What to do during contractions. How to behave during childbirth - a cheat sheet for a pregnant woman

It is important for a woman to remain calm when her child is born. You must behave correctly and avoid actions that could negatively affect the progress of labor. Each phase has its own characteristics. The health of mother and baby depends on whether they are taken into account.

How to behave during childbirth

It takes a long time for a baby to appear. Correct childbirth at each stage requires different behavioral tactics. There are recommendations:

  • by time of visit to the hospital;
  • preparation for hospitalization;
  • behavior during the birth of a baby.

Do not rush to go to the hospital immediately after contractions begin, especially if this is your first birth. On average they last at least 12 hours.

If nothing worries you, you should go to the hospital when the interval between contractions is 10–15 minutes. You need to hurry if:

  • you previously had rapid labor;
  • there is an outpouring of water (especially not transparent, but greenish);
  • there was bloody discharge from the vagina.

Upon arrival at the maternity hospital, fill out medical documents. Only then will you be sent to the prenatal department. Nuances:

  • Hospital staff will take some of the information from the exchange card, the rest from your words.
  • Answer questions clearly, do not hide anything.
  • Information of any nature and duration is important for the current birth.
  • Doctors must be aware of all the risks.
Memo “When to go to the Maternity Hospital”

To give birth easily, you need to behave composure during contractions and breathe correctly.

When they are short and not very painful, practice slow breathing, even inhalations and exhalations. When increasing the intensity, switch to “dog” - frequent, superficial.

To make everything go smoothly, the muscles should not be strained at any stage of labor. Causes:

  • This will disrupt the blood supply, increase pain, and increase the risk of rupture.
  • Muscle tension makes it difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal.
  • Muscle contraction can cause cervical spasm. Contractions do not cause its opening, i.e. are ineffective.

There are special poses to ease contractions. If you have a partner present during the birth, ask him to massage your lower back in a circular motion. For maximum relaxation, try:

  • stand leaning on the headboard;
  • lie on your side;
  • sit or jump on a fitball (there are balls in many prenatal wards);
  • take a warm shower;
  • stroke your belly.

Periodically, the doctor will examine you in a chair to determine the degree of dilatation of the cervix, to understand whether the process is proceeding normally and where the fetus is located. To ensure that the examination causes less pain and discomfort during the procedures:

  • breathe shallowly, frequently;
  • try to relax as much as possible;
  • act calm.

Sometimes the doctor asks you to breathe through one or more attempts. At the same time, try to relax. Breathe “like a dog”, shallowly and quickly. Do not push without your doctor's instructions the first time you push. First, the doctor must determine where the head is located. When he allows you to push, you need to:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. press your chin to your chest;
  3. rest your feet on the supports;
  4. grab your knees with your hands;
  5. Tighten your abdominal muscles, as if you are having a bowel movement.

Ask staff to clarify any action if you are unsure. Ask about anything you don't understand.

This will allow:

  • relax;
  • control the birth process;
  • make reasonable decisions.

Periods of labor and rules of behavior

The whole process is divided into three stages:

  1. Contractions are the longest and most painful stage. Behavior during childbirth affects the well-being of both the mother and the baby. The intensity of pain varies from person to person. It is influenced by the degree of sensitivity and emotional state. Adviсe:
    • try to relax;
    • stay calm.
  2. The second stage is the active phase of labor. Attempts begin. They arise involuntarily, but they can be restrained or strengthened. In the second phase it is important:
    • gather as much as possible;
    • strictly follow the instructions of doctors and obstetricians.
  3. The third stage is the birth of the placenta. As a rule, it passes easily and quickly. It is important to gather your strength and continue to follow the instructions of the medical personnel.

What not to do during childbirth

Now women in labor can behave as freely as possible. Doctors recognized that the birth of a child is a natural physiological process. You decide for yourself how to give birth correctly. There are also things that you absolutely cannot do. All actions that complicate the birth process are prohibited.

Remember that both your health and that of your baby depend on you. Remember how to behave during childbirth, and 13 important ones will help you navigate.


When you feel that labor has begun, maintain your composure and try to behave calmly. You can't panic or rush. It is advisable that the bags for the maternity hospital are already packed; if not, calmly report everything that is missing. Running around the house looking for things is dangerous and can make you feel dizzy. Losing balance and falling can cause placental abruption, which is very dangerous for you and the baby.

Forgetting documents

If some personal belongings are accidentally left at home, it’s not a big deal. Everything you need for the first time will be given to you at the maternity hospital, and the rest will be brought by your relatives.

