property and all their livestock - after all, they will be ours, as soon as we come together with them, and they will settle with us" . (In "ishlah (Genesis), 24: 20-23) The inhabitants of Nablus were ready to sacrifice their foreskin for economic gain. Tolstoy is ready to sacrifice the "divinity" of his god for his goal: the main thing is to become "one people", where Jews will no longer be to be the people. As for dividends, i.e. “all their property,” Tolstoy hardly thought about the general expropriation of Jewish goods at the very early stage of the merger. To some, Tolstoy still seems like a Judeophile. And who are the Judeophiles? Judeophobes and Judeophiles are like two sides of the same coin Martin Luther as the apotheosis of anti-Semitism The world once believed that Jews who did not want to convert to Christianity or Islam should simply disappear as a result of the common efforts of all peoples. Later, however, people appeared who were called Judophiles. They opposed the pogroms, believing that the Jews, seeing a good attitude towards themselves and convinced of the futility of further resistance, would flee in droves to the “religion of the poor in spirit.” Even the rabid anti-Semite Martin Luther began with this: “If I were a Jew, I would rather be on the wheel ten times than accept papism,” “the Jews are the best blood on earth,” “only through them did the Holy Spirit wish to give the Holy Scriptures to the world; they are God's children, and we are guests and strangers; we, like the wife of Canaan, should be content to feed, like dogs, on the crumbs that fall from the table of our masters." “I advise and ask everyone to treat the Jews with kindness and teach them the Gospel. In this case, we can hope that they will come to us. If we use brute force and revile them, accuse them of using Christian blood to free themselves from the stench, and I don’t know what other nonsense, we treat them like dogs, then what good can we expect from them? Finally, how can we expect their correction when we forbid them to work among us in our community, forcing them to engage in usury? If we want to help them, we must treat them not according to the laws of the Pope, but according to the rules of Christian charity. We must accept them in a friendly way, let them live and work with us, and then they will be with us in heart, and if some and will remain stubborn, what’s wrong with that? And not every one of us is a good Christian.” The Talmud has always seemed to these guardians of our spiritual health to be the main obstacle: in the Old Testament, Luther wrote, there are encrypted references to the Mother of God and predictions about the birth of Jesus, hidden by the Talmudists. Therefore, the truth (Christianity) will be revealed only to Jews who have freed themselves from the influence of the Talmud. However, soon, in 1532, angry at the ungrateful Jews who rejected the voluntary transition to the “religion of love,” Luther wrote: “If I find a Jew who wants to be baptized, I will take him to the bridge over the Elbe, hang a stone around his neck and push him into the water ". These rascals laugh at us and at our religion. They have no permanent residence, they vegetate in poverty and, like the last slackers, are all waiting for the coming of the Messiah. And then they boast of their greatness and the special role that G-d has entrusted to them, setting them apart from all other nations." And again: “If they could kill us all, they would gladly do it, and they often do, especially those who are engaged in healing. They know everything about medicine in Germany; they can give a person poison from which he will die in hour, or after 10, or even 20 years; they have mastered this art in all its subtleties... they are a heavy burden for us, a scourge, a plague and a misfortune for our country. This is confirmed by the fact that they are often expelled by force... The Jews, being foreigners, should not own anything, and what they have should belong to us, since they do not work, and we should not give them gifts. And yet, they own our money and our goods, and while in exile , have become our masters in our own country... They are proud of this, and strengthening their faith and hatred towards us, they say to each other: “This is confirmation that the Lord does not abandon his people in dispersion. We don’t work, indulge in idleness, have a good time, and the damned goyim work for us, and we get their money. We turn out to be their masters, and they are our servants! " "...Everything is consistent with the opinion of Jesus, who condemned the Jews for being vicious, cruel, vengeful, vile vipers, murderers and the devil's spawn, stealing and wreaking havoc in secret because they cannot afford to do it openly. No a Christian is a more vicious, cruel enemy, after the devil, than a Jew... (Jews are obliged to convert), but if they refuse, we should neither tolerate nor suffer from their presence among us!.. First of all, their synagogues should be burned, and what does not burn must be buried or mixed with dirt, so that no one can ever see either the stone or the ashes left from them. And this should be done in honor of God and Christianity so that God can see that we are Christians ..." And therefore: “First, burn their synagogues and schools, and what does not burn, raze to the ground, so that neither stone nor ashes remain. And this must be done for the glory of our Lord and Christianity, if we are truly Christians. -secondly, their houses must be ravaged and destroyed, and driven out of their homes and schools, so that they have nowhere to hide. earth. Thirdly, seize all their scribes and Talmudists, let them lie, curse and blaspheme in prison. Fourthly, prohibit their rabbis from teaching the people on pain of death. Fifthly, completely deprive the Jews of security and no longer allocate streets for them Sixth, prohibit them from usury and take away property and valuables made of silver and gold. Seventh, give into the hands of every young, strong Jew and Jewess a flail, an ax, a shovel, a spinning wheel, a spindle and force them to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. ..." That's the whole simple philosophy of Judeophobia and religious Judeophilia of humanists and educators from Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, Erasmus, Reuchlin, Voltaire, Holbach, Rousseau, Giordano Bruno, who believed that Jews are the main cause of the existing evil in the world and deserve complete destruction even before their birth, Baeur, Kant, Feuerbach, Fourier, Proudhon to Solovyov, Berdyaev, Bulgakov and others, others: some want to kill the Jews physically and immediately, others seek our spiritual death gradually and in an amicable way. Some with an ax and some with a cross. And someone with an ax and a cross at once. Not always, of course, in a good way: Archpriest and religious philosopher S. Bulgakov (unlike Archimandrite