Children's games for speech development. Games for children's speech development Games for babies for speech

Anna Samoilovich
Educational games for the development of all aspects of speech in preschool children

It is known that in the game the assimilation of knowledge occurs much more successfully,

than in training sessions. A child captivated by an attractive idea

crowbar, as if he does not notice that he is studying. At the core developing games are based on a combination of elements games and exercises, a gradual transition from fun games to educational and cognitive activities.

In such games, the child’s mental activity increases, thinking and speech develops. Speech and thinking—these two most important mental processes are inextricably linked with each other. Educational games help relieve children feeling stiff, overcoming shyness, development of logic of thinking, speech and general initiative, originality of thinking.

For children's speech development, for example, to practice the correct use of endings of the genitive case (in the names of vegetables, fruits, berries, I use a game for attention “What’s missing?” The child closes his eyes, I remove two pears from the basket. Child guesses: “There are no more pears (plum, apples).

To exercise children in the correct pronunciation of adjectives with a noun and expand the semantic meaning of the word, we use the game “What can be ... narrow (wide, liquid, soft, hot, etc.) This game can be played in a circle with a ball. The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, who catches the ball, answers the question and throws the ball back. The teacher throws the ball to the next person. We spend a lot of time in the circle with the ball. educational games. So, to expand the vocabulary and get acquainted with generalizing words, I use the following games:

"Edible - not edible" ;

"It flies or it doesn't fly" ;

"Tasty words" ;

“What can you ride?” ;

“Whose leaves?”(willow-willow, oak-oak);

For example, the game "Feed the Animal",I I say: "Cat", the child who caught the ball, answers: "Milk"(meat, bread, etc. until the chain breaks. The child in front of whom the chain broke goes to the center of the circle and names another animal - the game continues.

To expand my vocabulary I use a ball game "Animals and their cubs» (The teacher names the animal-child cub) To consolidate the articulation of sounds and to isolate sounds in words by ear (at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end) I use ball games(and without): “Come up with a word that starts with a sound.”;

“Think of a word that ends with a sound.” ;

“Come up with a word with a sound. (w.,f.)» .

I also use games developing language sense who teach you to choose rhyming words words:

“Choose similar words” A child in the center of the circle says a word and throws the ball, another child catches it, says a similar word, and throws the ball back. (onion-beetle, jackdaw-stick, cat-louse) ;

"Find yourself a mate".The child in the center of the circle says a word, one of children(who can come up with it faster) names a word that rhymes with it (tit bird) and pairs up with the first child, and throws the ball to any other child, who in turn names a new word. The game continues until everyone is in pairs and there is a third left. Then you can play an active game "Third wheel".

To teach children select antonyms for words (words with opposite meanings, play a game "The word is backwards"(Teacher in the center of the circle with a ball speaks: "Black"- and throws the ball to the child, he must answer: "White"-and throw the ball back (soft-hard, cold-hot, etc.) To introduce into speech children generalizing words use game "The Fourth Wheel".Here it is not necessary to achieve detailed explanation, if the conclusion is made correctly (rose, chair, tulip, chamomile; hammer, screwdriver, spoon, pliers).

In my work with children for speech development I use games according to the TRIZ system. A game “How are they similar and how are they different?”.For example, we looked at chicken and partridge. We split into two teams. The children named several signs than similar:

both chickens, both birds, begin with the word "ku", have a beak, two legs, wings, feathers, a tail, hatch from an egg;

and how they differ:

wild domestic

flies doesn't fly

no home there is a house

no scallop there is a scallop

not in the store chicken eggs available in the store

A game "Good bad".It's raining. What well? andWhat's bad?

Children learn to form complex sentences, imagination develops, the dictionary is expanding children. When it rains (flowers grow well, trees are clean and green, mushrooms grow, there is no need to water the garden). What's bad? If it rains, then (it’s muddy outside, it’s cloudy, you can’t walk, the animals are cold and uncomfortable in the forest, but Misha T. objected“What if it’s hot outside? Then, on the contrary, they feel good, they bathe.”)Children learn to think.

Very useful for children's speech development games with pictures with plot development of action,or "stories in pictures", which are often published in children's illustrated magazines. And also pictures-riddles like "What changed?", "Find the Differences".

Educational games can be short-term or longer (10-15 min.), can be planned in advance, or can arise spontaneously, the teacher must have a sense of "moment".

In order for children to learn to ask questions correctly, as well as to correctly use definitions and adjectives with nouns, we use the following games like: “Guess what it is?”-children name objects based on the adult’s description (kind of a riddle);a game "Make a wish on an object"- the child makes a guess about an object and describes all its signs, what it is, what it is made of, the children guess; game "Not really"-the presenter thinks of a word, for example, kitten, the children ask questions, trying to guess what it is (e.g., is it alive, meows, eats carrots, is it fluffy? etc.).The presenter has the right to answer only "Yes" or "No".Direct questions “Is this a kitten?” not allowed.

For development of coherent speech using funny games. For example, I say children: “Today a bear came to you instead of a teacher, listen to him! The role of the bear is played by a child. He doesn't know how to put on a coat, a hat, or doesn't know how to eat at the table. It does everything the other way around. The children tell him how to do it. A game - "reification"-living things are endowed with the properties of non-living things. For example, I say children: “Imagine that you are icicle people, made of ice. Sasha T. Speaks: "Then I'll live in a refrigerator".Katya S. Corrects: “We need to build a big refrigerator-house. Kate continues: “If we eat snow with sugar, we’ll get ice cream.”. A game "Snowball"-children learn to come up with adjectives and definitions for nouns. The guys stand in a circle, the leader names the word, the next player repeats the word and names other words related to it in meaning. The word grows with new words like a snowball. The one wins, after which no one else can add.

In Game "Beast, Bird, Tale" children come up with fables and practice coming up with the names of animals and birds. Children stand in a circle. Everyone says in unison "beast, bird, fable", repeat several times and clap your hands. The presenter suddenly speaks "stop" and indicates any player. If the game is interrupted at a word "beast", the child names an animal in words "bird"-bird, in words "fable" invents something that doesn't happen (a crocodile flies, a pussy sits on a birch, etc.) You cannot repeat what has been said before.