You can’t travel without documents. Be sure to check whether you have taken your passport, insurance policy, exchange card, and birth contract (if you have one).

Without any of these documents, you may be placed not in a prenatal ward, but in an observational ward or sent to an infectious diseases maternity hospital.

Getting to the maternity hospital on your own

Do not try to drive your own car to the hospital during labor, even if the first contractions are rare and do not cause much discomfort. Even after a short amount of time, their pain and frequency can change dramatically. If it hurts a lot, it will be difficult to get to the maternity hospital safely. If there is no one to take you, call an ambulance.

Hold your breath during labor and labor

A woman's blood must be constantly enriched with oxygen. By holding your breath, you block its access, contract, and tense your muscles. All this contributes to increased pain and makes it difficult for the fetal head to pass through the birth canal. Fabrics may tear. What will help you give birth without gaps:

  • at the first stage, breathe deeply and slowly;
  • on the second - intermittently, often.

Fear of the upcoming birth

During childbirth, the female body produces endorphins - joy hormones. They are a natural pain reliever, help you relax and feel an emotional uplift. If you are nervous and afraid, then instead of endorphins, a huge amount of the stress hormone - adrenaline - is synthesized and enters the bloodstream. It increases pain and muscle strain.

Choosing the wrong position during contractions

The woman in labor has the right to choose a comfortable position herself: walk, kneel or on all fours, lie on her side.

Under no circumstances should you lie on your back.

In this position, large vessels are compressed by the heavy uterus, which disrupts blood flow to the heart. Blood pressure drops sharply. A woman in labor may faint and the blood supply to the fetus and placenta may be disrupted.

You can't scream during childbirth

It is especially important to behave calmly during contractions. When you scream, you exhale a lot of air, but take short, superficial breaths. During childbirth, a lot of oxygen must enter the mother’s blood so that she has enough strength for the process, and the child does not experience oxygen starvation . When the muscles of the uterus contract (contraction), the vessels feeding the placenta are already compressed. As a result, the fetus receives little oxygen. Screaming only makes the situation worse.

Prohibition of food and drink during childbirth

There is a rule in almost all maternity hospitals. You can’t eat or drink for two reasons:

  1. General anesthesia may be needed at any time during childbirth. When a pregnant woman is unconscious under anesthesia, stomach contents can enter the mouth and then into the respiratory tract. This causes pneumonia.
  2. A reflex connection occurs between the stomach and the cervix during contractions. Sometimes this provokes vomiting. The less content in the stomach, the easier it is for a woman to suppress the urge.

Retain urination

During childbirth, you need to go to the toilet often, with every urge. This will help stimulate contractions. If you hold back the urge, the bladder becomes full and prevents the fetus from passing through the birth canal. When the labor pains begin, you can’t stand it either. The staff in the delivery room encounter such manifestations of physiology every day and do not consider it something shameful.

You can't sit down during the 2nd stage of labor

At the end of the first phase, the fetal head enters the birth canal. From this moment on, a woman should not sit on anything hard (bed, chair). There will be additional pressure on the head. You can sit on a fitball or toilet. This will help alleviate the condition and relieve pain without harming the child.

Push, tensing your facial muscles

When pushing, it is important to properly direct your forces in order to give birth faster. You cannot push “in the face,” tensing your muscles and puffing out your cheeks. Small capillaries will burst on the skin and eyes. Such an attempt turns out to be ineffective, that is, without moving the fetus along the birth canal. Adviсe:

  1. Efforts should be directed downwards, towards emptying the body (as during defecation).
  2. The abdominal muscles should be tensed as much as possible.

Refuse medical procedures

Procedures that staff consider mandatory should not be overridden. In the first phase of labor, these are examinations on the chair, recording the fetal heartbeat. These manipulations are unpleasant, but they are necessary to assess the condition of the child and the general picture of childbirth. Based on their results, you may be prescribed additional medications and procedures, for example, taking an analgesic or drug stimulation of labor. You shouldn't give up on this either.

If natural childbirth is dangerous to the life of the woman or baby, the doctor will perform a caesarean section (there are planned and emergency). You must understand that surgery is associated with a number of risks, so only the doctor decides whether it is necessary.

Caesarean section is not performed at the request or even the request of the woman in labor. It is absolutely impossible to refuse it if the doctor insists.