Vitaly, bishop of the “White Church”, who in 1941 appealed to Roosevelt not to help the USSR in the war against Hitler) in the articles “Persecution on Israel" (1942) and "Christianity and Racism", written in Paris, generally condemned the extermination of the Jews, but at the same time stated: "and the most mysterious side of the fate of Israel remains precisely its unity. Thanks to it, only one part of it is guilty, its leaders, is the destiny for the entire people, and this part speaks on behalf of its people, calling upon itself the curse of Christ-killing and Christ-fighting... The image of Israel in this state is fatal and terrible... Israel, having rejected Christ, arms itself with the weapon of the prince of this world, takes His throne All the invincibility of the elements of Jewry, its talent and strength, being directed towards earthly dominion, is expressed in the cult of the golden calf, which was initially known to him as an Old Testament temptation at the foot of Sinai. The power of money, mammon, is the worldwide power of Jewry." In addition, “the sons of Israel are among the inspirers of the godless materialistic socialism of our days.” Those. killing, of course, is not good, but the Jews themselves are to blame: not only did they not recognize the Christian messiah, but also they use all their spontaneous nature and talent only to achieve earthly domination and concentrate world wealth in their hands. Why not "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"! And this was written in 1942, when the widespread extermination of Jews was taking place in the territories occupied by the Germans. Much earlier, in the works of Bulgakov, Berdyaev, etc., the idea of ​​​​the kinship between socialism and the Jewish desire to create the kingdom of God was discussed, which made it possible to blame Jews for all the unrest, revolutions and communism in Russia. The role of Jewry in the history of capitalism is only empirical a shell of the religious psychology of the Jews, and “socialism is a rationalistic translation of Jewish chiliasm, translated from the language of cosmology and theology into the language of political economy.” After 1917, Bulgakov was even ready to believe in the authenticity of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Marx, according to Berdyaev, the messianic idea the chosenness was transferred to the proletariat, hence the Jewish duality, incomprehensible to Berdyaev - they are waiting for the Messiah, but they did not accept the crucified one, and in addition they are demanding the forced revolutionary implementation of truth on earth.The Jewish question, according to all Russian religious philosophers, will be resolved only by religious means (baptism) at the end of time. And racial anti-Semitism, according to Berdyaev, is bad because " becomes infected with that false Jewish spirit against which he rebels". ( highlighted by me N.Sh.) Vladimir Solovyov as the apotheosis of religious Judeophilia The great liberal, protector and favorite of the Jews, Vladimir Solovyov, seriously worked on the idea of ​​reuniting Jews with Christians. He even took up the study of Hebrew and Jewish religious literature. And he began to write long articles, calling on Christians to become true Christians and stop showing “zeal beyond reason or impotent indifference.” And then the Christians will be able to prove to the Jews that they are right. And a free theocracy will come, consisting of a worldwide priesthood with the Russian kingdom. The best (not just any! N.S.Sh.) part of Jewry will enter the Christian theocracy, where they will be given a job to their liking: they will manage the economic, material area. After all, everyone knows that Jews know how to revive and make any business profitable. Sooner or later, Jews will nevertheless understand all the “depravity” of Judaism and join the “religion of love.” In 1885 in the article “New Testament Israel,” Soloviev praises the former Palestinophile Joseph Rabinovich (1837-1899), who created the sect of New Testament Christians. With the kind permission of the tsarist government, Rabinovich preached the ideas of Christianity in Yiddish in the Bethlehem prayer house to 11 Jews. Despite financial and other support, the sect closed: Rabinovich became a Congregationalist, and others became a Lutheran. Soloviev highly appreciated the work of Rabinovich and deeply regretted the failure of the merger of Judaism with Christianity: it is impossible to “expect that Jews en masse and out of sincere religious conviction will convert to Christianity as a religion of love amid the noise of Jewish pogroms and under the “Christian” cries: death to the Jews! Jews!" In the article “Jewishness and the Christian Question,” Soloviev writes admiringly about Rabinovich: “At first they said that he was a deceiver, then that he was crazy. But whoever listened to him without partiality recognized him as a true Israeli, there is no guile in him. the whole history of his conversion. By the way of the Law and the Prophets he came to Christ." The main thing here is: “there is no guile in him.” This means that the adherents of Judaism are crafty, but as soon as they were baptized, they became sincere. And Rabinovich, who fled to the Congregationalists (Protestants) because he was unable to remain Orthodox, is, of course, an example of piety and the highest morality. In the article “The Talmud and the latest polemical literature about it in Austria and Germany,” Soloviev argues that the Talmud is not an obstacle to granting Jews civil equality and generally gives a positive assessment of the Talmud. However, the same Soloviev passionately and seriously dreamed of our spiritual healing: “Savior” sounds different for a converted Jew than for us. We mean the Savior from the common sins and misfortunes of human nature, and the Jew who comes to Christ finds in Him, in addition, the Savior from special historical his illnesses people... (emphasis added by me N.S.Sh.) That is why you are blind, that is why you are broken and oppressed, that is why you still live, so that the works of God may be revealed to you. As soon as you your God, you will love Him and believe in His Son Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of all human sins, and you will become sighted...And the light of life will be revealed to you, under which all enlightened nations walk." . We learn the essence of these special historical diseases from the words of Rabinovich, which Solovyov so lovingly quotes: “The Talmud and all rabbinic additions do not come from Sinai, as they say, but all this is only human work, in which half sense, half nonsense... "Both the Torah (Law) and the entire Tanakh (Old Testament) contain only human decrees, unreliable stories and incredible miracles." So it turns out that the lover of Jews and their favorite, for whom they prayed in synagogues during his illness and after his death, also