How to think positively when everything is bad. How to think positively, or one view on positive thinking

How to learn to think positively? Six pitfalls on the path of development.

Tags: Positive thinking

A person who strives to develop positive thinking may encounter many traps, obstacles and pitfalls along his path. Therefore, if you are wondering how to learn to think positively, I recommend that you read this article. This will help you avoid possible difficulties. After all, if forewarned means forearmed!

It is worth saying that most often people fail to learn to think positively when they do not understand the essence of this ability well enough. That is why in my previous article I described in detail the signs of positive thinking.

In today's material we will continue this topic, but from a slightly different angle. I will partially repeat what was already said in the previous article, but in different words and with other examples. I repeat myself on purpose. I really want you to clearly understand for yourself what mistakes you should avoid and in what direction you need to move when you begin practical exercises to develop positive thinking.
So, let's move on to possible pitfalls.

Trap #1. Trying to use willpower to force yourself to think positively.
Example. Nikolai is in the process of looking for a job, and an inner voice constantly whispers to him: “You are a loser and you are nothing of yourself. You won’t be able to find a normal job.” But our Nikolai strives to think positively, so he constantly repeats to himself, like a mantra: “I am a successful professional, I have enough abilities and opportunities to find a good job.” And here’s the question: will repeating such a mantra make the inner voice quiet? Will he stop repeating his opinion? No! At some point, Nikolai may discover that his desire to think positively does not lead to anything.

Another possible scenario is the following. For a while, Nikolai may be able to drown out his negative thoughts by completely focusing on his goal, actively instilling in himself the idea of ​​his own success. It may even help him get a good job. But what next? As soon as Nikolai relaxes, his inner voice will again become more active, throwing up, for example, the following thoughts: “You, of course, got a good job, but this is some kind of accident. You are not in the right place, so you may well be fired.”

So, trying to fight your negative thoughts, trying to suppress them in most cases turns out to be a rather futile task. It either leads to nothing, or negative thoughts may disappear for a while, then appearing again at the first opportunity. It turns out that a person is in constant tension, a constant struggle with himself.

What to do with negative thoughts? How can you change them to positive ones if you can’t do it with willpower? I will definitely write about this. Stay tuned for updates on my website!

Trap #2. Not using the beneficial function of negative thoughts.
A negative thought can do more than just harm. Often it also helps its owner in some way, although he does not even suspect it. Surprised? Let's look at this with an example.

Suppose that Mary often has negative thoughts of the following type: “People cannot be trusted.” And she lives with such thoughts, not letting anyone get close to her, treating everyone she meets with suspicion and rejection. But at some point, Maria begins to understand that her loneliness, from which she, by the way, suffers greatly, is connected with her negative way of thinking. Therefore, Maria decides that it is time to change, and tries to instill in herself a positive thought: “I trust people.”

We have already talked about the fact that simply by force of will, replacing a negative thought with a positive one will not work. But suppose that Mary managed to drown out her negative thoughts for a while. What's the result? The following development of events is very likely. Maria begins to trust everyone indiscriminately, and eventually faces the fact that she is being deceived.

That is, a negative thought protected Mary from deception by other people, and this was its useful function. The ability to check which people are worthy of trust and which are not is an entire art that a person learns as he gains experience. Maria does not have such a skill. She never had the incentive to develop it, since total distrust completely protected her.

It is worth saying that almost any negative thought has its own useful function. In fact, this is one of the reasons why it can be so difficult to influence negative thinking. Our psyche is structured very wisely and prevents a rude attempt to forcefully tear out of our consciousness those thoughts that are somehow useful to it.

There will be a separate article on how to learn to see the benefit hidden in negative thoughts and extract it, while transforming thoughts into positive ones.

Trap #3. Failure to see objective difficulties.
Suppose I decided to swim across the Bering Strait. About this, I may have thoughts: “You're crazy! You will not make it! Do not even try!"

These kinds of thoughts are easy to confuse with negative ones. I can decide: my thoughts limit me, deprive me of self-confidence! Therefore, I will reformulate them in a positive, as it seems to me, way and will constantly repeat it like a mantra: “I am full of strength and energy. I can easily and naturally swim across the Bering Strait, getting incredible pleasure from such a boat trip.” And I won’t pay any attention to the idea that you shouldn’t try to overcome 86 km if you can only swim like a dog.

My example is exaggerated, with obviously stupid logic. But life often presents us with situations where everything is not so obvious. And then it is very important not to break away from reality and be able to distinguish negative thoughts from objectively existing difficulties.