Caesarean section is performed under general or epidural anesthesia. Reasons for the operation:

  1. Premature placental abruption. Poses a danger to mother and fetus. The sign is heavy bleeding.
  2. Tumors of the ovaries, uterus, and bladder that block the birth canal.
  3. Placenta previa. This is its position in which the exit from the uterus is blocked.
  4. Loss of umbilical cord loops.
  5. Oblique and transverse position of the fetus (sometimes pelvic).
  6. Discrepancy between the size of the baby's head and the woman's pelvis.
  7. Late toxicosis with severe course. Signs: high blood pressure, seizures.

Relax completely after the birth of your baby

You just met your baby for the first time, but it’s too early to rest. Assemble to deliver the placenta, which consists of the placenta and membranes. It departs from 5 minutes to an hour. The process is accompanied by weak contractions. They indicate that the afterbirth is separated from the walls of the uterus. The last stage is a medical examination of the birth canal for perineal ruptures and injuries. After this, the 3rd stage of labor is over, and the mother can rest.


During pregnancy, a woman thinks about the upcoming birth of a baby. Because the expectant mother is aware of how to behave during childbirth, what is allowed and prohibited. The well-being of childbirth depends on the actions of the woman in labor.

Behavior before birth

Some signs indicate an imminent onset. Every woman’s body is different, so the warning signs may be different. By paying attention to them, the woman in labor will be able to arrive at the hospital on time.

Signs of the onset of labor:

  • the stomach drops;
  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • the cervix changes;
  • discharge increases;
  • fetal movement decreases;
  • training contractions appear.

When the belly drops, the expectant mother needs to start preparing for the trip to the hospital. During a woman’s first birth, the baby is born 10–20 days after she notices the prolapse. With the second - on days 2–4, sometimes after a few hours. Under the influence of estrogen, the discharge becomes liquid and mucus is noted. Contact a doctor to confirm or deny leakage of amniotic fluid. The mucus plug comes off at different times from two weeks before the start of contractions.

Childbirth is a natural but painful process. The duration of delivery takes from two to twenty hours. The first time the period is from 12 to 18 hours. The second time, less time passes, since the tissues of the birth canal are elastic and prepared for stretching.

According to Komarovsky, preparation is carried out in three directions:

  • women in labor;
  • partner;
  • places where the process will take place.

During contractions before childbirth, a woman needs to learn to breathe correctly, take deep breaths, and hold her breath. This will reduce pain and prevent tears and cracks. Special training and preparation videos will help you behave correctly.

Behavior by stages

Despite the emotional state, a woman needs to behave calmly during childbirth, as this will help set her up for a positive outcome. At this time, they remain calm and avoid actions that negatively affect the course of the process. The duration of the period depends on individual characteristics. During childbirth, the uterus opens, reaches 10 cm, and the baby begins to move along the birth canal. Every enlargement of the uterus is accompanied by contractions.

Behavior during childbirth by stages:

  1. at the first stage of contractions, the woman endures uterine spasms, breathes deeply, uses self-massage, and acts on biologically active points;
  2. during pushing, push three times in one contraction without putting pressure on the uterus;
  3. in the third phase of placenta rejection, you need to breathe through the contraction once, then push.

Depending on the period of labor, contractions may be rare, then intensify and become frequent. A woman needs to record the duration of the breaks between them so as not to miss a moment. At this time, painful sensations arise in the lower back, lower abdomen, and legs. The woman in labor experiences anxiety, agitation, and uncertainty.

How to behave correctly for a woman during childbirth:

  • keep track of time;
  • breathe correctly;
  • listen to the midwife's advice;
  • do not shout;
  • relax;
  • choose a comfortable position;
  • push.

Useful tips will help a woman in labor prepare for the process. At first you need to rest. It’s better to sleep at night, do household chores during the day: cook food, pack a bag, tune in to a positive outcome of the birth and arm yourself with the support of relatives.

The next stage will begin in the maternity hospital, when it is necessary to take the correct position. During childbirth, an upright position is practiced due to the force of gravity. The uterus opens, labor proceeds quickly and does not drag on. Massage of the lower back and sacrum will help relax the stomach, reduce tension from the spine, which will lead to a decrease in pain. Regardless of the chosen position, the legs are placed so that they are wide apart.

When contractions begin, the woman behaves actively, but does not forget to rest. You need to save your strength, because the third stage is ahead, when you will have to make efforts for the fetus to be born. During pushing, they mobilize their strength and listen to the midwife. Her tips will help you understand how to push and breathe correctly.