considered the Talmud the main obstacle to the baptism of Jews, along with, of course, the Torah and Tanakh. And he called on the Jews, without waiting for the vulgar pogroms, against which he strongly protested, to kill themselves as quickly as possible. The barbarians, who learned from the Jews that it was forbidden to kill, steal, commit adultery and other acts unbecoming of a person, continued to keep slaves (serfs in Russia), wage 30- and 100-year wars and enjoy violence, skinning, quartering and boiling people in boiling water. oil These enlightened and healthy peoples have shed rivers of Jewish and non-Jewish blood over the past 2 thousand years, calling for tolerance and the unification of all people under the banner of one religion. To achieve a bright Christian future, it was necessary to destroy all Jews, heretics and other dissenters. And at the same time it was also proclaimed that when struck on one cheek, Christians must offer the other. Only this cheek always turned out to be Jewish, and humble Christians filled with meekness struck it so hard as to forever remove from the historical arena the people who brought monotheism and the laws of Divine justice to the barbaric world. The catastrophe of European Jews was the logical culmination of this two-thousand-year struggle for the unity of Christian peoples in a world without Jews. And now they have to fight on two fronts: against the State of Israel and against the Jews, so that they cease to be Jews. Before meeting with Esau, the angel of Edom attacked Jacob and tried to destroy him. Yakov fought with him all night and defeated him. The victory of our forefather Jacob over the angel of Edom, who tried to destroy him, is a forerunner of the future sufferings and struggles of his descendants in Galut, which is like the dead of night. "And Jacob was left alone, and the man fought with him until dawn." Breishit 22:26 (“And Jacob will fight with him until,” Rabbi S.R. Hirsch comments on these words, “until Darkness disappears from the face of the earth. During this night fight, Jacob’s opponent will try to knock him out from under him feet solid ground in order to take away from him the very right to exist on this earth." “The peoples of the world,” writes Midrash Lekah Tov, “will repeatedly try to seduce the Jewish people from the path destined for them by the Almighty, by death or flattery they will try to force them to join him, even promising greatness, honor and glory.But just as the angel of Edom could not defeat Jacob, so the nations of the world will not be able to tear the people of Israel from their Creator " . The humiliating love of a swineherd for a princess" Unfortunately, Russian Jews wanted to see in Tolstoy something that was not there. The unfortunate, tormented people longed for at least some kind word and fiction, like Fainerman’s books and articles, helped to maintain in the minds of certain Jews, especially those who were attracted to Russian culture, the image of a noble Russian writer, a defender of the Jews and the spiritual leader of the Russian people. The trouble was that these Jews did not know either Russian culture or the Russian people themselves: “But at the same time we must remember that the philosophy of the people, its real, fundamental philosophy,” wrote Zeev Jabotinsky (“Russian Weasel”), “is expressed by not philosophers and publicists, but artists, and in this matter the character of this philosophy for anyone who is not blind or deaf is clear without the slightest ambiguity... We have overlooked what is in the notorious cult of the “holy and pure” Russian intelligentsia that has captured us , which is supposedly better than all foreign ones and in contrast to which the Germans and French are simply philistines - that in all this glorification of themselves, decidedly absurd and curious, a note of national self-adoration resounded loudly." And how tragically true are the words written by Jabotinsky in 1903. (“On national education. Speech to teachers”): “We, the Jews of the current transitional time, are growing up, as it were, on the border of two worlds. On this side is Jewry, on the other side is Russian culture. It is Russian culture, not the Russian people: we hardly see the people, we hardly touch them - even the most “assimilated” of us have almost no close acquaintances among the Russian population.... I don’t know how many of us love Russia, but many, too many of us, children of the intelligentsia circle, madly and humiliatingly in love with Russian culture, and through it with the entire Russian world, which is judged only by this culture.” They grow up in love, writes Jabotinsky, “in everything Russian with the humiliating love of a swineherd for a princess.” And this love prevented them from seeing the “Austrian Jews” in “War and Peace”, and the disgusting nouveau riche Bolgarinov, to whom Prince Stiva Oblonsky is forced to turn in search of work. In the image of the almighty Bolgarinov, Tolstoy portrayed the banker and Jewish public figure, chairman of the Jewish community of Moscow and the main Jewish charitable organizations, Lazar Polyakov. The poor prince was forced to wait in the waiting room for 3 whole hours, and out of boredom he (i.e. Tolstoy) came up with a cute pun: “It was a matter of the Jew and I was waiting.” Russian Jews were drawn to Tolstoy and deified him. Many sent him their books. His ideas, despite Tolstoy’s negative attitude towards Zionism, had a profound influence on the worldview of many left-wing Zionists of the Second Aliya (for example, A.D. Gordon, who opposed the creation of the Jewish Legion and demanded reconciliation with the Arabs by all available means), and also found its reflection in the ideology of the leftist movements HaPoel HaTzair, Hever HaKvutsot and Tnuat HaMoshavim. What did the Jews, who possessed a storehouse of wisdom contained in the Jewish holy books, expect from a man who did not know whether “we should teach peasant children or whether we should learn from them” and who preached the sanctimonious “non-resistance to evil through violence”?! What kind of disease do our idol seekers have to become fans and disciples of anyone, be they pillars?