In a riddle game with pantomime “Where have you been, what have you seen?” children, standing in a circle, agree on what they will portray in pantomime (eating, flying on an airplane, sewing, knitting, putting on a hat, swimming, etc.). One child stands in turning away(do not spy or eavesdrop) When the children call him, he comes up, greets the children and asks: “Where have you been, what have you seen?” Children answer: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”.The child guesses and explains in words where the children were and what they did. In this game, children learn to convey their impressions of various life situations through coherent speech and expressive movements.

For development of coherent speech in children I use a method called writing fairy tales. To do this, we use different techniques, for example, flannel or carpet and a set of pictures based on fairy tales. So, taking a set of pictures for a fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut",brothers Dima B. and Seryozha B. composed a new fairy tale: “The dog met a bear, then they went to visit the bunny, and the bunny already had a cockerel as a guest. The bunny called him to cut his grass for the winter.” All the children really liked the new fairy tale. I also encourage children draw funny pictures of confusion and explain their contents, compose fairy tales from blots. When composing stories and fairy tales, we use the game "Track".It is also called a mnemonic track. Mnemonics are a set of techniques that facilitate memorization. Each child receives a set of geometric shapes. I tell a fairy tale, for example, "Kolobok".Which -

Some words are conventionally denoted by a figure. “The woman swept the barn with a broom, according to the

I scraped the seeds, picked up a handful of flour” - put a triangle on the table. “I kneaded the dough and made a bun”- lay out a circle. "I put it in the oven"-rectangle. “The bun was baked, we put it in the window to cool.”-rhombus. At the end the naughty cat came and scattered "track" from geometric shapes. Children enjoy restoring "track", accompanied by the story of a fairy tale. You can also recite a poem using the scheme.

To work on children’s mastery of complex sentences, we use games"Wizards" or "If I Were a Wizard, President".

For children's speech development I also use a game called “Game of "cards" A deck of 12-20 cards is made, which depict characters from a fairy tale (you can use pictures from magazines, postcards, old tattered books). The actions of fairy-tale characters can be depicted symbolically - schematically with a mnemonic track. Children are given cards and they tell a story based on the cards.

More for development of coherent speech in children In my work, I use children’s writing of small fairy tales and endings to familiar fairy tales. The book by L. B. Fesyukova helps us a lot in solving this problem "Education with a fairy tale".For speech development thinking is an irreplaceable material. Children learn to come up with new endings to fairy tales. For example, in a fairy tale "Spikelet" The children figured out how the little mice Krut and Vert reformed, began to help the cockerel, sowed grains from a spikelet and a field of wheat grew. They built a bakery and began baking bread. Katya M. came up with the idea that they opened their own store and began selling bread to all the animals. Ira K. I doubted it: “But animals don’t have money?” Resourceful Denis A. invented: “And they changed. The squirrel exchanged bread for nuts, hares for carrots and cabbage, and a bear for honey.” Everyone liked the fairy tale. The children started talking so casually that the ideas everyone came out in unimaginable quantities. The particle helps us create new fairy tales "Not", or otherwise we call "periphery" fairy tales. For example, in the same fairy tale "Spikelet": “And the cockerel found... not a spikelet, but what (children suggest, I help choose a more interesting option).Decided: "I found a sunflower seed".Composed further: “We planted a seed in the ground, a sunflower grew, there were a lot of seeds, we made sunflower oil, halva, and kazinaki sweets from them. So a fairy tale "Spikelet" changed in a new direction. If children are at a loss, it is worth giving them an interesting idea, leading questions that push them to think. We also come up with fairy tales about our favorite toy, fairy tales from a rhyme, fairy tales from "alive" drops and blots, a tracing-paper fairy tale (based on a familiar fairy tale, like a pattern, a new fairy tale.

Over time, in the preparatory group, children began to compose their own fairy tales. I wrote down the most interesting ones. I present some of them to your attention.

Yana Ovcharova "Magic Flower" (preg. gr.)

Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. One day he went with his dad to pick mushrooms and berries. They walked through the forest and saw a large oak tree, and nearby there were large beautiful flowers. The bunny has never seen such beautiful flowers. He picked one flower and put it in a basket to give to his mother later. But then a wolf came out from behind the oak tree. The bunny and his dad ran wherever they could. The bunny ran and ran and got lost. Then he saw a squirrel on a tree and asked: “Squirrel, squirrel, you sit high and look far away, help me find my house.” And the squirrel saw his house and told him where to go. The bunny got home, but dad wasn’t there. The bunny and mom thought that dad was eaten by a wolf. And dad, when he was running away from the wolf, fell into a deep hole and could not get out of it. The bunny and mother were very sad. The bunny took a flower from the basket, which he picked near the oak tree and put it in a vase. One petal came off, mom picked it up and at that time I thought: “I wish daddy would come back now”.And as soon as she thought, dad was immediately at home. Then the hare realized that the flower was magical! The flower still has seven petals left. Then mom gave two petals to dad, two to herself, two to the bunny, and they kept one in reserve; they dried it in a book. Mom made a wish wish: so that they have a daughter, so that they have a big beautiful house. Dad wished for: so that he has a car, the second is to go to the sea to relax. Bunny wished for: so that he has many friends and that no one offends him in the forest, neither a wolf nor a fox. All their wishes came true. And they began to live amicably and cheerfully.

Denis Rudakov (preg. gr.)


Once upon a time there lived a turtle boy. His name was Leonardo. A turtle swam out of the water onto the shore, then a crab crawled up to her and wanted to pinch her, but he broke his left claw on her shell, but he was persistent and decided to pinch her paw again, but she hid her head, paws and tail under the shell, and the crab broke its second claw and ran to complain to its mother. And Leonardo the turtle swam into the sea again. There he became friends with a sea urchin. He gave the hedgehog a ride on his back. When the hedgehog got off the turtle, several needles fell from it onto the shell and they stuck. Leonardo became like a hedgehog. only he had few needles. A jellyfish wanted to sting him, but got stuck on needles and swam away, the shark also wanted to grab him, but it also got stung and swam away. Leonardo swam like this for a long time until he grew up, and his needles gradually fell off. Leonardo swam ashore, where he saw Tortilla the turtle. They merried. They had children: boys Donatelo and Raphael and girl Mequilangelo. Their last name was Ninja.

