How to solve the problem with ingrown hairs. How to prevent ingrown hairs after hair removal

Greetings, dear readers! 😉

Dear girls, in order to start taking care of the beauty and well-grooming of your own body, you don’t have to wait until summer! After all, we all want to feel confident and look stunning, regardless of the heat or snow outside! Therefore, undoubtedly, the key to the irresistible appearance of each of us at any time of the year is smooth, silky skin.

Almost every woman who takes care of herself faces the problem that we will talk about today. Ingrown hairs- What could be worse, right?! These small red or discolored bumps can significantly spoil our mood, impeccable style and reduce self-esteem.

But, dear readers, don't worry! Today we will tell you how to get rid of unwanted ingrown hairs forever! So please don't be lazy, but start learning new skills!

How to spot ingrown hairs in the early stages?

It is not always easy to immediately understand from the appearance of the skin that it is an ingrown hair. And it is important for us to identify the ingrowth process as early as possible in order to prevent inflammation and suppuration of the follicle.

Therefore, dear ladies, initially pay attention to the following signs:

  • the appearance of a small, at first barely noticeable round tubercle;
  • this bump may be red and have a small top (not to be confused with pimples!);
  • Sometimes the area around the ingrown hair becomes darker and itchy.

Dear women, please note that ingrown hairs can cause a more serious problem - infection with staphylococcus. These are bacteria that are present in the body of every person, but when they get into even a small cut they are activated. The condition is fraught with blood poisoning, so don’t hesitate, don’t be ashamed, and if necessary, contact a dermatologist!

Obvious Causes of Ingrown Hairs

You probably want to know why such an unpleasant situation happens. It seems that we are doing everything correctly, and we are removing the hair carefully, carefully and according to the rules, but it still grows in smoothly! Now we will explain all the important points:

Reason 1:

Sadly, the main reason is frequent hair removal using one of the mechanical methods: shaving, plucking, waxing or electrical hair removal. They injure not only the hair follicle, but also the skin itself, leading to various changes and roughening.

Depending on the level of neglect and specific needs, the methods can be interchanged and applied to any area.

Prevention of ingrown hairs

Dear ladies, in order not to torment yourself with questions of how to get rid of ingrown hairs, let’s better not let this problem arise at all!

To do this, take note and adhere to simple rules for caring for the area from which we remove hair:

  • once a week we exfoliate with a scrub, which we apply in circular movements using a damp washcloth;
  • When we remove unwanted hair with a razor, we use only a sharp and new blade. At the same time, after each time we rinse it with water;
  • we use gels or homemade shaving products that moisturize our skin and promote safe gliding;
  • if we remove hair with a razor, then we do it exclusively in the direction of its growth, in no case in the opposite direction;
  • hold the tool with which we remove hair above the skin and under no circumstances press on it;
  • after removal, wipe the area with a damp antiseptic wipe or a special soothing tonic to reduce irritation;
  • avoid clothing that is too tight;
  • We remove hair only when it is really necessary, because we know that it does not grow at the same rate in all places.

Thus, as we already understood, ingrown hairs- This is far from a sentence! Every self-respecting woman can deal with them using simple and proven methods, if only she wants to!

Straight, wavy and curly hair.
  1. You have coarse, curly hair. Owners of such hair most often suffer from ingrown hairs. The reason is curved follicles.
  2. You shave dry skin. The razor sharpens Ingrown hair hair tips. Especially if you don't wet your skin with water or use gels, foams or other emollients. It is easy for a sharp hair to enter the skin and continue to grow under it.
  3. You stretch your skin while shaving. Trying to shave the hair at the root doesn't make it any better. Instead, you leave the pointed tip under the skin. And most likely, he will never get out.
  4. You pluck your hair. Sometimes tweezers do not completely remove the hair; some of it remains under the skin. And here the same thing happens as in the previous paragraph.
  5. There are a lot of dead cells on the surface of the skin. They clog What causes an ingrown hair? follicle and do not allow the hair to grow as expected.
  6. You wear tight clothes. It also prevents hair from growing properly.

Treat the inflamed area

Make sure your hands are clean and apply an antiseptic to the inflamed area of ​​skin. For example, with benzoyl peroxide What is the treatment for an ingrown hair?- This component is included in many acne products.