Trap #4. Belief in magical changes without any personal effort.
Suppose I gave up the idea of ​​conquering the Bering Strait and decided that first I should learn to swim. And here I am sitting on the sofa in the lotus position, tuning in to the positive and repeating to myself like a mantra: “I swim great! I feel like a fish in the water! I can easily and naturally swim any distance!” Of course, if I sign up for the pool and go to training regularly, my attitude will help me. But the problem is that very often people for some reason think that it is not necessary to go to the pool, it is enough to repeat the mantra.

I judge this from information that can be found on the Internet. You just have to search a little and you will see a huge number of meditations and affirmations for attracting happiness, love, money, etc. Let me give you a clear example. On one site, of which there are thousands, I found the following affirmations for attracting money:
. Money flows to me easily.
. I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.
. My income is growing all the time.
It is believed that if you introduce these statements into your consciousness, money will flow to you like a river. I can even partially agree with this. But only partially! After all, in order to attract wealth into your life, you also need to do something else. Of course, there are situations with winning the lottery, but I don’t think it’s far-sighted to rely only on them. Moreover, even to win the lottery you need to take action and buy a ticket.

Why do positive thoughts affect reality? Because they are able to:
. change the internal state;
. inspire action;
. help new ideas be born;
. help to see new ways in the situation that were not visible until now.
And through such changes, positive thoughts change our reality.

Many people believe that positive thoughts can attract desired events into our lives. I also believe in this, because from my own experience I have seen many times how, for completely inexplicable reasons, life events suddenly develop in the most successful way, if you set yourself up correctly. However, even with a successful combination of circumstances, much depends on ourselves: it is important to see the opportunities that arise in time, to react correctly to the situation, to use the chances that we have.

It is very important not to expect that changing your way of thinking will magically change something in your life, but to observe and track what internal transformations occur in connection with changes in thinking. If you are going in the right direction and doing everything right, then such transformations will definitely occur: your inner mood, emotions, behavior, perception of the situation, etc. may change. If you have been trying to change the way you think for a long time, and at the same time you do not feel any visible internal changes, you should not expect changes in external reality. Better think about whether you are moving in the right direction. It may be worth changing something in your tactics.

Trap #5. Using positive thinking to achieve empty goals.
I really like the quote by M. Bulgakov: “Be careful with your desires - they tend to come true.” Think back to yourself a few years ago. Remember what you dreamed about, what you wanted. Does everything that seemed important to you then still have value today?

Often people strive for something that actually does not have much value for them. At the same time, focusing on achieving your goal, there is a risk of ceasing to see many other opportunities for applying your strength and energy, other paths you can take.

To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, ask yourself the following questions more often. What do I really want? Will achieving my goal bring me happiness? What other paths could I have taken? Why did I choose this particular path?
These are the questions you can ask yourself right now. But in general, the topic of recognizing your true goals is quite complex, and a separate article will be devoted to it. Stay tuned for updates on my website!

Trap #6. Avoiding your true feelings and emotions.
Such care looks something like this. Suppose a person is very upset about something, and he has serious reasons for this. And so he gets sad, worries, and then suddenly remembers that he needs to think positively. Our hero begins to try his best to cultivate a positive perception of the world, actively instilling in himself the idea that life is beautiful and amazing.

We already discussed a similar example when we dismantled trap No. 1. Therefore, I think you understand the futility of trying to force yourself to think positively. But now I want to draw your attention to one more aspect of such actions.

The fact is that, trying to impose positive thoughts on oneself, a person, among other things, moves away from his true feelings. In the above example, a person moves away from his sadness and tries not to notice it. This is a very dangerous and destructive approach to your emotions, which can only temporarily distract you from tormenting experiences, but in the long term can cause emotional problems. Read about why it is important to treat any emotion with attention and under no circumstances try to get rid of it by force of will.

While reading the article, you probably already realized that not always a thought that at first glance seems positive actually is. The opposite is also true. Not all negative thoughts are actually that negative. Read about how to distinguish a positive thought from a negative one in my next article.

What a person thinks is how he lives. In ancient times it sounded like this: “What is inside is outside. As is below, so is above.” Each person receives exactly as much as he allows himself to have. Everyone lives exactly as he sees it in his head. Negative thoughts can only harm those who scroll them through their heads. Even experienced magicians refuse to cast curses on someone because they understand the effect. Only an ordinary person can study this topic in order to learn to think positively and attract success.