Skubakova Alina (6 years old, preparatory group)

"Naughty Butterflies"

Once upon a time there were two butterflies. Mom did not allow them to fly far from home. But they did not listen to their mother and flew off to look for a flower meadow. They flew and flew and got lost. They met the Elephant and asked if he knew where the flower meadow was, but the elephant did not know. Then they met a bee, the bee knew and showed them the way. They made friends with the bee. The little bee invited them to visit her. They agreed, but when they entered her hive, one butterfly stuck to the honey and began to cry. Another butterfly and a bee, no matter how hard they tried, could not get her out of there. Another butterfly flew to call for help. She saw the Elephant again and asked him to help. The elephant blew with his trunk and pulled the butterfly out of the honey, but this caused its wing to crumple a little and it could not fly. Then the Elephant put her on his back and walked the butterflies home. The butterflies said Elephant: "Thank you", and from then on they always obeyed their mother, lived, prospered and made good.

"The Adventures of Chippolino and Kolobok"

Borisov Vanya (6 years old, preparatory group)

Kolobok was rolling along the path and met Cippolino. They became friends. Then they decided to do

own houses. Kolobok made himself a house out of butter, and Cippolino made himself out of onions. And when someone came to visit Chippolino, he began to sneeze, and the one who came to Kolobok smeared himself in oil. One day Kolobok was rolling and walking and met a wolf, the wolf wanted to eat him. Then Kolobok screamed and called Cippolino for help. Chippolino immediately came running and threw his onion right in the wolf’s eyes. The wolf wrinkled his face and ran away. One day Cippolino and Kolobok were hungry, but a fairy sorceress lived not far from them, she decided to help them. The fairy made it rain sausages. Kolobok and Cippolino ate enough sausages, but there were still so many of them! Then they sold all the sausages and bought themselves a machine for making chocolate. They made a TV, a house, and everything, everything out of chocolate... They began to eat chocolate and ate everything. Then they decided to swap bodies, the Fairy helped them. And then Kolobok became a man, and Chippolino became a bow. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened.

Lizina Masha (6 years old, preparatory group)

"Three Magic Houses"

Baba Yaga lived in the forest. She had a black house, it was dirty and evil. There were two more magical houses in the forest, one gray one, it was also dusty, but it was so average, there was both good and evil in it) and another house, all white, there was only good in it. Once Baba Yaga went for a walk and came across a white house. Looks, there are beautiful trees growing near the house snowdrops: "Ugh, what disgusting"- said Baba Yaga and spat on the flowers. They immediately dried up. She walked further, there were also various beautiful flowers growing there, she again: “Ugh, what an abomination” Everything in the house was so beautiful and clean, but Baba Yaga didn’t like anything. She ran home angry. Baba Yaga lived with a cat, he was very fat. The cat was sitting by the door, Baba Yaga, out of anger, kicked the door so hard that she hit the cat with the door. The cat seemed to run down the wall. Baba Yaga hit the table with her fist out of anger, the dust rose in a column, Baba Yaga sneezed so much from the dust that all the dirty pots fell on her head. One pan landed directly on Baba Yaga's head, and the other fell on the cat. The cat was offended by Baba Yaga and left home. But Baba Yaga could not remove the saucepan from her head, so she walked around with it on her head instead of a hat for a whole week.

The cat walked and walked and came across a gray house. The cat settled in this house and began to clean everything there and put things in order. Then the gray house turned white and all evil ran away from it.

And Baba Yaga finally took the pan off her head and went to look for the cat. She left the mortar and broom at home, but took the magic ball with her. He rolled through the mountains, and Baba Yaga ran jumping after him. The ball fell into the hole, and Baba Yaga ran away and fell right on top of him. Ball like will scream: “What kind of stone fell on me! Help! Save!”-how he jumps out, how he jumps and rolls down the mountain. He rolled and rolled and ended up in a village with people. And there the girl alone knitted socks from it. If anyone wore those socks, they ran very quickly, faster than athletes, and they could never get lost, the socks always brought them home.

And Baba Yaga got up, grunted, grunted, and went home. Baba Yaga returned to her home and was bored without her cat. She called the geese - swans: “Fly to distant countries, bring me a good mood” There were no geese for a long time, but they flew in and brought Baba Yaga a good mood. She fried it and quickly swallowed it, and cheered up, became kinder and suddenly saw how disgusting her hut was, all dirty. Then she remembered about the white hut and went to look for it, but did not find it. But I found another hut, also white, where the cat lived. Baba Yaga was so happy! She asked the cat for forgiveness and she and the cat began to live together again in his hut. And everyone who happened to come across them was helped.

Every mother wants her baby to learn to speak as soon as possible. Each child develops at his own pace and some will learn to talk earlier, and some later. But parents can always help their child with this difficult skill for him - the ability to speak. How to do this? Of course, with the help of games!

There are many interesting and exciting games for children's speech development.

Pipes and whistles

To start, take simple, basic small pipes or whistles that will be very easy to blow. Try to choose bright, baby-friendly whistles that make pleasant sounds. Just try to blow with your baby one at a time, then you can complicate the task and blow several times, and then try to whistle some simple melody.

Who is longer or louder

Choose a sound, such as “a” or “u,” and compete to see which of you can hold it out longer or louder. The child will undoubtedly like this game, it will train his speech apparatus and will help him learn letters in the future.


Take one of your baby's favorite toys, such as a teddy bear or doll, and offer to give him a tour of the house. Let the child, as best he can, show and tell the toy where he sleeps, where he eats and where he plays. You can speak for the toy, ask questions on its behalf. This game develops not only speech, but also teaches the child to navigate well in space, remember the names of household objects and actions.

As the animals say

You can take cards with pictures of animals or toy animal figures. Tell your child if he doesn’t yet know what sounds this or that animal makes. For example, a pig grunts - oink-oink, a goat bleats - bee-bee. When your baby has already learned how each animal speaks, you can simply show him a card or figurine, and let him pronounce the sound of this animal. This game greatly promotes speech development and allows you to introduce your baby to the animal world.


Find or come up with small poems, something like: “Geese, geese - ha-ha-ha, if you want to eat - yes-yes-yes.” Read them to your baby loudly and with expression, and ask him to repeat the last repeated syllables after you. This game trains speech well and also develops the skills of correct pronunciation of words.