“humane” Russian literature led by the preacher of “non-resistance to evil through violence”, or another opponent of violent resistance, the apostle of non-violent resistance Mahatma Gandhi, who called on Jews to go to the gas chambers with dignity and not curse the Germans, or the “new vessel” dug up by assimilationists and ignoramuses wisdom" Dalai Lama, or the messiah of unwashed bastard Russia, called to save all humanity, the evil idiot prophet and pogromist of Jewish history Alexander Solzhenitsyn?! Why do people, in search of artificially fueled thirst, look for a dirty puddle when they have a crystal clear source? This has already happened in our history: the prophet Eliyahu challenged King Ahab and to the prophets of the idol of Baal on Mount Carmel. And Eliyahu addressed the people of Israel:"How long will you keep jumping between two chairs? If the Lord is G-d, follow Him; if Baal, follow him. And the people did not answer him a word". However, seeing the flame sent from Above, the people fell on their faces and exclaimed: “The Lord is G-d, the Lord is G-d!” “The Lord is G-d, and Baal is not G-d! - Rashi explains this, - Now they realized that Baal has no power. Before this, they believed that the Lord is the Most High, but Baal also has some kind of power, at least as an intermediary. Now the people of Israel realized that Baal was deprived of any power.". (Melachim 18:20-21,39) When will the Jews stop dragging themselves after gods and ideas that are alien to us? "I would feel even more sorry for the rapist" What could one expect from the creator and preacher of the hypocritical idea of ​​“non-resistance to evil through violence”? “An evil man who madly longed to exude kindness from himself, Tolstoy was maddeningly hot-tempered, ambitious, proud, arrogant...” - K. Chukovsky wrote in his diary. The wife of Tolstoy’s eldest son Sergei, M.K. Rachinskaya, “in her youth, who was a wonderful mathematician, once in the living room,” says the famous lawyer, one of Beilis’s lawyers and Duma deputy V.A. Maklakov, in the book “From Memoirs,” started talking about “non-resistance to evil”,and, as a young woman and relative, she went so far as to ask: “Well, if they started raping your wife before your eyes, L.N., wouldn’t you really stand up for her and wouldn’t you feel sorry for her? " I remember how Tolstoy, who did not like such conversations in living rooms, answered her briefly: “I would feel even more sorry for the rapist.” Such an unexpected answer caused laughter, which was unpleasant for Tolstoy. For the answer itself was not a joke, but a deep thought. From above that Christ's teaching, which Tolstoy believed in,it's natural to feel sorry not so much a victim of someone else's violence, but of that unfortunate person who may find it pleasure. (emphasis added by me N. Sh.) After all, it would be impossible to recommend that people turn the other cheek to the offender if they themselves suffer morally from the slap. Tolstoy did not impose such behavior on those who themselves had not reached such a height; but it was at the core of his understanding and sometimes broke through". Tolstoy himself never turned his cheek, let alone a slap, but he couldn’t even endure mild criticism, but that’s not the point. From the previous passage, it obviously follows that since the Jews were victims, Tolstoy, following his convictions, pitied their rapists, but he generally could not stand the victims, the Jews. Indeed, in other cases he managed to feel sorry for everyone: both the murderers and the killed. It is, of course, impossible for a normal person to understand such a perverted concept of humanity, compassion and justice. The laws and behavior of the people of Sodom, the fascists, and modern leftist terrorist advocates come to mind. How he loved people who stroked his pride, how he accepted Chekhov! And he pampered the Russian lawyers who were in love with him with attention: Karabchevsky, Maklakov, Plevako, but O. Gruzenberg, who dared to express some criticism, was received coldly. After reading Tolstoy’s “Resurrection,” Gruzenberg was indignant that he “exchanged the brush of a brilliant artist for the pen of a publicist and moralist,” writes Maklakov, “ He decided, without delay, to see Tolstoy and ask him for an answer to his doubts...Tolstoy, always reserved and delicate, this time became irritated,and, according to Gruzenberg, he"angrily" answered, although later"came to my senses"... Gruzenberg told me that the newspapers were talking about his arrival in Moscow after the high-profile trial in the South, and that Tolstoy might be offended if Gruzenberg passed through Moscow without visiting him"But Tolstoy did not like him. It’s another matter, Plevako, a faithful son of the church and a statesman, his own man, who reveres him. Tolstoy (according to Kuprin in a letter to F.D. Batyushkov on December 10, 1911) called the famous Jewish philosopher, writer and public figure, one of the founders of the World Zionist Organization, psychiatrist Max Nordau, “a whistler.” Obviously, for the book “Degeneration” (1892), in which Nordau, considering the work of Nietzsche, Wagner, Zola, Ibsen and Tolstoy, as well as the spread of symbolism, egomania, spiritualism, the cult of the devil and other movements in European society, comes to the conclusion about the inevitable catastrophe threatening modern civilization. Was Tolstoy offended by the critic or hated by the brilliant Jew for the revival of Zionism and for his ardent preaching against Jewish assimilation, which Nordau hated? Or it was simply eaten up by envy of a comprehensively gifted person, whose books “The Ordinary Lies of Civilized Humanity” (1883), “The Paradoxes of Ordinary Lies” (1885), “The Meaning of History” (1909), etc., were unusually popular, were reprinted many times and were translated into 15 languages? Tolstoy as a symbol of hope for the blind Admirers of Tolstoy, who left a 90-volume legacy filled with schematic artificial images supported by boring didactic arguments, should think about the definition of “humanist” attached to him, as to most Russian writers, i.e. loving people. It cannot be repeated mechanically: humane Russian literature, humane Russian writers! Humane to whom? What did they write about the Jews, how did they fight for the rights of the most oppressed people in Russia? For those who do not know this, I refer you to V. Zhabotinsky’s article “Russian Weasel”. From Russia, blinded Jews carried this error into the wider world. Hence the statements of Western writers that “Tolstoy was the real, most sublime symbol of our hopes. For the present generation, Tolstoy -genius writer; for the past, i.e. mine, he was still something else, something that had a very special weight and special meaning. What we felt for him was once well expressed by one of his younger contemporaries: “His name contains a magical quality, it has a unifying power throughout the world.” Tolstoyism was a belief, an ideal and a source of spiritual revival and social reform; he was the essence of Russia and its hope. Tolstoy's moral character was such that the government did not lay a hand on him alone, of all its enemies. He died a year before the Beilis case broke out, which shook the whole world, and I remember someone said: “If Tolstoy had been alive, they would not have dared to do this.” These words were naive, but they speak of the reverence associated with the name of Tolstoy, and of our faith in the healthy essence of the Russian people." (M. Samuel. Blood accusation.) It would be worth reminding these forgetful people about the silence of their “exalted symbol” during the Kishinev pogrom and other