The idea that positive thinking helps in achieving a happy and successful life was once popular. Everyone who has delved into the essence of this mechanism has already achieved their goals. The rest were only disappointed that they were not able to magically realize their desires.

Specialists from the psychological help site want to highlight the most important mistake of those who wanted to achieve their goals through positive thinking, but never did:

  • You need to not only think positively, but also take action to achieve something.

And many people began to think that they could do nothing, but just lie down and scroll through positive thoughts in their heads. This also includes the idea of ​​“reality transurfing” by Zeeland, who also paid more attention to human thinking. So many thought that they could, with the power of thought, influence the world around them, which would change and adapt to their desires.

The mechanism is actually very simple: to achieve success, a person needs to think positively, that is, set himself up for success, encourage, motivate and be sure to act. Goals are not realized without the actions of the person himself. And actions are performed depending on how and what a person thinks. It's that simple.

How to learn to think positively?

Life is not always as bright and wonderful as we would like it to be. Absolutely everyone faces various difficulties and troubles, which naturally cause negative ones. Your mood drops and negative thoughts begin to appear in your head. Here we are talking about a person who became a victim of circumstance. However, there are individuals who do not want to follow the lead of the world around them. They have learned to think positively, which allows them to find the best way out for themselves in any situation.

To learn to think positively, a person must understand that it is he who chooses what thoughts to think. Undoubtedly, scientists say that a person thinks about more than a thousand different thoughts during the day, most of which fly through a person’s head completely unnoticed by consciousness. However, the fact that a person does not pay attention to his thoughts and does not want to control them is his choice.

Positive thinking is the choice of a person who decides to scroll through thoughts of a certain nature in his head. It requires effort, concentration and attention. A person must constantly be in a conscious state in order to promptly identify a flashing thought, be aware of it, understand the meaning and meaning, the reasons for its occurrence, and then change it to other ideas, if necessary.

It is difficult for a person to constantly be in a conscious state. Psychologists say that most of the time a person lives automatically. Thoughts and actions occur automatically, out of habit. And only later, when consequences arise, a person understands what he has done, but many actions can no longer be corrected and forgotten.

For positive thinking, a person must learn not to “sleep”, but to live consciously. He controls what thoughts he thinks. Why is this so important? Thoughts influence the emotions that arise in a person, and emotions, in turn, influence the choice of actions that the individual ultimately performs. The results obtained are evaluated (these are also thoughts), and evaluation again evokes emotions, and emotions - actions, etc.

A person lives in accordance with the thoughts that flash through his head. Usually he does not control them and does not even notice them. Under the influence of thoughts, negative or positive emotions arise, and they already cause corresponding energy, which forces a person to perform certain actions. These actions shape the events in which a person lives. These events can be either desired or unwanted. But all are not shaped by man himself. And anyone who wants to achieve success must learn to control their own thoughts, think only about what will evoke the right emotions and encourage them to take the right actions.

Before moving on to the principles of positive thinking, I would still like to make some digression in defense of negative thoughts. Please note that “positive” and “negative” usually refer to what is acceptable or unacceptable in society. In this article, we will understand by “positive” that which brings you the desired benefit, success. And if some bad thoughts, negative emotions or destructive actions give you the desired result, then that too will be called “positive”.

So, to think positively, you need:

  • Surround yourself with people who think positively like you and believe in your success. All other people will only oppress you, deprive you of energy and even pull you down to the bottom. You should get rid of the harmful environment.
  • Eliminate everything that causes negative emotions. It could be people, films, situations. It will not be possible to completely avoid unpleasant situations, so it is recommended to identify that negative emotions arise, and then move on to controlling your own thoughts and emotions.

How to deal with troubles? Why fight something? Why not love what comes with troubles (wisdom, experience)? And if you still don’t like something, then you don’t have to fight, but create, create something beautiful, so that the unsightly becomes pleasant, and the bad ceases to have any meaning.

Man is used to fighting. If he doesn’t like something, he immediately becomes defensive. But is it possible to create something good on the battlefield? Have you ever seen flowers growing and birds singing in a place where a war is being waged? Good needs to be created, and not fought with bad in the hope that good will be created on its own. To have a new house, you need not only to destroy the old building, but also to build a new one. In other words, it is necessary not only to fight against something, but also to prepare for the development of good, to create it, to create it with one’s own hands. You yourself destroy all the bad, but you yourself must create the good. Only by eliminating something unsightly, good things will not appear on their own.