Quiet conversations

Conversations in a whisper greatly contribute to the development of speech and hearing. So offer your child this game - putting the toy to sleep. Let him take his favorite bear, bunny or doll, sing him a lullaby as best he can, of course, and put him to sleep in his crib. Tell your baby that from now on, while the toy is sleeping, you will talk in a whisper so as not to wake it up. You can ask the baby any questions, just chat about this and that, but be sure to quietly. After a while, when the toy “wakes up”, you can start talking loudly.

Finish your words after me

Choose 10-15 easy words that your baby already knows. And invite him to finish every word for you. For example, you say “I-blo...”, and the baby finishes the word “...ko” for you. If it is still difficult for a child to pronounce such words without seeing objects, then you can show them to him, or arm yourself with pictures. This game develops speech well, and also trains attention and memory.

Repeat after me

If the baby is already able to pronounce small sentences, then you can use small rhymes and nursery rhymes. For example, “The sun is setting, Masha is going to bed.” Ask your child to repeat the entire line after you. This way you will learn new words, train your speech apparatus and, over time, learn to memorize entire poems.

Let's talk on the phone

All kids are drawn to phones. And even if the child is not talkative at all, you can easily chat him up, armed with a telephone handset. You can use a toy phone or a real one, but it's best to turn it off while playing. Sitting opposite each other, you pretend that you are calling your child, and let him answer you. You can ask any questions, and if nothing comes to mind, then remember Chukovsky’s fairy tale “My phone rang.” Then you can switch roles and let the baby “call” you.

I hope you enjoyed these games for children's speech development.
Write below in the comments.


"Who will be who (what)?"

The good thing about the game is that you can play with a group or alone with your child anywhere. Ask each other questions, make sure that the child, when answering the question, correctly declines the nouns.

Who will be who:
- egg - can be a chick, crocodile, turtle, snake.)
- chicken - rooster;
- boy - man;
- calf - cow or bull - paper - book
- snow - water
- water - ice
- seed - flower
- flour - pancakes

"Who was who?"

Horse - foal
- flower - seed

"A bird is not a bird"

A fun game for attention and knowledge of birds.
An adult reads poems. The children's task is to listen carefully and, if a word is heard that does not mean a bird, give a signal - stomp or clap. Be sure to ask your child what is wrong. Specify: “Who is the fly?”

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.,
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
swans, martens,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Seagulls and walruses
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jays and snakes.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Seagulls, pelicans,
T-shirts and eagles.
Pigeons, tits,
Herons, nightingales,
Perches and sparrows.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Ducks, geese, owls,
Swallows, cows.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Sticks and swifts,
Butterflies, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
even Scops Owls,
swans and ducks -
and thanks for the joke!

With the help of this simple game with elements of competition, you can work with your child to expand his vocabulary and develop speech in general.

The players stand next to each other and agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And they discuss the topic of steps. For example, "Polite words." Each child can take a step just by saying some polite word. We give a minute to think and “Start!”

Other themes: “Everything is round”, “everything is hot”, “everything is wet”. "Kind words for mom." "Words of comfort", etc. Option: Children stand in pairs opposite each other and take steps towards each other. The conditions of the game are the same: a step can be taken only by saying the right word.

"Attention wanted!"

This game is played by at least 5 people. Otherwise it's not interesting. The presenter says: I'm looking for a friend (friend). She has blue eyes, dark long hair, loves cats and hates milk.

The one who first guesses which child we are talking about becomes the leader.
When playing with young children, it is allowed to describe clothes.

Playing with pictures.

This game develops attention, intelligence, and teaches children to express their thoughts coherently. Introduces the classification of objects according to various criteria.

For this game you will need paintings or book illustrations. Landscapes are not suitable here. It is better to use genre painting and large illustrations for children's books.

The meaning of the game: One of the players makes a guess about some detail of the image. The other player, asking leading questions, must guess what was planned.

With children 3-4 years old, wish for whole objects (bunny, ball, cloud...)
With children over 5 years old, complicate the task - a hare's ear, a button on a dress, an apple on the table.

Examples of questions that 3-4 year olds should use:
Example: Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”. There is a wish for a frog in the river.
- Is it at the top of the picture? At the bottom?
- Is it living or non-living?
- What colour?

Questions that children aged 5-7 years should use.
Example: Illustration for A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya”. The reeds are hidden by the river.
- Does this relate to nature?
- Does this apply to living (inanimate) nature?
- Is it hard?
- Is this a plant?
- High?
- Tree?
- Grass?

In order for children to learn to ask questions correctly, give them the opportunity to make a guess about some object themselves, and you guess by asking as many questions as possible. This will show you how to write questions.

"Lived once..."

A game to develop thinking, ingenuity, and consolidate knowledge about the world around us. You can play alone with a child or a group, asking questions in turns.

It will take a long time to explain the meaning of the game - I’ll just give examples.

For smaller children the questions are simple, for older children they are more difficult - decide for yourself the “degree of difficulty”.

An adult asks the question “Once upon a time there was a chicken, what happened to it?” - “He became a cockerel.”
“Once upon a time there was a cloud, what happened to it then?” - "The rain poured out of it"
“Once upon a time there was a stream, what happened to it?” - “Frozen in winter”, “Dry in the heat”.
“Once upon a time there was a seed, what happened to it later?” - "A flower grew from it"
“Once upon a time there was a piece of clay, what happened to it later?” - “They made a brick (vase...) from it.

"Third wheel"

In this game, children learn to classify objects according to the characteristics specified in the conditions.

For children 3-5 years old the conditions are simpler.

For example: An adult says three words - owl, crow, fox. The child must quickly analyze these three words in his mind and determine that all three words relate to living nature, however, the owl and the crow are birds, but the fox is not. Therefore, the fox is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:
- milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But they drink milk and juice and eat bread.
- car, horse, tram;
- hat, scarf, boots;
- rose, birch, Christmas tree.

For children 5-7 years old, the tasks become more complicated:
- rain, snow, river;
- doctor, tourist, driver;
- shadow, sun, planet;
- frost, blizzard, January;
- stone, clay, glass;
- door, carpet, window;
- sea, river, swimming pool.

"Two Circles"

Children are lined up in two circles - outer (large) and inner (3-4 people).

Children from the large circle stand, and from the small circle they walk along with the leading adult and say: “We walk in a circle and take with us... sweets.”