pogroms, but I’m afraid it won’t help. The disclosure of the true facts concerning Tolstoy's attitude towards the Jews is perceived as sacrilege and people still prefer to deceive themselves with the words of Tolstoy from a letter to E. Linetsky: “My attitude towards the Jews cannot be other than the attitude towards the brothers whom I love... “The life and freedom of these “brothers” were not worth in his eyes even a small printed word in their defense. And the Jewish question in importance was only “in 81st place” for him! In admiration for Tolstoy, in worship of the other pillars of Russian literature, which, according to Jabotinsky, “with the lips of its best did not say a single kind word about the tribes oppressed under the Russian state, and with its first hands did not strike a finger in their defense; the very one who, with the hands of her best and the lips of her first, generously deprived all peoples from the Amur to the Dnieper with blows and insults, and us more and more bitterly than anyone else,” I see the absence of national pride, national self-awareness and simple self-respect. Why does all the misfortune of the Jews occur (according to Tolstoy) Tolstoy’s attitude towards the Jewish religion and the national preservation of the Jewish people is clearly visible from his letter to the St. Petersburg doctor N. Botvinik (1898): “You write: won’t we be guilty before our nation if we, bypassing nationality, instill in our children only universal ideals ?I think that we will be terribly guilty before our conscience and God if we do not inspire this. All the misfortune of the Jews comes from the fact that they do not wantunderstand this. And it would seem that the Jews should not have made this mistake. (emphasis added by me N.Sh.) Their messiah, who has the power to unite people, is in front, not behind. And what can unite people is not the meaningless fable in our time about the creation of the world and the chosen people and not the rulings of the Talmud, etc., but indifferent brotherly love for all people...” Tolstoy, who had a negative attitude towards everything purely Jewish, naturally condemned the truly national - the liberation movement Zionism as a movement that “supported Jewish exclusivity and dogmatism.” What a touching unity: from the pharaohs of Egypt to the rulers of the USSR, everyone sought to assimilate and gradually exterminate the Jews so as not to harm the local economy. At the same time, these words once again contain Tolstoy’s answer to a very Russian question: “Who is to blame and what to do?” Who is to blame for the pogroms and the unbearable life of Jews in Russia and how to fix it. The answer, in Tolstoy's style, is simple: “All the misfortune of the Jews comes from the fact that they do not want to understand this. And, it would seem, the Jews should not have made this mistake.” . ( highlighted by me N.Sh. ) And what universal human ideals is Tolstoy talking about, forgetting that it was the Jews who brought universal human ideals to the barbarian world, and it was these ideals that were borrowed from Judaism by Christianity, posing as the New Israel. I don’t think that Tolstoy was as eager to erase the national differences of other peoples, cultural or backward, as he wanted the disappearance of modern Jewry through assimilation and oblivion by Jews and the rest of the world of the unique mission of the Jewish people entrusted to them by the Almighty. And then the problem of the exclusivity of Jewry and its primogeniture in the history of civilization, with which Tolstoy could not reconcile, could be completely replaced by the postulates of Christianity. With truly Christian humble love, in concern for the salvation of Jewish souls, with fire and sword, sparing neither the elderly, nor women, nor children, burning, wheeling, drowning, hanging and raising on hind legs, the Holy Church tried to force the stubborn Jews to be baptized - and all in order to confirm the legitimacy and authenticity of their new religion. However, neither tales about the execution of their god, nor the Jews’ “recognition” of their own guilt (“his blood will be on us and on our children”), nor the “confirmation” of the validity of Israel’s persecution due to its “rejection” from G‑d, nor the bloody bonfires of the Inquisition, no crusaders, no pogroms, no robberies and expulsion of Jews. Benjamin Disraeli wrote about this beautifully in his “Biography of Lord J. Bentwink”: “By now the world should have become convinced of the impossibility of the complete destruction of the Jews. Numerous attempts to destroy them took place under the most favorable circumstances and covered the longest period of human history. Egyptian pharaohs, Assyrian kings, Roman emperors, possessed crusaders, Gothic princes and saints inquisitors - they all tried to achieve this seemingly simple goal. Expulsion, captivity, robbery, sophisticated torture and numerous massacres, a curious system of humiliating customs and laws - all this could easily undermine the soul of any other people, but turned out to be completely in vain in against the Jews. Despite such terrible devastation, the Jews today are even more numerous than in the time of King Solomon, live throughout the world and, unfortunately for the peoples of the world, are very prosperous in many countries. All this only confirms the futility of human efforts in the fight against the inexorable law of nature: a superior race cannot be destroyed or absorbed by a lower one." "And what does it mean Jew?- asked Tolstoy, irritated, for some unknown reason, by the continued existence of a people persecuted by everyone. - It’s incomprehensible to me. I only know that there is People"This is the answer to the question of how exactly the great writer of the Russian land treated our people. And here is a clear confirmation that Tolstoy, who denied and hated the identity of the Jewish people, could not possibly have been the author of the article “What is a Jew?” The greatest American writer Mark Twain perfectly understood what was inaccessible to Tolstoy: “He (the Jew) can be proud of the fact that he always fought valiantly with the whole world, although he had to fight with his hands tied behind his back. The Egyptians, Babylonians and Persians filled the earth with noise and splendor, but then melted away like smoke and disappeared. The Greeks and Romans inherited their loud glory and also disappeared into oblivion. Other nations came for a time, raising high their flaming torch, but it burned out and now they sit in deep darkness or have completely disappeared. The Jew saw them all, defeated them all, and today he is the same as he always was: no decline or senile infirmity is visible in him, no weakening of his energy or dulling of his lively and sharp mind. Everything in the world is mortal, but not the Jew. Everything disappears and only the Jew is eternal." (M. Twain. "Concerning the Jews")