Should we fight or find positive aspects in the new state? Sometimes you don't have to fight anything. For some reason, many people are afraid of trouble. But what's so bad about them? Troubles have their advantages, for example, gaining experience, new knowledge, learning something previously unknown. You can’t ask a child how to move up the career ladder, but the experience of an old man will be interesting.

Often people are afraid of something because they have been told to be afraid of it. So they start to fight. But for what? Some things you just need to accept and love them for who they are. But if you are still really not satisfied with something (for example, your poverty), then start creating, moving forward, creating what you want to have yourself. Flowers will never grow in war until you stop fighting and plant them yourself.

Man himself is responsible for the life he lives. And first of all, he is responsible for the thoughts that flash through his head. The ways of their formation are as follows:

  1. During childhood, parents and society impose their opinions on all children. We are told how we should relate to this or that phenomenon, how we should react and act. These thoughts are called attitudes, beliefs. What happens if you doubt your own beliefs? Then a person will have to constantly think and decide for himself what is good and what is bad for him.
  2. The assessment that a person puts on this or that phenomenon evokes corresponding emotions and actions. For some, the destruction of a house will be a tragedy, but for others it will be an opportunity to build a new, more durable building. The event is the same, but different people have different attitudes towards it. Depending on their attitude to the situation, people will behave differently.

Thoughts provoke emotions, and they in turn encourage specific actions. The result of actions are the consequences with which a person lives, evaluates them and again performs some actions. All this shapes the future in which a person lives. Accordingly, happiness is in the thoughts of the person himself, who creates or destroys, creates or breaks.

How to attract success?

Every person wants to feel their own importance. Achieving success is a kind of development of a person, when he brings something good for the whole society, for the circle of his friends and relatives. All people want to achieve success, but not everyone achieves it. And there are several important factors here.

How to achieve success? Engage your subconscious. After all, this part of a person manifests itself in absolutely everything: in his movements, reactions, the emergence or rapid decline of energy, the desire or reluctance to argue, etc. It is necessary that the subconscious is as interested in achieving the goal as your conscious part is interested in it. And in order to use the subconscious, you must remember that it is strongly influenced by hidden fears, disappointments, and desires.

Many people know of cases where subconscious fears interfered with the realization of what they wanted. For example, a person wants to be rich, but subconsciously he is afraid of this, because he is convinced that money is evil. The subconscious is against it, so a person will most likely do nothing to realize his conscious desire. In this case, the subconscious is not just against fulfilling the goal, but does everything so that the person makes mistakes and does nothing. This is why you may want something, but constantly face difficulties, make bad decisions and make mistakes. Your subconscious mind protects what it is interested in, not your conscious mind.

When your subconscious desires what your consciousness desires, then you will begin to act unambiguously towards realizing your goals and achieving success.

Achieving success is also influenced by the thoughts that a person scrolls through his head. Since unpleasant situations cannot be avoided, you should learn to find positive aspects in every problem:

  1. Or the situation is given to you to gain experience.
  2. Or it helps you learn something new.
  3. Or it indicates your erroneous judgments.

Positive thinking is an art that needs to be learned. Observe the following rules:

  • Look for the positive in everything.
  • Don't be exposed to the bad mood of others.
  • Don't run away from problems, but solve them.
  • Choose the people you surround yourself with.
  • Be decisive and courageous.
  • Plan before you commit.
  • Understand the reasons for your negative thoughts.
  • Don't let fears control you.
  • Raise your spirits if they are low.
  • See every situation or result as an experience.
  • Don't blame yourself for mistakes.
  • Don't accumulate negative emotions.
  • Engage yourself in things that bring positive emotions.
  • Rest.

You should not treat events in a biased, habitual, automatic way. If you are used to having a negative attitude towards alcoholism, then stop doing so. Look at the situation without judgment. Then you may find new ways out of the situation when the person is abusing. Bias blinds you to a variety of options for solving a problem. Positive thinking sets you up to search for an option that will allow a person to get rid of a bad habit in the specific conditions available.

Not everything bad is negative. Usually, even in bad things you can find something good.

The Results of Positive Thinking

Thinking sets a person up for the way of life that he constantly thinks about. If you think about bad things, then bad things will happen. If you think about good things, then there will be ways to achieve joy. Positive thinking helps a person to live happily. The most important thing is to understand the essence of the mechanism of its influence.