Large circle players must quickly name something sweet, such as sugar. The child who names the object first stands in the inner circle. The game continues (“...we take with us something soft, liquid, sour, hard,” etc.). The last child remaining in the large circle must complete some task as punishment for being slow.

"What happens?"

By playing this game, children will learn to compare, generalize the properties of objects and, finally, understand the meaning of such concepts as height, width, length; classify objects by shape, size, color. First, the adult asks the questions, and the child answers. Then you need to give the child the opportunity to express himself.

- What happens to be tall? (tree, pillar, person, house) Here it is appropriate to ask what is higher - the tree or the house; person or pillar.
- What is long? (short)
- What is wide (narrow)?
- What is round (square)?

A variety of concepts can be included in the game: what is fluffy, soft, hard, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.

"What smells?"

Prepare items with a specific smell - soap, shoe polish, garlic, lemon, etc.
With children under 4 years old, it is worth examining all the objects in advance, discussing what is edible, smelling it together and trying to determine the smell - sour, bitter, sweet, pleasant - unpleasant, edible - inedible.
Then blindfold your child and ask him to identify each item by smell.
For a laugh, you can offer to smell some clothes. For example, dad's socks.

"Who can't do without what"

Helps the child learn to identify essential features. The adult reads a series of words. Of these words, you need to choose only two, the most important ones, without which the main subject cannot do. For example, garden... which words are the most important: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth? What can’t a garden exist without? Can there be a garden without plants? Why?.. Without a gardener... a dog... a fence... land?.. Why?"

Each of the suggested words is analyzed in detail. The main thing is for the child to understand why this or that word is the main, essential feature of a given concept.

Sample tasks:
Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, shaft)
River (shore, fish, fisherman, mud, water)
City (car, building, crowd, street, bicycle)
Game (cards, players, fines, penalties, rules)
Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)
War (plane, guns, battles, guns, soldiers)
School (teacher, students, tables, chairs, books, notebooks)
Second option. We name the words and ask: what cannot exist without this object, for what or who is it most important?
For example: water, wire, pencil, glass, brick.

"Living - nonliving"

We introduce the child to the concepts of “animate” and “inanimate”.
First, we explain that we call all living objects “WHO” and non-living objects “WHAT”. Here are some examples.
Then we play questions and answers. You can use books with story pictures.
What's growing? Who's growing?
Who's flying? What flies?
Who's swimming? What floats?
Who's the biggest? What's the biggest?

"What's outside, what's inside?"

The adult names a couple of objects, and the child says what can be outside and what can be inside. Home - closet; book - cabinet; purse; wallet-money; pan - porridge; aquarium - fish; booth - dog; hole - fox.
Then switch roles - let the child think of pairs of words.

"Who is this?" getting to know the professions

For the game, it is good to have cards depicting people of different professions and tools.

Option 1:
We ask questions: who treats the sick? Who teaches children at school? Who's cooking lunch? Who works on the tractor? Who delivers letters and newspapers? Who sews the dress?

Option 2: Questions: what does a janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does an electrician do? What does the teacher do? What does the driver do? What does a painter do? What does a hairdresser do?
Option 3. We come up with riddles. For example: this person works outside, he has a broom and a shovel.
Option 4. “Who needs what?” What does the postman need? What does a hairdresser need? And vice versa: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

Let's make up a story.

The adult reads the sentences, the children insert the subject, predicate, explanatory words, etc. The stories of Suteev and Bianki can be taken as a basis.

For example: “She sat on the threshold and meowed pitifully... (who?). The cat sat in front of a cup of milk and greedily... (what was it doing?). The cat caught... (who?) in the garden. The cat has fur... (what?), claws... (what?). The cat was lying with kittens... (where?). The kittens were playing with a ball... (how?).

Distribution of proposals.

An adult says: “The gardener waters... (what? where? when? why?). Children go... (where? Why?), etc. We must pay attention to the correct construction of sentences.

Compose a sentence with several given words.

An exercise recommended by L.N. Tolstoy and used by him at the Yasnaya Polyana school: three or four words are given, for example, dog, old man, get scared. Children must insert them into a sentence. New words and concepts are gradually acquired by children from the general meaning of speech. This entirely and unconditionally refers to abstract, general concepts.

Add proposal.

Ask the child to complete the sentences: “The children water the flowers in the flower beds because...” “There is not a single leaf left on the trees because...” “In winter the bear sleeps because...” etc.

Guess the object by its parts.

This game can be played in two versions.

The first option is using cards with pictures. Participants in the game are given cards depicting various objects - furniture, vegetables, animals, vehicles, etc. The child, without showing his card to other players and without saying what exactly is drawn, names the parts of the object. The one who first guesses what is being said takes the card for himself and gets one point. The second option is without cards. The meaning of the game remains the same. This option is good because you can play together with your child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line to see the doctor, etc.

Four legs, back, seat.
Numbers, arrows.
Letters, pictures, sheets.
Trunk, branches, leaves.
Root, stem, leaves, petals.
Screen, buttons, electrical cord, remote control.
Spout, handle, lid, electrical cord.
Paws, tail, collar.
Paws, tail, trunk.
Does everything seem too simple at first glance? But in fact, not all children can describe objects. Try it!

Guess the item from the description.

The game conditions are the same as in the previous one. But the task here is more difficult. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of objects, but also to correctly agree on the genders of adjectives and nouns, as well as to know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, domestic and wild animals, etc.
A wild animal, lives in the forest, large, shaggy, loves honey.
A wild animal, cunning, red, with a fluffy tail.
An insect with colorful wings that looks like a flower.
Transport, large, heavy, with wings and a tail.
The vegetable is red, round, and is put in salads and borscht.
Sweet, small, in beautiful paper.

In this article:

The process of children's speech development needs to be given attention from the very first days of life. At first, just communication will be enough, but over time you can add games, reading, and listening to children's songs. What games can you play with kids to develop their speech? More on this below.

At first, you can expand the baby’s passive vocabulary by using words in games that are the names of phenomena, objects, and actions that are familiar to the baby in everyday life.

Album with family photos

Kids take great pleasure in looking at photographs of themselves or people they know. You can play by looking at a photo album together and asking your little one thematic questions - first with nouns, and then with verbs.