Actions during contractions

Many pregnant women do not know how to behave correctly during the first contractions. The stages of childbirth occur in a certain sequence. The first period is the most painful and longest. Contractions pass, then pushing and natural childbirth begins. Correct behavior affects the duration, well-being of the woman in labor and the condition of the fetus.

How to behave during contractions:

  1. take an upright position and walk so that the uterus opens faster;
  2. perform circular movements with the pelvis using an inflatable ball;
  3. massage the sacral area;
  4. breathe correctly to prevent oxygen starvation of the baby.

During labor and childbirth, a woman in labor should not strain her muscles, otherwise the pain will only intensify. Tension occurs and the delivery process slows down. The severity of pain depends on the characteristics of the body, pain sensitivity, and the emotional mood of the woman. During contractions, endorphins are released, which help you relax and get rid of pain. If labor has begun, with relaxed muscles the cervix opens faster, and there are no difficulties in moving through the birth canal.

What to take to the delivery room:

  • slippers;
  • socks;
  • compression underwear;
  • water;
  • mobile phone;
  • first clothes for a newborn.

During contractions, choose a comfortable position. It is allowed to lie on your side, walk, and stand on all fours. You cannot sit or lie on your back. This leads to compression of large vessels, disrupting blood flow to the heart. A woman's blood pressure decreases.

What is the best thing to do during contractions:

  1. do not lie down;
  2. move;
  3. take a comfortable position;
  4. Do massage;
  5. pay attention to breathing.

At the beginning of labor, when contractions begin, the woman can sit. It is recommended to use a fitball. Towards the end of the process, the head crashes into the birth canal. Sitting down creates additional pressure, so they prefer a lying position.

Is it possible to drink during childbirth? Eating and drinking are prohibited in the maternity ward. During childbirth there is a need to use anesthesia. A woman often feels sick, so her stomach should be empty.

Pushing behavior

At this stage, the mother controls the birth process. Although contractions occur involuntarily, they can be controlled by intensifying or holding back. The woman is transferred to the prenatal ward, at which time she will need to remember the doctors’ advice. It is necessary to prepare for the meeting with the baby.

How to behave when pushing:

  • sit on the bed;
  • take a horizontal position;
  • do not squeeze your thighs;
  • don't push in the face.

If a woman in labor tenses and sulks, hemorrhages will appear on her eyes and face. The effort is aimed at emptying the body. If a woman is weak, the obstetrician guides the pushing period in order to increase or decrease the strength in time. To do this, relax, breathe frequently and shallowly. You cannot scream, as the muscles contract, which leads to rupture.

How not to harm your baby during childbirth:

  1. push with the midwife's permission;
  2. do not raise the pelvis;
  3. collect energy in the abdominal muscles area;
  4. relax in time between contractions.

After the birth of the baby, the mother awaits the third final stage - the birth of the placenta and examination of the birth canal. The separation takes place within 5–30 minutes. The woman feels weak contractions that pass quickly.

How to behave correctly for your husband during childbirth:

  • make sure your wife relaxes;
  • provide moral support;
  • comfort;
  • praise;
  • massage if necessary.

Correct actions during childbirth will help you recover faster and the woman will be able to play sports. This will avoid the transition of psychological discomfort into physical and will not harm the mother and baby.

What happens after childbirth

Recovery is an important stage that will go faster if a woman knows what to do. Everything happens gradually, there is no need to rush. Conventionally, the process is divided into two parts: the first hours and days after delivery. The transfer of the mother to the delivery room occurs under the supervision of doctors. Sometimes there is fever, thirst, chills. At this stage, the uterus is examined and a massage is performed.

After a few days, such care will no longer be needed, as the condition improves over time. After childbirth, muscle pain and cramping sensations appear. At this time, postpartum contractions of the uterus occur. When ruptures occur, discomfort in the perineum and chest occurs.

Mom needs rest and hygiene. During the period of active healing, you should not sit down due to the risk of suture ruptures. Within a week, the woman is examined to ensure there is no infection.

In the first weeks, pain remains. The discharge lasts up to two months. It is important to keep an eye on your stitches while showering. Adhesions are treated with antiseptics. The scar appears a week after birth. In the absence of complications, discharge is made on days 3-5. If psychological discomfort occurs, the mother needs to take more walks and rest.

How to behave after childbirth:

  1. lie on your stomach so that the clots come out;
  2. apply ice for half an hour;
  3. in the first hour, a massage is performed to check the absence of afterbirth residues;
  4. after an hour, the woman in labor is transferred to the ward, the pain is relieved, and the general condition is monitored;
  5. after 8 hours, all indicators are measured: pressure, temperature, pulse.