Repeat the procedure according to the instructions that come with the product.

Monitor the changes: if the inflammation does not go away within a few days, the affected area grows or the pain intensifies, consult a specialist.

Go to the doctor

While the ingrown hair - a foreign body - is under the skin, the inflammation most likely will not go away. Since you cannot remove hair on your own, you will have to go to a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

If the inflammation is severe, do not self-medicate and do not wait for the situation to become critical. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

You should also consult a doctor if you have a lot of ingrown hairs on your body or if they appear very often.

What to do to prevent hair from growing in again

Ingrown hairs can become a chronic problem and cause a lot of trouble for you: causing bacterial infection and inflammation of the follicles, age spots and scars. That's why it's so important to prevent hair from growing ingrown.

  1. Choose alternative methods of hair removal: a special cream (do an allergy test) or laser hair removal.
  2. Do it regularly, cleanse and moisturize your skin. Especially before waxing.
  3. If you decide to shave, follow the rules. A few minutes before the procedure, moisten the skin with warm water, apply shaving cream or gel, or apply a warm compress. Use only a sharp razor and wet it after each stroke. Shave in the direction of hair growth and do not pull on the skin. Apply moisturizing lotion or cream after shaving.
  4. Try to avoid clothing that is too tight.

Smooth and velvety skin after hair removal is pleasing, if not for one “but”. A few weeks after home or salon hair removal, bumps appear in place of the removed ones, under which ingrown hairs “hide.” They are complicated by inflammation or, in extreme cases, look very unsightly. Why do ingrown hairs appear after hair removal and how can you avoid this problem?

Reasons for appearance

Most often, ingrown hairs appear after hair removal at home, but there are often cases when this problem occurs after visiting a salon. To know what to do if hair grows after hair removal, you need to understand in detail the reasons causing the problem. Cosmetologists note that the ingrowth process largely depends on the number of layers of scales of the epidermal layer and on its density.

If there are many layers of epidermis on the surface, they make the skin dense and it is difficult for the newly growing thin hair to break through the protective layer. That is why the hair follows the path of least and less risky resistance, that is, it bends and grows not vertically, but horizontally.

If you compare hair and skin types, people with coarse and dark hair are more susceptible to ingrown hairs than others. The reason lies in the fact that dark and coarse hairs grow more intensively than light ones. Add to this thick, dark skin, and ingrown hairs are inevitable.

The reasons that lead to ingrown hairs are:

  • Dense epidermal layer.
  • Changes in hormonal levels (with a surge of the hormone estrogen in the 1st half of the menstrual cycle). Such changes can also occur with dysfunction of the endocrine system and increased production of estrogen.
  • Damage during the epilation process of the hair canal.
  • Formation of a microscopic scar in the hair canal after hair removal. Trauma can also cause the canal to become overgrown.
  • Hair injury (breaking off) below the level of the epidermis, which occurs as a result of improper hair removal.
  • Shaving that is done against the hair growth, especially with a dull blade.
  • Wearing uncomfortable and tight underwear, especially made from synthetic materials. Such underwear does not promote the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin and often causes a bacterial infection. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear synthetic underwear immediately after hair removal, as in this case inflammation of ingrown hairs occurs.

Ingrown hairs need to be removed after hair removal, but before this procedure you need to know what is not recommended to do.

What not to do?

Many people try to cope with this problem using their own improvised means, but often such actions end in complications. Therefore, below is a list of what is not recommended to do if you have ingrown hairs:

  • Use a sharp needle or tweezers, as infection can occur and inflammation cannot be avoided.
  • Do not reuse a hair removal method that causes hair to grow into the skin.
  • Do not press on the hair follicles at the site of ingrown hairs, as pressure can damage deep-lying skin cells.
  • Use depilatory cream for ingrown hairs.

Methods for removing ingrown hairs

What to do if hair grows after epilation? Naturally, they must be removed, not forgetting to resort to preventive measures, but more on that later. First you need to know how to get rid of the problem without causing additional irritation and inflammation.

So, ingrown hairs can be removed in the following ways:

  • If they are located shallowly and there is no inflammation, it is enough to steam the skin and then lightly exfoliate it with a scrub. Instead of a scrub, you can try using a hard washcloth or a special mitten made of synthetic material. Even if it is not possible to completely free all the hair, it will be possible to make it much easier for it to “go out into the world.” Peeling can be done every day or every other day, and the skin after the procedure can be softened with lotion or moisturizer.