    It seems to me that Schwartz’s wonderful article is, in many ways, the product of a timid, careless consciousness. In this world, no one owes anyone anything. Why should the Russian writer Tolstoy be concerned with the “Jewish question”? The count had enough problems with his religion and his people. Given the obligatory latent anti-Semitism for the Russian person, thank God that he did not write anti-Semitic articles and did not call for pogroms. Yes, the Jews in Russia were poor and powerless, but at the same time, as Tolstoy perfectly understood, they were SELF-SUFFICIENT: with their God, their history, their ancient traditions. There is no need to feel sorry for such people. We will not feel sorry for ourselves and always demand sympathy. All enemies in this world. The main thing is to be able and able to protect yourself, your family and your people from those who always want to do harm to Israel, and not how Leo Tolstoy or Mark Twain treated the Jews.


    An interesting topic was raised by blogger Sergei Anashkevich, about the ugliness of Jewish girls. The traveler published dozens of photographs of girls and women he photographed in Israel. Many smiled at him warmly, not knowing under what title they would be told about them. I admit, my first thought was to grimace in his direction and say, “The guy has lost his shores due to popularity...”. But, being a person not devoid of logic and common sense, and also able to look critically at both the world around him and himself, I agree with Sergei.

    Among Jewish girls, as well as men, there are relatively (I emphasize - very relatively, because it is a matter of taste) few beautiful people. I say this as a half-Jew myself, so it’s impossible to label me as an anti-Semite. There is an absolutely logical and scientifically known explanation for Jewish “ugliness” and it’s called -