It can be questions for children of the following kind: “Where is mom?”, “Where is grandma?”, “Where is dad?” etc.

Based on verbs, you can build questions and requests like: “Find a photo of where you eat,” “Show a photo of where you ride on a swing,” “Show where you swim,” etc.

If your little one has difficulty choosing the right photos, you can first show them to him, and after some time repeat the task to reinforce them.

Body part labeling game

To help kids learn and remember the names of body parts, you can play this game with them. Together with your baby, learn a short poem during which you can show the body parts mentioned in it on yourself, on a child or on toys.

Good fit
To study body parts, play doctor. You can show your baby toys and dolls that will “cry”, complaining about pain and asking for help. During the process, you will be able to say phrases like: “The doll is in pain!”, “Masha’s leg hurts,” “Misha’s arm is broken!” and so on. Hearing these phrases, the baby will have to try to “treat” the toy in the named place.

An excellent game option to stimulate speech development is a quiz. Its principle is quite simple. The child is asked questions and asked to answer them, and as a result he receives a prize. Simple questions, for example, “What do you eat?”, “What do you walk with?” etc.

You can do it with
by a child drawing “life-size”. The baby will have to lie on his back on a large Whatman paper (can be replaced with wallpaper), he is outlined with chalk or a felt-tip pen, after which the nose, eyes, knees, nails, etc. are completed together. It is important that the child draws those parts of the body whose names are mentioned, or names them himself.

Fun with the mirror

Using a mirror can also stimulate children's speech development. You will need
stand together in front of the mirror, and then ask the child to show in the mirror, first, individual parts of his body, and then elements of clothing.

When the baby completes the task, he can be asked to perform a series of actions in front of the mirror, for example, jumping, spinning, squatting. You can also ask the baby to depict different facial expressions and emotions in front of the mirror.

"Who's coming to visit?"

Tell your child that a toy, for example one that fits on your hand, will soon come to visit you. Put the toy on your hand and talk on its behalf to the baby. Let her say hello to the baby, ask how he is doing, and ask him to show her the house. It is necessary to ask questions that will require from the baby, if not an answer, then certain actions. Questions
may be as follows: “Where is your kitchen?”, “Show me what you eat?”, “What does mom use to clean the apartment?” and so on.

Over time, the game can be complicated by asking for the names of certain objects and thus stimulating the speech development of children.

Hide and seek and riddles

Kids enjoy playing hide and seek and solving riddles. You can play on this interest and practice with tasks for speech development. To do this, you will need bright pictures or a variety of objects. The essence of the game comes down to asking your child riddles, the answers to which he will look for
in pictures or among objects.

Riddles can come in several versions. For example, this could be a riddle about an action like “they sleep on this” or “they use this when they eat”, or descriptive riddles that will describe the characteristics and external signs of objects.

You can also play hide and seek with the kids. For example, together with your baby you can look for hidden toys, calling them by name. You can complicate the task for children by asking them to look for toys without help, using gestures and glances.

Speech development games: “Journey”, “Orchestra” and “Farm”

It is possible and necessary to develop a child’s speech at an early age by imitating the speech of adults, inviting him to finish rhymes, nursery rhymes, and finish singing songs.

Great option
for children - a travel game. Developing the scenario, tell your baby that you are going on a trip with the toys, where you will definitely fly on an airplane (imitate the sound of engines), ride a train (again imitating the sound of wheels), ride a horse, then a car and a boat. Don't forget to demonstrate the sounds of each of the vehicles and tell them how much fun you have traveling with them with toys.

When the trip is over, you can tell the baby that the toys brought gifts from the trip, which he must correctly distribute among other toys. By asking leading questions like “What should I give the Bunny?”, “What should I give the Bear?”, you can encourage the baby to answer.

Game "Orchestra"
provides for the use of children's musical instruments on which toys will play. The child will be asked to play the pipe, for example, and then imitate its sound without an instrument, after which he will do the same for each of the toys.

And finally, the game “Farm” involves the construction of a structure from a cardboard box or a construction set. The game script should be based on the fairy tale “Teremok”. In turn, different animals will come to the house, which the baby will have to name.

Game "Who came?"

This version of the game will also help speed up the development of children's speech. In some ways the game is similar to the one mentioned above. For her, you will need toys that will “come to visit” the baby.
The essence of the game will be that he pronounces the names of those toys that came to visit him, greets them, and then says goodbye and offers to come again.

In conclusion, we note that the development of speech in children is accompanied by the active use of gestures and facial expressions. Meanwhile, it is very important not to let the baby stop at this stage. Take advantage of the intentional misunderstanding of the baby’s requests in cases where he tries to replace the words he has mastered out of habit with gestures, and, of course, play with the child, because in the game the development of speech occurs naturally and intensively.

Speech development in preschoolers is a complex process that occurs over several years, beginning in some of its aspects in newborns and expanding into its subtleties at an older age.

Considerable research efforts have been made to determine the age at which speech reaches its most efficient rate of development.

Most often, speech development is described in terms of phoneme acquisition (the characteristic sound elements used to form words and morphemes in a particular language).

Mastery of this type is usually determined by the correct production of the sound (for example, 50%, 75% or 100% correct pronunciation).

75% of children reach completion of language development by age 7 or 8, meaning that all phonemes are produced correctly.

Let us note that speech and speech development is actually a rather complex phenomenon.

It is difficult to agree with this statement, since a person uses speech with ease; people pronounce words and phrases for a long time without signs of fatigue or tension.

An experienced speaker can easily produce 7 to 8 syllables per second, with each syllable typically consisting of 2 or more phonemes (which amounts to a range of 14 to 20 phonemes per second).

Each phoneme has its own spatiotemporal characteristics, and this further complicates the task of speech development.

Before a child says his first word, he develops passive phonetic skills. He learns to pay attention to the speech of others, to understand some phrases addressed to him.

The first sound in children is a cry. Although it is difficult to classify a cry as a full-fledged speech manifestation, it is true. Even children who are deaf produce screams in their speech. This, unfortunately, is the reason why speech defects in a child go unnoticed for a long time.

No one teaches screaming as a means of speech; it is produced involuntarily in children. In its phonetic sound, the cry is close to the sounds a, e, i.

Then the consonant sounds m, k, b and some others are added.

In the first months, babies begin to babble. The kids seem to play with sounds and listen to them. They like it.