Surely, many have heard the expression that “thoughts are material.” Also, more than once you may have noticed that when something very bad happens, a participant in the unpleasant events often exclaims: “I knew it would happen like this!” This does not at all mean that a person experiencing troubles is a visionary - he simply “attracted” failures to himself with his negative thinking. How does it work?

Positive thinking, what is its essence

The essence of such thinking is not to not focus on failures and minor problems, but to see something good in any negative situation. When faced with adversity, positive thinkers immediately identify positive aspects for themselves. Betrayed by a comrade? It’s good that this did not happen in a more serious situation, and his essence was revealed right now. Got fired? Well, now you have a chance to find a place that will suit you much more. There can be many such examples. Of course, not every dramatic story has a positive aspect, but most of them have one.

How to Develop the Habit of Positive Thinking

1) Environment. Try to communicate with successful people who have achieved a lot, look at life easily and with humor, and serve as an example for you. You should also exclude friends who “drag you down” - provoke negative thoughts, belittle your successes, and the like.

2) Control yourself. As soon as you feel that a negative thought has entered your head, immediately stop its spread. Have a quarrel with a loved one? Put yourself in his place, think about why you have such different views that it has come to a conflict. Bring him out for a heart-to-heart talk and solve the problem. If you quarreled with a fellow passenger on the bus or a saleswoman, it’s not worth thinking about at all. This person was in a bad mood or it happened that he was embittered at the world by himself, and this has nothing to do with you.

3) Look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps you often overestimate the scale of the problem, and in fact everything is not so bad? How would you characterize the situation from the outside if you were not involved in it?

4) The “but” principle. Whatever failure happens to you, mentally add the word “but” to its description and continue the thought. Perhaps a sequel will immediately come to mind, the path may even be funny, or perhaps you will have to try. For example: “Because of traffic jams, I didn’t get to the interview, but now I’ll have a cup of delicious coffee,” “I found out about my wife’s infidelity, but today the weather is very good,” “I caught a cold, but I have a trip planned for next month.” As you can see, continuations can be completely ridiculous and seemingly inappropriate, but still this principle often allows you to control yourself at critical moments.

Learn to think and live positively

  • Don't set yourself up for failure, think that you are on the right path and you will certainly be lucky. Mentally praise yourself, remember your past achievements, convince yourself of the correctness of your decision.
  • Think about what can put you in the right mood. For many, this factor is music - listen to your favorite compositions, dance, watch comedies. In general, do everything that can improve your day.
  • Even if any trouble happens to you, stop looking for those to blame or engaging in self-flagellation. An optimist in this case will think: “Well, this could happen to anyone, next time it will be better!”
  • Laugh and smile more often. Does it seem like there is no reason for this? So find it, and even if it is the simplest - a comedy film in the cinema, a concert of an excellent band, games with a cat, etc.
  • Plan interesting events, trips, and carry them out by checking the boxes next to certain items. Don’t put off until “someday” things that can please you now.

10 tips on how to learn to think positively in any difficulty

So, by putting these tips into practice, you will attract success to yourself and significantly improve the quality of your life.

We look for advantages and benefit for ourselves

Use settings. These are the words that you should mentally pronounce when starting any task. Think: “I will succeed”, “I will certainly be lucky”, “I deserve it!”, “I’m doing great!” etc.

Visualize your success. If you want to achieve something, then imagine that your plan has already come true. Imagine again and again how you achieve your goal, what emotions you experience, how your life changes.

Get rid of fear. If you understand that you absolutely need to do something, but your fear is a barrier, do everything possible to get rid of it. Remember that it is enough to take the first step, and things will move forward. Let yourself take this step, and think about fear later.

Don't worry about trifles. We often worry about situations that may never happen or have virtually no impact on our lives. Accept that there is a lot of injustice in this world, and your goal is not to let all this negativity pass through you, because, undoubtedly, you have more interesting things to do!

Keep a record of your achievements. Buy a nice notebook, and every day write down any little thing that made a good impression on you - you don’t need to write down anything neutral or negative. It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about - you drank a cup of aromatic tea or your salary was increased. Re-read your notes periodically.

Thank your fate more often. Often we complain about the unfairness of life, not paying attention to the gifts it sends us. Be careful, notice all the good things that happen to you.

Avoid negativity. We can talk about both situations and people. Try to communicate as little as possible with those who upset you or cause conflict. If possible, it is better to exclude such contacts altogether.

Love yourself. Give yourself nice gifts, take care of your appearance, pamper yourself with goodies, visit interesting places.