    ...and it’s called close family ties over the centuries. For centuries, Jews lived in their own ghettos, with marriages between first cousins ​​considered the norm. For example, in Israel, if a family is planning a pregnancy and both spouses are Ashkenazi Jews, then they are required to undergo genetic tests. I repeat - mandatory. Since 4 to 6% of Ashkenazi Jews have one or another genetic disease, often Down Syndrome. It is no secret that the key to strengthening the genotype and gene pool is the mixing of peoples. For this reason, by the way, women were very beautiful in the territory of the former USSR. The same thing applies to men. Why "were"? I'll explain below.

    Let's add to this the fact that religious communities still resist any genetic testing before and during pregnancy. For whatever God gives, so be it. God is fair, but he often fails in the form of genetic problems. In some cases, it is in a very mild form and the person is quite healthy according to formal criteria. We deliberately do not touch on the issue of beauty now.

    It is important to emphasize that in modern Israel the situation with genetics is still improving. With the arrival of millions of migrants in the country and the mixing between different communities, such as those from Morocco with those from Poland and Russia, there are more beautiful people.

    But not only Jews have genetic problems. Icelanders, Cypriots, Sicilians, Maltese, Armenians and residents of the small islands of Australia and Oceania experience the same thing. In other words, all those communities that lived in isolation for a long time. Iceland, by the way, has one of the highest rates of Down Syndrome and breast cancer in the world. Therefore, the Icelandic authorities are actively attracting migrants from Eastern Europe to the country. By the way, even Japan is experiencing similar problems, where genetic diseases are a big problem.

    Residents of Russia have traditionally been predominantly healthy and beautiful in appearance. Many peoples mixed together. Under Soviet rule, everything became dramatically worse. Alcoholism and drugs, wars and poverty. All this has had a devastating effect on the gene pool, and today it would be a stretch to call Russians a healthy and beautiful nation. The situation is still far from what it is in the Jewish religious community, but things are also not very good.

    If more than 1-2% of the population becomes like this, then this is a dangerous genetic bomb -

    Interesting on this topic.

    Personally, I have known the answer to this question for a long time: "Why are Ashkenazi Jews so similar to each other?". And I really want that knowledge, which I once discovered for myself, has reached the consciousness of millions of Russians!

    It is important! This is important primarily from the point of viewnational security! The majority of Russians must finally understand WHO destroyed the USSR in 1991, and WHO now wants to blow up Russia from the inside.

    Look at these facesRussian-Jew-haters:

    Do you think they all havevisual similaritywith each other because theyJews?

    You are wrong to think so!

    As it turned out, Jews are not a people! And not nationality! Today, the “spiritual mentors” of the Jews themselves—rabbis and kabbalists—openly talk about this.

    Listen to Michael Laitman, a member of the World Council of Jewish Sages:

    “This people doesn’t exist in principle! Jews are an ideological group with a specific spiritual goal!” (C) Michael Laitman

    From what "with a specific spiritual purpose"Ashkenazi Jews(the word "Ashkenazi" means "Germany") were once created by a certain "Jewish G-d", I told in a voluminous article"THE MOST TERRIBLE WEAPON OF THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" .

    This biorobots, which were created on Earth not by God, but by people smart for evil (!) through genetic engineering, just as, for example, GMO products are created today.

    Help from the encyclopedia: genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are food products, as well as living organisms created using genetic engineering.

    I told some details of this almost fantastic story in the article: .

    Today it is important for people to understand that Genetic Engineering- this is an invasion of the holy of holies - to the realm of God! And with the help of this “engineering” it is possible only endlessly produce freaks, replacing the original information (Divine!) in the ancestral memory cells of various living beings with one arbitrarily chosen by some “genetic engineer”!

    Is it not because the creators of the Jews came up with a fairy tale for them about "original sin", committed by Adam and Eve, which then passed on to all their descendants in the form genetic diseases?!

    Ashkenazi Jews, whose share in world Jewry reaches 80%, are record holders for congenital genetic diseases!

    In 2009, it was found that every 5th Ashkenazi Jew (!) is a carrier of at least one of the 11 genetic diseases diagnosed today.