At an older age, children begin to combine sounds into syllables in their speech, and become even more interested in this process. They notice that if no one particularly responds to simple sounds, but to syllables pronounced from several sounds, all kinds of caresses and hugs come from all sides. Children really like this, and they begin to use this method of receiving attention.

This is how children develop pronunciation skills. The child's constant attempts to pronounce sounds lead to the strengthening of the vocal apparatus. And now children can begin to speak. Words, short phrases.

Every year, children's vocabulary expands and their phrases become more complex. Through imitation, children begin to use their speech correctly intonationally and grammatically.

However, children need to be engaged. Speech development of children is a very important step in becoming a literate person.

In addition to games, various articulation exercises are suitable for developing speech in children.

And since children love to learn through play activities, they need to use different play moments to develop speech.

Game "Find the odd one out"

Any number of children can take part in this game. The only thing you need is a stock of series of words.

For example:

  • Thin, skinny, round, thin;
  • Tall, mean, long, short;
  • Brave, fat, courageous, daring;
  • Soap, toothbrush, shampoo, cucumber;
  • Birch, mug, pine, aspen;
  • Boy, book, girl, uncle;
  • Second, minute, ladle, hour;
  • Car, cucumber, potato, tomato;
  • Beautiful, lovely, green, charming;
  • Bicycle, car, ice cream, tram.

Game "Long Tail"

A very interesting game that will not only allow children to have fun, but also teach them to cooperate in solving complex problems.

Each participant needs to be given pictures with different animals. It is very important that these animals have hostas of different lengths. Then, at the command of the leader, the children line up as quickly as possible. Whoever has the longest tail stands up first and then everyone stands in descending order of tail length.

If there are a lot of children in the group, then playing becomes even more interesting. Thanks to the participation of two teams, a competitive effect can be introduced into the event. Each participating team must line up correctly, and the one that does it the fastest wins.

The little ones can also be involved in the process. For example, let them find the one with the longest (short) tail out of all the animals. Or have them just name the animals in order based on the length of their tail.

Game "Guess what it sounds like"

For this game: bell, hammer, drum and screen.

To begin with, the teacher shows the kids each of the objects, names it and asks the children to say the name. When the children remember the name of each of the objects, the teacher shows how they sound.

Then he hides behind a screen with these toys and begins to reproduce their sounds so that no one can see which object is their source. For example, he knocks on the table with a hammer and asks: “What object makes a sound?”

When children answer correctly, repeat the same process with each toy. It is very important that children not only learn what sounds, but also clearly and correctly pronounce the names of objects.

Game "Wonderful bag"»

For this game you will need visual material: small animal toys (baby elephant, gosling, chicken, duckling, tiger cub, frog, pig, kitten, etc.), as well as a bag.

Place all these toys in a bag. Holding a bag in his hands, the teacher approaches a group of children and says: “Dear children!

This magic bag contains many interesting toys!” Then he approaches some child and asks him to take out one of the toys and name it loudly. What to do if a child cannot remember the name of an object?

In this case, you need to friendly help him remember or suggest the correct answer.

As a result, we need to ensure that every child can easily name every toy that comes his way: without prompts or additional help.

Thus, in an interesting playful way, children learn to associate individual words with objects and understand that each thing has its own name. This will also help them remember many new words even at a very early age.

Game "Shop"»

For this game you will need toys whose names include the letters p - p, m - m, b - b. For example: rooster, tomato, bear, mouse, Pinocchio, drum.

The teacher should place toys on the table and invite the children to play together. “I’m a seller!” he says and asks: “Who am I?” Waiting for an answer. “And you are buyers! So, who will you be? Waiting for an answer. “What does the seller do?” - “Sells toys.” “What do buyers do?” - “They are buying toys!”

Then the teacher must show all the toys that can be bought from him. You need to ask the children to name each of them correctly.

Then the teacher invites one of the children to the table and asks what toy he wants to buy. Let's say the child chose a bear.

The teacher says that he will sell him a bear if he fulfills two conditions:

  • firstly, he must name “bear”, correctly pronouncing each letter in the word;
  • secondly, the child must politely ask for the bear, emphasizing the word “please” in his voice.

When the child fulfills these conditions and politely asks for the bear, pronouncing its name correctly, the teacher gives him this toy and asks why he needs it. When the child answers, he can be sent to sit down.

Thus, you can invite all the children in turn until the toys on the table run out.

Game "Tell me how I am"»

A very important task in developing the speech of preschool children is to teach them to speak quietly, loudly and in a whisper, and also to develop their perception of the degree of loudness by ear.

The game conditions are very simple. Children sit in a semicircle around the teacher and behave quietly. The teacher explains that now he will pronounce different words. Moreover, he warns them that he will pronounce some words very loudly, others quietly, and others in a whisper.

The kids’ task is to listen carefully to what the teacher says and repeat the words after him at the same volume level. It is very important that children pronounce these words clearly, pronouncing each sound correctly.

The teacher will first choose words that are easy to pronounce. This will allow children to more easily understand the rules of the game and quickly join the process itself. Then, when it becomes clear that the game is not very difficult for children, it is important to use words that some children have difficulty pronouncing.

Thus, not only the child’s auditory perception is formed, but also his ability to adequately select the volume level of a conversation that matches the surrounding environment. This will also allow you to practice pronunciation of particularly difficult words and sounds in a fun way.

Game "A Walk in the Woods"

For this game you will need toys whose names contain the sounds s - s, z - z, ts. For example, elephant, hare, heron. It's good if there are a lot of toys.

The teacher places all the toys on the table so that they are visible to every child. Then have the teacher ask the children to name each of the toys on display. Then the teacher shows a place that is conventionally a forest.

There are three edges in the forest: for toys with the letter c, for toys with the letter z and for toys with the letter c. If the name of a toy contains more than one such letter, then let the children decide for themselves which edge of the forest the toy should be taken to.

A car is provided to transport toys. Each child takes turns coming to the table, choosing the toy he likes and calling it clearly and loudly. Then he must put the toy on the car, take it to the desired edge of the forest and return the car to its place.

In this way, children’s speech develops in a playful way. They remember new words, learn to group objects by their names, and learn to clearly pronounce complex sounds.