After a caesarean section, the same manipulations are carried out, only the time the woman in labor spends under the supervision of an obstetrician increases. Then the woman and baby are transferred to the ward. If the woman in labor is with her husband, the father will look after the newborn so that the mother can rest.

How to behave with your wife after childbirth:

  • give the woman the first few days to rest: get some sleep, come to her senses;
  • help establish lactation: with nutrition, often offer to put the newborn to the breast;
  • help physically: bring things, accompany you to the toilet;
  • take on household responsibilities for the first 2 weeks;
  • do not be offended, be calm, understand that the spouse has suffered stress, is weak physically and psychologically.

Mom often thinks about how to withstand moral and physical stress. My husband will come to the rescue. Dad will be nearby to take care of the baby.

After childbirth, a woman has more responsibility than during pregnancy. The body is exhausted, in order to recover, you need to go for a walk, enjoy communication with the baby, and concentrate on positive emotions. Pay attention to proper nutrition and moderate physical activity.

The long 9 months of waiting have finally come to an end, a little more and a huge new world will greet your baby, but for now the expectant mother has a little time left to rest, gain strength and complete all her business.1. Final preparations
2. Correct behavior during childbirth and during labor

1.1. Calm
1.2. Rest
1.3. Breath
1.4. Stay optimistic
1.5. Don't hold back your moans and screams
1.6. Move

3. It has begun!
4. How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Very often, expectant mothers at the end of the 9th month of pregnancy complain of accumulated fatigue and dream that labor will begin as soon as possible. Really.

A huge belly, all sorts of unpleasant symptoms, such as swelling, heartburn, and sleep disturbances cause the expectant mother a lot of inconvenience and interfere with normal rest and relaxation.

Meanwhile, the expectant mother is visited by all sorts of questions, such as how to behave correctly during childbirth and contractions before the upcoming important event: the expectation of inevitable painful sensations often frightens women, especially those who are giving birth for the first time or have already experienced difficult previous births. Do not give in to panic: not a single woman has remained pregnant forever, in addition, how the birth will go largely depends on your mood, so it is important to know how to behave correctly during childbirth.

Final preparations

So that the long-awaited hour X does not take you by surprise and passes comfortably, and in the first days after the birth of the baby you can completely immerse yourself in caring for her, without being distracted by all sorts of unimportant matters at that moment, it is better to prepare for the start of labor in advance. .

Try to complete all important unfinished business before the last weeks of pregnancy. So, it is recommended to think about the things that you may need in the maternity hospital and after discharge starting from the 36th week: pack a “duty” bag with everything you need - clothes, hygiene products and documents.

Perhaps, it is important for any woman to feel safe during childbirth, as well as to feel complete trust in the medical staff, so it is better to choose the maternity hospital and the doctor with whom you are going to give birth in advance. If you have the opportunity to meet with a doctor on the eve of this important moment in your life, talk, ask him questions that concern you - be sure to do so - such a conversation will significantly add confidence and help you get into the right frame of mind.

Try to finish urgent and important household chores - this, of course, does not mean that in the last weeks of pregnancy you need to scrub the entire apartment until it shines or iron a whole closet of diapers. Such labor feats will only bring overwork, but it is imperative to prepare the minimum necessary for the first days, collect a discharge kit and take care of the care of older children, if you have any.

In the last days before the baby is born, try to follow a certain diet - light and healthy food that does not overload the stomach will come in very handy in case labor suddenly begins. Eat often, but little by little - this will help you survive heartburn and accumulate the energy that you will soon need.

Correct behavior during childbirth and during contractions

How you behave during childbirth will determine how easily and quickly you will be able to bring your child into the world.

If you have not read or heard anything about the upcoming process, it’s time to remember and put into practice all your knowledge. It is not without reason that antenatal clinics very often recommend that expectant mothers attend a course of lectures on pregnancy and childbirth. Classes on how to behave during childbirth: how to breathe properly, relax, what pushing is and other important aspects will help the mother in labor in this difficult and responsible process.

1. Calmness

It is very important not to lose composure and listen to the doctor’s advice: panic and hysteria have never helped anyone give birth to a healthy child - you will only waste your energy and take away your breath.

2. Rest

Be sure to rest between contractions - in the first stage of labor, when the uterus is just beginning to contract, the pain is not too severe and the expectant mother can easily survive it. At the stage of intensification and frequency of contractions, a break between them was invented by mother nature so that the woman could take a breath. Very often, women in labor recall that they even managed to sleep in the short period between each contraction.