Learn to see the positive sides. Let it be a very small plus, but more often think about this plus, and not about the losses.

Be gentle with yourself. Often we are very strict with ourselves or try to fit into someone else's established framework. Realize that you, like any other person, have the right to laziness, losses, fatigue, and bad mood. Forgive your momentary weaknesses and think more often about your positive sides.

Only positive thoughts attract success

You've probably noticed people who are constantly unlucky, and they are already so used to it that they take it for granted, without thinking about the fact that they themselves attract problems to themselves. Negative thinking can be “material” and lead to already expected problems. The situation is exactly the same with positive thinking - the more diligently you program yourself for success, the more likely it is that luck will really smile on you.

Don't focus on what you've lost or what has disappointed or hurt you. Such thoughts can lead to depression - think about the good things you have.

Communicate with dear people who evoke positive emotions in you. One evening in the company of a good friend or mother, having a meal and discussing topics that interest you, can “charge” you for the week ahead.

Recharge yourself with positive emotions from others. The easiest way to do this is to provide such a mood to a loved one. Give pleasant surprises and gifts for no reason, and you will be guaranteed a charge of positive energy!

Psychology about the connection between thinking and physical health

Once upon a time, an interesting fact was discovered: our mental feelings and physical health have a direct connection with the emotions that we pass through ourselves throughout life. That is, the more positive moments we experience, the better our well-being will be in all aspects!

Try to use even the negative moments of life for your benefit. Set yourself this challenge: whenever you encounter an unexpected difficulty that cannot be ignored, you will make the most of it for yourself. Let it be even a simple life lesson.

You've probably noticed that children have a much simpler approach to life, and, for example, the frustration of a scratched knee can be instantly eliminated with a pack of ice cream or a chocolate bar. The thing is that children know how to enjoy little things, and what’s more - little things can bring them real delight! Is the weather nice outside? Can I go on the swings? Rain? You can splash around in the puddles! And so on. We, for the most part, not only do not attach importance to the little things, but also do not pay attention to the significant advantages! Communicate with children more often and notice their attitude to life - many adults have a lot to learn from kids and schoolchildren!

There is another psychological trick that will help you become a real optimist. Think more often about your successes in the present tense, fix them in your mind: “I fry amazing eggs!”, “I do an excellent job fulfilling the order!”, “I look great today!”, “This color really suits me.”

The faster you realize that you yourself are the creator of your mood, and your success depends on how you “tune” yourself, the faster you will notice positive changes in life!

It has long been noted that like attracts like. Moreover, this applies not only to people and things, but also to life situations.
A person who has a positive attitude towards the world around him receives much more good news, lucrative offers and positive emotions than a tense, gloomy pessimist. The question arises - how to cultivate an optimist in yourself? How to learn not to give in to life’s adversities, but to look at everything with a smile? Let's try to figure this out.

What it is? This is a complex of internal negative beliefs, judgments, negative thoughts that stick to a person like dirt and prevent him from opening up and living a full life.

From the point of view of bioenergy, it is precisely programming oneself for failure that leads to the fact that everything good in life remains “overboard.”

Moreover, the formation of internal negativity is often influenced by external factors: parents, teachers, friends. The general belief that “everything is bad” ultimately creates a reality in which nothing good really happens.

You can and should fight internal negativity. To begin with, it is worth determining which attitude interferes with normal life. Then you need to find a source of fuel for it - this could be phrases, actions, thoughts. It is quite difficult to cope with this alone, so you may need the help of a psychologist.

What are your thoughts?

How to determine whether the source of trouble is actually incorrect thinking? Psychologists identify several criteria by which you can understand how much negative thinking has taken over your consciousness.


By focusing on the negative aspects, you lose sight of all the positive things that have happened to you. By extracting only negative emotions from any situation, you do not notice that the overall result is good.


In any case, you are waiting for a bad ending. If a random passerby steps on your foot in the morning, you become confident that the day will not go well.


The tendency to blame only yourself for everything. If a colleague refuses to help you, you think that the whole point is in his negative attitude towards you, and not in a banal lack of time.


Inability to highlight the “golden mean” and see halftones. For you there is only white and black. You are not able to distinguish between different shades of gray in life situations.

Striving for perfection is, of course, not bad, but to consider everything that falls short of the ideal a failure is fundamentally wrong.