    In that revelation from doctors, made public, and contains the answer to the question, what else makes Jews related, except for the general idea, ideology, called religion.

    Ashkenazi Jews are related by congenital genetic diseases, imposing such imprint on their faces, which seems to many to be obvious (visual) similarity Jews at each other a sign of a certain “nationality”!

    By the way, this is even mentioned in the Bible!!!

    “I planted you [as] a noble vine, the purest seed; how did you turn from Me into a wild branch of someone else’s vine?Therefore, at least you washed your face with soap and used a lot of lye on yourself, your wickedness marked before Me, says the Lord God. TOhow can you say: “I have not defiled myself, I have not followed Baal?" (Bible, Jeremiah, chapter 2: 21-23).

    In other words, the fact that during the USSR, anthropologists and criminologists identified Jews as their "national traits and characteristics", is actually BY FINGERPRINT available to them genetic diseases.

    By the way, the knowledge I have presented here also explains why Jesus Christ came to the Jews as a healer with the words: “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance...” (Mark 2:17).

    On the sabotage activities of Ashkenazi Jews in modern Russia:




    Jewish women have always been considered the most beautiful and desirable women of all time. The Jewish people have a very rich history, and as a result, Jewish women look very diverse - from brunettes to blondes. Our list contains the most beautiful Jewish women on the planet of our era.

    Tal Benierzi

    Tal Benyerzi, known simply as Tal, is a French pop and R&B singer. She was born in Israel on December 12, 1989 into a Jewish family (father is a Moroccan Jew, mother is a Yemenite Jew). When Tal (her name translates from Hebrew as “morning dew”) was less than a year old, the family moved to France.


    Sara Lvovna Manakhimova, better known by her stage name Jasmine, is a Russian singer. Born on October 12, 1977 in Derbent into a family of Mountain Jews (a subethnic group of Jews from the Northern and Eastern Caucasus).

    Moran Atias

    Moran Atias is an Israeli actress and model. She was born on April 9, 1981 in Haifa (Israel) into a family of Moroccan Jews. Moran has a younger sister, Shani, who is also on this list.

    Gal Gadot

    Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model, Miss Israel 2004. Born on April 30, 1985 in Rosh HaAyin (Israel). Her parents are sabras, i.e. Jews born in Israel. In 2016, the film “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” will be released, where Gadot will play the comic book heroine Wonder Woman.

    Rachel Weisz

    British actress Rachel Weisz was born in London on March 7, 1970. Rachel's father, inventor George Weiss (Jewish by nationality), was from Hungary, and Rachel's mother, psychotherapist Edith Ruth, was from Vienna. Edith Ruth was not a full-blooded Jew, because she also had Italian and Austrian roots and was raised Catholic, but then converted to Judaism.

    Eva Green

    French actress Eva Green born in 1980 from Paris. Eva's mother, Marlene Jaubert, was born in Algeria into a Jewish family. Eva's last name is correctly pronounced Gran and means "grain", "tree (branch)" in Swedish. Eva Green considers herself Jewish, despite the fact that she was not raised in the traditions of Judaism.

    Elizabeth Taylor

    Elizabeth Taylor is a British-American actress. Date of birth: February 27, 1932. Her parents were Americans who worked in England. My father had Jewish roots, my mother had Swiss roots. Elizabeth Taylor was raised Christian, but in 1959, at the age of 27, she converted to Judaism, receiving the Hebrew name Elisheva Rachel. The celebrity stated that she accepted the Jewish religion because... Christianity was unable to resolve her questions about life and death. The fact that her third husband (he died in 1958) was Jewish also played a significant role.

    Marilyn Monroe

    Tahuniya Rubel

    Tahuniya Rubel is an Israeli model and winner of the Israeli version of Big Brother. Born on February 20, 1988 in Ethiopia, at the age of three, she and her family, among 14 thousand 325 Ethiopian Jews, were taken to Israel as part of the military Operation Solomon.

    Ksenia Alexandrovna Rappoport

    Ksenia Aleksandrovna Rappoport was born in St. Petersburg on March 25, 1974. Ksenia is an Honored Artist of Russia. From her interview with Rappoport: “I feel like a Jew and have never hidden it. Moreover, when at the beginning of my career there was a question about taking a pseudonym, I deliberately did not do this, because I wanted to bear my father’s surname.”

    Mila Kunis

    Milena Kunis, better known as Mila Kunis, is an actress who was born on August 14, 1983 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine) into a Jewish family. In 1991, the family emigrated to the United States and settled in Los Angeles. One of the actress’s most significant film roles is the role of ballerina Lily in the film “Black Swan” (2010), where she played opposite another famous Jewish woman, Natalie Portman. The film was directed by Darren Aronofsky, who is also Jewish.

    Goldie Hawn

    Goldie Hawn - actress, producer, director. She was born on November 21, 1945 in Washington. Her mother is Jewish and raised her daughter in the traditions of Judaism.

    Margarita Vladimirovna Levieva