3. Breathing

It is very important to master correct - this will help speed up and facilitate the process of the baby passing through the birth canal. And also reduce pain during contractions.

4. Stay optimistic

A positive attitude and the ability to maintain composure are important components of success. Humor and jokes contribute to the release of the pleasure hormone, which is a powerful natural pain reliever - it’s not for nothing that the medical staff in the delivery room tries to joke with women who are preparing to become mothers any minute.

5. Don't hold back your moans and screams.

“Correct” low, prolonged groans, like those that escape the lips of an athlete during periods of highest stress, help to relax and relieve pain. Screams - sharp, sudden, uncontrollable - on the contrary, will interfere with labor, causing muscle tension and spasms.

6. Move

If your condition allows it, you don’t need to be tied to an IV or carry out continuous monitoring of the fetus’s condition, be sure to take advantage of the situation to alleviate your condition. Painful contractions in motion, taking a position that is convenient for you personally, are much easier to survive than lying down. In addition, the vertical position helps speed up the birth process and facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

There are some positions in which mother and baby feel much easier and more comfortable during childbirth. So, for example, by kneeling down during very strong contractions, you can help yourself by making it easier, and gradual smooth squats will increase the pressure on the cervix, and accordingly speed up labor.

If it is not possible to maintain freedom of movement for some reason, then it would be optimal to take a position lying on your left side: this position is optimal for rest and creates minimal pressure on the walls of the uterus and baby.


So, you felt that the end of pregnancy is already close: they are becoming more intense, and perhaps there are already obvious signs of labor that has begun, such as the appearance of regular contractions or the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Of course, the appearance of the first signs of the onset of labor is not always a reason to immediately rush headlong to the maternity hospital. Childbirth is a long process, consisting of several periods, and at the initial stage, many women in labor are more comfortable staying at home.

How do you understand that labor has begun and further delaying a trip to the hospital does not make sense?

Discuss with your doctor exactly when it is time to make a follow-up call and hit the road ahead of time - this time depends on the intensity and frequency of labor contractions. Record the duration of contractions and the break between them - in this case, it is recommended to create a table. As soon as labor pains have reached the control value that you agreed on with the doctor, it’s time to pack your bags.

Perhaps it seems to you or you are sure that the process is going wrong - in this case, it is better to trust your feelings and once again consult with a specialist, at least by phone. If you observe signs of obvious pathology, such as vaginal bleeding or the water has a greenish tint or an unpleasant odor, immediately call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital.

How to behave during childbirth and contractions video

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 2k. Published 04/06/2019

In the last weeks of pregnancy, all expectant mothers begin to think about how to give birth correctly and how to behave during contractions so as not to complicate the delivery process.

Some actions of mothers in labor delay labor, which can cause health problems for both the baby and the mother. Let's take a look at obstetric recommendations to facilitate the process of childbirth.

Three stages of labor

Thinking about how to behave during childbirth, a woman already begins to be afraid, tuning into a painful process. The birth of a child is hard work that requires calm and concentration from the mother in labor.

Without your help, the baby will not be able to be born, so push away negative thoughts and do not think about pain. At the moment of a painful contraction, remember that it will soon pass.

The woman’s mood is transmitted to the baby. To find out how a child behaves during labor, you need to look at yourself: if you scream and panic, you scare the baby, complicating his process of passing through the birth canal.

Having information about how to behave during labor and at each phase of labor, you will feel more confident and calm.

Delivery takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Preparing the baby and uterus for labor- contractions, dilatation of the uterine cervix. The longest stage, which can last up to 12 hours.
  2. The birth of a baby- attempts.
  3. Delivery of the placenta.

Let's take a closer look at each birth phase.

First phase

Characterized by the appearance of contractions. The pain is constantly increasing, the birth canal is being prepared for the passage of the baby. The baby gradually descends to the pelvic floor.

The first stage is also divided into 3 stages:

  1. Latent. The cervix opens very slowly, the water breaks, contractions are practically not felt.
  2. Active. The cervix should dilate 8 cm, contractions become more frequent and become very painful.
  3. Transitional. The intervals between contractions become short (2-3 minutes), the duration of one contraction reaches 60 seconds.

When the uterine cervix dilates to its maximum (10-12 cm), the next stage of labor begins.

Second phase

The woman should quickly move to the birthing chair as the period of pushing begins. At this time of birth, the baby slowly moves along the birth canal, its head reaches the exit.