Psychology of correct thinking

The psychology of positive thinking is based on consciously identifying the feelings and thoughts that we allow into our lives. In order to solve a problem with the greatest efficiency, you must first set yourself up for a positive result and bring positive emotions into your life. In this state, any tasks are solved easier and faster than in a depressed mood.

If a person is depressed, his mind is filled with sad thoughts, it is not possible to find a positive answer to an exciting question. The more we remember our negative experiences, the more we get bogged down in despair and hopelessness.

In order to emerge from the pool of depression, it is necessary to direct your consciousness to find a solution to the problem with a positive outcome. If you want your life to shine with bright colors, imagine that you have already achieved this.

Convince yourself that you already have everything you need to be happy. If you strive day after day to prove to your consciousness and your body that everything is fine, this will help you really take the path of solving problems and getting rid of negative thoughts.

Video: Getting rid of negativity, setting up to restore harmony

The benefits of positive thinking are obvious:

  • relieves stress;
  • improves mood;
  • attracts good luck;
  • reduces the number of negative events;
  • attracts new friends.

How to learn to think positively?

In order to determine your type of thinking, ask yourself the classic question known to every person: “Is your glass half full or empty?”

If you answer this and similar questions that the glass is empty, it means that the thoughts in your head are far from positive, and you need to fight this. Stop watching negative programs, which all TV channels now feed viewers in abundance, and don’t read newspaper reports about incidents.

Instead, buy several comedy CDs, laugh in a fun company, read jokes. Gradually, step by step, introduce as many positive emotions into your life as possible, while displacing negative ones.

Change of position

Speaking about positive thinking, one cannot help but recall another aphorism, proven over the years: “If you can’t change a situation, change your attitude towards it.” Sometimes it is enough to look at the existing facts from a different point of view in order to benefit from the current situation.

Very rarely do people ask themselves questions about what they can do at any given moment. It is much easier to blame the environment for something not going as planned.

Fact instead of Problems

Instead of imagining an insoluble problem, you should take a sober look at the existing circumstances. Often it is worth taking a few simple steps to resolve the issue, and in the end it turns out that you were not faced with any extremely complex task. You formulated it yourself, added colors and believed that its solution was beyond your power.

How instead of Why

Don’t ask yourself the question: “Why did this happen to me?” It’s better to ask: “What should I do to avoid getting into such situations?”

Conclusion instead of guilt

Instead of reproaching yourself for a missed opportunity or a failed project, draw conclusions and move on with your life. Remember that a negative result is also a result and it carries a positive experience that will certainly be useful to you in the future.

Opportunity instead of losses

Even if you couldn’t, for example, get the job you wanted, don’t be upset. This may mean that the vacancy of your dreams will become available only tomorrow and, having missed out on another job, you have given yourself a chance to get it.

Useful exercises

There are many psychological methods and techniques that allow you to learn to concentrate on the good and highlight the most important aspects from the world around you that form positive thinking.

Let's look at a few of the simplest and most popular exercises:

1. Formulate and write your problem on paper. Most likely, it will sound something like this: “I am afraid to drive a car.” Or: “I can’t lose weight.”
Now rephrase it. Admit to yourself that you don’t want to drive a car because it needs to be repaired, refueled, washed,

They may start asking you for a ride somewhere and you won’t be able to refuse, and so on. As you can see, by being afraid to drive you are simply covering up your personal benefits and your reluctance to make changes in your life.

2. Praise yourself more often. Remember the most charming and attractive heroine Irina Muravyova and take note of her method. Over time, you will believe that you are truly interesting to others and gain self-confidence.

3. Say thank you. Every evening in front of the mirror, thank yourself and your surroundings. Finding a reason for gratitude is actually not difficult - it could be a perfectly completed project at work, the dishes washed by your husband, or a kitten that used the potty for its intended purpose. The main thing is to be able to highlight exactly these events in a series of daily incidents, say them out loud and say thank you.

Daily application of these methods in practice will imperceptibly lead to the fact that you will begin to pay attention to all the good things that happen around you, open up to it and attract more and more positive emotions into your life.

Although the above tips seem quite simple, putting them into practice is often not so easy. It is almost impossible to hide from the flow of negative information that our relatives, colleagues, and TV presenters pour out on us every day. Therefore, in order to get on the path of positive thinking, you may need sessions with a psychologist.

By talking with a person who is on the same wavelength as you, you will achieve the desired results faster than by acting alone. Once you learn the basic principles of positive thinking, you can apply them, along with other knowledge, in practice.