You can also treat the problem area with a special ingrown hair removal product.

  • If there is inflammation, then you need to apply any acne remedy for several days. After the inflammation subsides, you can do a light peeling.
  • If the hairs are located too deep, you will immediately determine this by slight redness and thickening. In this case, a mechanical removal method is used using tweezers and a medical needle. There is no need to try to remove ingrown hairs on your own; it is better to seek help from a specialist.

If this is not possible, the inflamed area is steamed with a warm, damp compress and disinfected with an antiseptic. Next, the ingrown hair is carefully lifted with a sterile medical needle and removed with tweezers. Do not forget to treat the injured area with an antiseptic and apply a cooling compress.

Mechanical method of hair removal

Preventive measures

It is best to avoid ingrown hairs and resort to preventive measures. Before dealing with ingrown hairs after hair removal, you need to change the hair removal method itself. Agree, at the very least, it is unwise to do the same procedures all the time, hoping for a different result.

So, measures to prevent unwanted hair growth are as follows:

  1. Before epilation, do a light peeling and remove dead epidermal cells.
  2. Shave with a razor only according to hair growth, and not vice versa.
  3. After the depilation process (shaving,) be sure to soften the skin with a moisturizer and a product that slows down the hair growth process.
  4. Immediately after hair removal, do a light peeling, which then needs to be repeated at least 2 times a week.
  5. The most delicate areas of the skin should be regularly treated with chlorhexidine or salicylic acid solution, which provide a slight exfoliation effect.
  6. Immediately after hair removal, do not wear tight and uncomfortable underwear or synthetics, which can cause ingrown hairs.

If the problem cannot be eliminated and the hairs continue to grow in, consult a cosmetologist; perhaps it is better for you to pay attention to hardware methods of hair removal.

Why do they grow in? In the case of an epilator, this occurs because the hair gradually becomes thinner and is unable to penetrate the upper layers of the skin. In the case of a razor, the skin itself is injured, even if there are no cuts, the epidermis becomes denser, and again it is not easy for the hair to get out into the air, and it continues to grow under the skin. Skin redness, itching, and inflammatory processes occur, which sometimes even leave pigment spots.
Of course, the ideal choice is to switch to laser or ELOS hair removal. But this, to put it mildly, is not budgetary and is not fast: it will take at least six months before the hairs completely disappear. But living with red dots on the skin is unbearable! Calm down, there is a solution.

1. Change the method

If you shaved your legs, switch to an epilator; if you epilated, buy a razor. Surprisingly, changing the method of hair removal works: when shaving, thinning hairs gain strength and break through thin skin, and epilation allows the skin to become softer and “let through” even thin hairs.

2. Exfoliate

Regardless of whether you choose a razor or an epilator, 10-12 hours before hair removal, exfoliate with a scrub or a chemical composition. Under no circumstances do epilation immediately after peeling: let the skin calm down.

3. Use a washcloth

Be sure to thoroughly rub the area of ​​future hair removal with a washcloth during the week before it.


4. Follow the hair growth

We have already written about this, but it’s no sin to repeat: always follow the direction of hair growth and never “against the grain.”

5. Steam your skin

If you prefer to shave, steam your skin immediately before the procedure.

6. Use special equipment

There are a huge number of “After Depilation” products for every taste and budget. Don't neglect them: they soften the top layer of skin and prevent ingrown hairs. As a last resort, apply a super-nourishing cream to the skin 2-3 days after hair removal.

7. Buy antiseptic

Inflammatory processes are almost a guarantee of ingrown hairs. To avoid this, immediately after hair removal, apply a pharmaceutical antiseptic (miramistin, chlorhexidine or any other) to the treated areas.

8. Down with synthetics

During the day (or better yet, two) after hair removal, do not allow your skin to come into contact with synthetic fabrics, especially tight trousers or tights. Irritated skin may become inflamed when touched by synthetics.

9. Epilate before bed

Overnight, the skin will calm down and restore its protective barrier, which will further reduce the risk of complications.

10. Use ice

Immediately after completing the process, wipe your skin with an ice cube - this will tighten the pores, reduce redness and prevent inflammation.