A woman in labor should push when the obstetrician tells her to do so. After the head emerges, the shoulders and torso appear.

This phase is the most active and difficult for a woman, but it passes quickly. The baby is placed on the woman’s chest, and she can relax, because the hardest part is already behind her.

Third phase

The “children’s place” – the placenta – comes out. To do this, the woman in labor must strain.

The release of the placenta is a painless and important process, since incomplete release of the placenta leads to the development of inflammation and the appearance of intense bleeding.

Behavior of a woman in labor during childbirth

To give birth easily, you need to behave correctly at every stage of childbirth. Each phase is characterized by certain features, knowing which can facilitate childbirth and speed up the process of the birth of a child.

How to behave during contractions

At the initial stage of contractions, the pain is not very pronounced. For women giving birth again, this phase passes quickly, so it is important to get to the maternity hospital on time. When the active stage of contractions begins, you will feel noticeable pain.

To make childbirth easy and pain-free, follow these tips:

  1. Choose a position that is comfortable for you, but she should not put pressure on the baby. Most women in labor lie on their side, bending their knees under themselves. It is forbidden to sit, as the baby’s head descends into the pelvis, and you can squeeze the vena cava.
  2. Breathe correctly. Breathing exercises relieve pain and saturate the body with oxygen; breathing “like a dog” is especially effective. It is also important to breathe during painful contractions, because the baby needs a lot of oxygen.
  3. Perform self-massage. Use your fists to massage your lower back during contractions. This will relieve the pain and distract you a little. If you give birth together with your husband, then let him massage your back and shoulders.

During unbearable pain, think that it will soon end and you will finally see your baby.

To learn how to breathe correctly during contractions and do self-massage, it is recommended to sign up for training for pregnant women.

You can attend courses together with your spouse if you are planning a partner birth. Such activities also psychologically prepare you for labor.

It is important to remain calm and remember that nature has provided natural anesthesia. A couple of weeks before labor begins, the nerve cells in the uterus are partially destroyed, which reduces pain.

In addition, during contractions the body begins to synthesize endorphins and enkephalins - hormones of joy and painkillers.

If you are afraid and panicky, the hormones become ineffective and the pain becomes stronger. In between contractions, it is recommended to meditate and think about something neutral, not related to childbirth.

How to behave when pushing

Contractions become more frequent and repeat every 3 minutes, spasms cover the lower abdomen and lower back. The woman feels intense pressure in the anus, which causes a strong desire to push. But the woman in labor begins to push when she is transferred to the delivery room after the doctor’s instructions.

During this period, it is important to listen to the instructions of the obstetrician; his advice will reduce the risk of trauma to the birth canal and the appearance of ruptures.

When the contraction begins, take a deep breath and rest your hands on the arms of the birthing chair. Then press your chin to your chest and push, directing all the force into the abdominal area and uterus.

Women giving birth for the first time often direct the force into the eyes, which leads to broken capillaries and severe redness of the eyeballs. If you push into the rectum, you can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

You should push only after the request of the obstetrician; the doctor monitors the readiness of the cervix to expel the baby. Concentrate on pushing, because the more intensely you push, the sooner it will end.

And do not pay attention to involuntary bowel movements or urination during pushing - these are natural processes.

How to behave when the placenta comes out

The first 2 labor phases require significant effort from the woman in labor. In the last phase, you need to lightly strain in order to speed up the release of the membranes and placenta.

At this time, a heating pad with ice water is placed on the woman’s stomach. The duration of this period is 5-30 minutes.

Mistakes women make during childbirth

Many actions of women lead to increased pain and birth injuries.

Here's what not to do during childbirth:

  1. Scream. While screaming, you waste energy and oxygen, and also do not concentrate on the instructions of the doctor who wants to help you.
  2. You need to understand that this is inevitable, and the duration of this process depends only on you.
  3. Tighten your muscles during pushing - this slows down the passage of the fetus along the birth canal.
  4. Push until fully dilated cervix - this leads to rupture of the perineum.
  5. Refuse medical procedures. Doctors know best what kind of help you need at the moment.
  6. Eat food. Food provokes vomiting. You are only allowed to drink a little.

Some women who have just given birth feel energized, feeling like they can get up and go. These sensations are deceptive, they are the result of euphoria from the end of the torment. After childbirth, you should take full rest to regain lost strength.


Knowing how to behave during childbirth, you will be confident in your actions. The duration of the process depends on the correctness of your behavior and your ability to follow the doctors’ instructions.