Game "Can I drive or not"

For this game you will need the following visual materials: a box with illustrations. Each picture shows vehicles that have the letter “c” in their name, as well as other objects with the same letter: airplane, scooter, sled, bus, table, etc.

The game conditions are very simple. Each child takes turns approaching the box, taking an object out of it and clearly pronouncing its name. An important condition: children must correctly pronounce the sounds s - s in words.

In order to make the game more interesting, the child must also guess whether it is possible to ride the object he took out.

In this way, children’s speech develops: they learn new words and their meanings, learn to combine different objects into groups according to their purpose, and also practice the correct pronunciation of sounds s – s’.

Game "Highlight the word"

This game does not require the use of any visual aids, toys or objects. All you have to do is just get together and start playing.

The teacher explains that he will now pronounce different words. In some of them there will be a “mosquito song” (sound), in others - a water song (sound). If one of these sounds is pronounced, the children should clap their hands.

The game should be played in two stages: joint and individual. It's better to play in a group first. This will allow children to quickly learn the rules of the game and get involved in the gameplay.

Then, when each child can easily cope with the task, you need to begin the individual stage.

The teacher calls on those children who have difficulty pronouncing the sounds z and s.

Game “Choose similar words”

This game does not require the use of any visual aids. It is only important to get together and start the gameplay.

First, the teacher explains the rules of the game and demonstrates how it is done. He names a word, and then selects and names another word that sounds similar to the first.

For example, the word “cat” would go well with “spoon”. And for the word “ears,” a suitable pair would be the word “pillows.”

Then the teacher invites the children to take part in this game. He names familiar simple words and encourages preschoolers to choose pairs that sound similar.

If children have difficulties, the teacher can give simple tips.
It is important to ensure that children choose the words correctly and say them clearly, loudly and clearly.

Game “Guess where the mugs are and where the mugs are”

For this game you will need two children's mugs and a couple of circles.

First, the teacher shows the kids “circles”, calls this word out loud and asks the children to repeat. Then he shows them “circles”, also says it loudly and asks the children to repeat.

The process can be repeated until preschoolers have mastered these two words.

Then the teacher places each mug on a circle and asks the children what is on top and what is below. Having waited for the correct answer, the teacher places a circle on each mug and again asks the question, what is on top and what is below. Continue the game until everyone can easily complete the task.

It is important to ensure that children not only indicate without errors which object is located where, but also clearly pronounce words with the correct use of stress.
Game "Take a toy"

For this game you will need any items whose names contain three or four syllables. For example, crocodile, Thumbelina, Cheburashka, Pinocchio.

The game is very similar to a deaf phone, but has some features. Children are seated in a semicircle.

All the toys are laid out on the table. The presenter whispers the name of one of the toys into the ear of the nearest baby. He whispers this name to the nearest child.

So, the word is passed from one to another until the last child hears it.

He must get up and find the toy whose name he heard. Then he takes the toy in his hands, shows it to everyone and calls it loudly.

The teacher’s task is to monitor the distinct and clear pronunciation of all words that children whisper.

Game “Hear and say the right word”

The purpose of this game is to help children develop auditory and phonemic awareness.

It is very important that children already at preschool age are able to hear and pronounce given sounds.

Additional visual material for the game is not required: you just need to gather the children next to the teacher.
The teacher explains that now he will read out interesting children's poems.

There are words in these verses that contain the sound “S” in their pronunciation. As soon as the children hear such a word, they should pronounce this word loudly and clearly in chorus. The teacher reads the verse slowly, so that it is not difficult for the children to catch the sound of each individual word.

Then you can repeat this exercise, choosing different letters. Particular attention should be paid to those letters whose pronunciation is not easy for some children.

Who is the best listener?

2 children take part in the game. The rest are also present and carefully observe the progress of the process. Their role will be described below.

Two competitors stand with their backs to each other, so that the watching children see them both from the side. Let's say one child's name is Sasha, and the other is Masha.

The teacher explains that now he will name the words. Some words contain the letter "sh". And if this sound is heard, then Sasha must raise his hand. Other words have a "w" sound.

If it sounds, then Masha should raise her hand. If the word does not contain these two letters, then no one raises their hand.

Think, don't rush

This game not only develops speech, but also allows you to use children’s thinking abilities at the maximum level, which contributes to their overall mental development and intelligence.

The teacher offers the children to solve several interesting tasks.

  1. Name a word whose first letter is the same as the last letter of the word “karapuz”;
  2. Name a bird whose name contains the same sound as the last sound in the word “sob”;
  3. Name a word whose first letter is “k” and the last letter is “sh”;
  4. What word will you get if you add just one sound to the letter combination “but”?
  5. Come up with a sentence in which each word begins with the letter “m”;
  6. Find all the objects in this room that have the sound “u” in their names.

Game “Name the last sound in the word”

This game will require additional visual material.

You need to select pictures with different objects, animals, etc.

The teacher shows a group of children one picture and asks what is shown on it. After the correct answer has been received, you need to ask the children to name the last sound in this word.

At the same time, the teacher carefully monitors the correct pronunciation of sounds. It is especially important that children be able to pronounce both hard and soft consonants. For example, in the word door the last sound is “ry”, not “r”.

After all the pictures have been reviewed, the teacher asks the children to put them in two different piles. One pile contains pictures with the last soft sound. And the second stack with the last hard sound.

Game "First Sound"

To play you will need any objects, toys or cards with the image of something.

The teacher shows an object and asks the children to loudly pronounce the name of this object in chorus. Then you need to ask the children to pronounce the first sound with which the name of the object or toy begins.

In order to diversify the gameplay, you can also ask the children to take turns saying the first sound of the name of the person standing or sitting next to them.

It is important to ensure that sounds are pronounced clearly and correctly. For example, in the word “Vadik” the first sound sounds like “v” and not “ve”.

Game "Avalanche of Words"

This game will help develop not only the child’s speech, but also his memory, attention, ability to group objects and interact with other children.

The teacher explains to the children that now they will play the game “Avalanche of Words.”

The adult starts the game. He says the phrase “I put apples in the basket...”. And one of the children must continue this sentence by saying another word.

Only this word should denote an object that, in meaning, goes well with the first one.

For example, any other fruit goes well with the word “apples”: lemons, oranges, grapes, etc. But the word tractor or something like that won’t do at all.