In addition to psychological support, the following will be indispensable helpers in the fight against negative emotions:

Remember that there are practically no situations in life over which we have no control. By choosing a certain model of behavior, we can achieve completely different results. Try to find good in everything that surrounds you and, undoubtedly, you will fulfill all your dreams and reach heights that previously seemed inaccessible.

Positive thinking is a choice. You have the right to think about things that lift your spirits, give you a more constructive perspective on difficult situations, and brighten up your day with brighter, more optimistic approaches to what you do. By choosing a positive outlook, you will move out of the negative thinking frame that limits your life and see life as filled with opportunities and solutions rather than worries and obstacles. If you want to know how to become a positive thinker, follow these simple tips.


Part 1

Evaluating Your Thoughts

    Be responsible for your attitude towards life. You are fully responsible for your thoughts and your attitude towards life. If only negative comes into your head, you yourself lead everything to this. With the right approach, you can change your outlook to a more positive one.

    Realize the benefits of positive thinking. Choosing to think more positively will not only help you take control of your life and make everyday experiences more enjoyable, but it will also impact your mental and physical health and your ability to adapt to change. If you are aware of all these benefits, you will be motivated to think positively on an ongoing basis. Here are the main benefits of positive thinking:

    • You extend your life
    • You experience less depression and stress
    • You become more resistant to cold
    • Your mental and physical state improves
    • You cope better with stress
    • You become more likely to pursue serious relationships and create strong bonds
  1. Keep a journal to record your thoughts. By writing down your daily thoughts, you can track the trends in your positive and negative thinking. Write down your thoughts and feelings and try to identify which moments trigger positive and negative thoughts in you. Spending just 20 minutes a day to monitor the development of your thoughts will help you figure out what causes negative associations in you and how to turn them into positive ones

    • You can keep a diary in any form. Instead of filling up the pages of your diary, you can simply write down 5 predominant negative and positive thoughts for the day.
    • Be sure to take time to evaluate and analyze the information in your diary. If you write every day, schedule a review for the end of each week.
  2. Take care of your physical health. If you change your physical habits, your mind will follow suit. To feel happier, approach your physical condition in a positive way. Maintain good posture by standing straight and keeping your shoulders down and back. Slouching leads to negative emotions. Smile more often. People around you will smile back at you, and the smile itself will help convince your body that you are happy.

    Develop mindfulness. Being aware of your actions and life will make you feel happier. If you live your life on autopilot, you will soon forget how to find joy in everyday things. By paying attention to your surroundings, your choices, and your daily activities, you will gain greater control over your life and sense of joy.

    Explore your creative self. If you haven't thought about being creative before, now is the time to change your mind. Spending some time making art, making something with your hands, or exploring your most original ideas can all awaken the power in you to think outside the box and therefore think positively. Even if you doubt whether you have any creative abilities, there are plenty of ways to express yourself to become more positive. “Positivity attracts positivity” just as “negativity attracts negativity.” If you are kind, sweet, and helpful to others, you can expect to be treated the same way. Conversely, if you are rude, ill-mannered and angry, people simply will not respect you and will avoid you because of your terrible and arrogant attitude.

  3. You can't always control the events in your life, but you can choose what you think and how you feel. You can look at the world positively or negatively. You decide.
  4. Keep fit and eat healthy. These are important components of a positive outlook on the world - because it is very difficult to be positive when you feel bad or out of shape.
  5. Laugh more often. Laughter and good emotions, entertainment, joy and fun - all this plays an important role in maintaining a good mood. And it's okay to laugh at a critical moment, because sometimes humor is what we need to begin to solve a problem.
  6. If you feel like you've had a bad day, think about the good things that happened that day. Also think about how many bad things could happen that day. You'll be surprised how good your day turns out to be if you look at it this way.
  7. Having control over your life is an important part of positive thinking.
  8. Warnings

  • Sometimes worrying about the past or future gets in the way of positive thinking. If you are stuck in the past, allowing sad and bad experiences to guide you in life, try to learn to accept what happened in a way that does not allow it to influence your thinking and outlook. If you're focusing on the future at the expense of the present, try to worry less about the day ahead and start living in the present.
  • If you are having suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately. Because you not only deserve to live life, but to live it to the fullest. Many people are ready to help you in moments of despair and difficulty.
  • If you are experiencing anxiety and depression, you need to seek help. They are not equated with general negative thinking, although such thinking can precipitate/prolong anxiety and depression. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor, and the sooner you do this, the faster you will return to a normal and fulfilling life.