There is no need to be afraid of childbirth because of pain - every woman has her own pain threshold. Some people cannot withstand light contractions at the initial stage, while others can withstand the pressure.

Stay calm and the birth will go quickly and without complications.

Every woman during pregnancy knows that contractions are a sign that the baby will soon be born. This is a very difficult time, because it is completely unclear how to behave and what to do if labor pains begin unexpectedly. Many people panic and are afraid to go to the doctor. However, contractions are a process that has already been well studied and analyzed. If you figure out what it is in advance, it won’t be so scary later. And, most importantly, you will know what to do and the birth will be successful.

What are contractions?

Let's start with the fact that the uterus has several functions in a woman's body. She keeps the fetus inside throughout her pregnancy, providing it with everything it needs. But when the time comes, she “expels” the child from herself. The placenta and pituitary gland of the fetus produce special hormones that cause uterine contractions. Gradually, the cervix dilates enough for the baby to be released into the world. In total, this process can last from 8 to 14 hours on average.

The most important thing is that at first you don’t need to do anything during contractions. The main thing is to come to the obstetricians on time and not miss possible deviations.


It all starts with an unpleasant weak nagging pain in the lower abdomen. These pains are slightly reminiscent of the sensations during menstruation. They are not very strong and do not last very long, so try not to miss them - this is a sign that contractions have begun.

If you don't know what to do if contractions start, remember: first, find a notepad and a watch. Try to have you or something near you record the beginning and end of each contraction. This way you can calculate the frequency of contractions - a very important parameter.

Many people at this moment take out a camera to film this magical moment of the birth of a baby. True, there is still a very long time before labor begins, but you can already prepare the apparatus so that you don’t have to look for it in a hurry.


In total, there are 3 phases during contractions:

  • Initial – approximately 7-8 hours
  • Active – approximately 3-5 hours
  • Transitional – approximately 1-1.5 hours

But remember, everything is individual: many women do without the first phases of contractions, and for some, contractions last much longer than planned.

At the end of the last phase, the contractions smoothly turn into attempts - the child is trying to come out, you must help him with this. By this time you should have been in the hospital for a long time. There, obstetricians will tell you what to do during contractions and pushing, how to breathe and how to behave.

During the first phase, the duration of the contraction is approximately 20 seconds. The interval between them is 20 minutes. This is a fairly simple time when you can still relax, rest, and ignore the pain. Take this chance and rest, it will be difficult to do this in the future.

The next phase is much more painful. Labor contractions come every 5-10 minutes and last 30-60 seconds. Remember: if the interval is less than 10 minutes, go to the obstetrician: labor is coming soon. Gather all your belongings, including your camera if you plan to make a video. If the maternity hospital is far away, you better hurry. You should be with your obstetrician when the transition phase begins - contractions lasting more than a minute every 2-3 minutes. Then more active labor will begin, where you will have to try. It will be nice if you watch a video in advance on how to breathe correctly and how to behave, then the birth will be successful.

This is an ideal scenario. However, the phases can pass either faster or slower. The main thing is to focus on the interval between contractions, then you will be able to successfully survive them.

Although you don't have to do much during contractions, there are some rules and tips on how to behave. Try to follow them.

  1. Postures during contractions are completely unimportant - you can try to survive them sitting, standing, lying on your side or back, on all fours. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and can relax. You can behave as you wish, as long as you feel calm. This does not affect childbirth in any way.
  2. Breaking water is a sign that labor is starting. Regardless of the phase of contractions, rush to the maternity hospital. Don't delay.
  3. Any bleeding during contractions is unnatural - it should not happen. This is a sign that something has gone wrong. Call the doctor, go to the maternity hospital immediately.
  4. Try to rest and relax. Labor can take a very long time, and contractions are the only time you have a chance to sleep and gain strength. In addition, they are easier to carry when the body is relaxed and the muscles are not tense.
  5. Learn to breathe correctly. There are many techniques, you can learn them on videos on the Internet. Choose one for yourself in the middle of pregnancy. If you didn't do it then, learn now. During contractions, breathing is very important, because the baby’s body receives less oxygen than before. This needs to be made up.
  6. Movement is good. If you can, try to walk around the room and move your pelvis at least initially. This will open the cervix faster.
  7. Try not to eat anything and empty your bowels and bladder more often. In case of complications, leftover food will serve you poorly. Surgery will be very difficult.

Relax. Problems rarely arise. Much more often everything goes well. Don't panic, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine with you too. The birth will be successful, and the child will be born healthy and strong.