Perhaps you cannot find a single woman who would not dream of smooth and velvety skin. After the depilation procedure, it becomes exactly like this, but after a few weeks, a small tubercle may appear in place of the removed hair, under which a new hair is hidden. Of course, it looks very unsightly, especially if inflammation occurs.

Not only women experience ingrown hair after depilation. Men are also at risk. Ingrown hairs can appear on the face, neck, legs, bikini area, groin, thereby causing a lot of unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations, discomfort, and irritation. Wearing tight-fitting underwear only makes the situation worse. What to do if hair grows after depilation? First you need to establish the cause of this problem.

How does hair grow ingrown?

The process of ingrown hair depends on the density of the epidermis, that is, on the number of layers of scales. If there are many of them, then it is difficult for a thin growing hair to break through to the surface of the skin, and it chooses the path of least resistance, bending and taking not a vertical, but a horizontal position.

People with dark skin develop ingrown hairs after hair removal more often than people with light skin. This is due to the fact that dark and coarse hairs grow more intensively than light and thin ones. Solving the problem on your own can only worsen the condition of the skin, so to treat ingrown hairs after depilation, you need to contact a professional cosmetologist.

Why do ingrown hairs appear?

Conventionally, the causes of ingrown hairs can be divided into three groups:

  • Incorrect removal;
  • Improper skin care;
  • Hormonal imbalances.
Improper hair removal

Shaving is one of the most common causes of ingrown hairs. The thing is that after cutting with a sharp blade they become pointed and take on a wedge-shaped shape. As a result, they begin to take an incorrect position, thereby injuring the skin. In addition, when shaving, the likelihood of a cut is quite high. The scar that appears does not heal as quickly as we would like, and it does not allow the hair to stretch upward for normal growth.

Often hair grows in after waxing, done at home or by a non-professional professional. This procedure always requires accuracy and caution. After application, the wax mass is removed against the hair growth, and if you do not have experience, it is easy to break a hair, after which it will grow in. When sugaring (hair removal with sugar), the risk of damaging the skin is minimal, since the composition is removed from its surface in the direction of hair growth, and it is quite difficult to break them (but possible with poor technique). This happens, again, due to unprofessional manipulations, when the sugar composition is removed against the growth or sideways. Ingrown hairs appear quite rarely after laser hair removal or electrolysis, since such procedures also remove hair follicles. If a hair begins to grow, it is usually light and soft.


Under no circumstances should you squeeze out the hair follicles at the site of ingrown hairs! By applying strong pressure to the skin, you can easily damage deep-lying cells, thereby causing severe inflammation and the appearance of a hematoma.

Improper skin care

After the depilation procedure, the pores on the surface of the skin remain open for some time, so dirt can easily get into them. The hair cannot overcome such an obstacle and begins to grow sideways, thus growing under the skin.

In addition, ingrown hair often occurs due to visiting a sauna, swimming pool, or gym. Hair grows after depilation if you use soap in the first days after the procedure: its particles also clog the pores, preventing hairs from growing vertically and causing inflammation. During this period, you need to shower without using soap and gel.

After shaving or waxing, cosmetologists recommend wearing cotton underwear. Synthetics do not allow hairs to grow normally, and lace is very harsh for delicate and smooth skin. These materials create a kind of barrier to hair growth in the desired direction.

In addition, synthetics prevent the natural evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, which causes the development of bacterial infections.

The same goes for panty liners, especially flavored ones. Their use can cause allergic reactions and, accordingly, inflammation.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalances often cause malfunction of the sebaceous glands, activating them. In this case, the pores become clogged larger and faster, and the density of the skin may increase. At the same time, the hair becomes stiffer, and again it is difficult for them to overcome obstacles. The result is ingrowth.

What to do if hair grows after depilation?

Of course, they need to be removed, and then preventive measures should be taken. To remove ingrown hairs, specialists at the Depilux health and beauty studio recommend using a special Gloria gel and under no circumstances using scrubs, especially if pustular formations appear on the skin. In such situations, it is worth using Chlorhexidine 2 times a day.


If there are a lot of pustules on the skin, do not self-medicate! Ingrown hairs can easily be confused with a skin condition such as herpes. If severe inflammation occurs, it is better to consult a dermatovenerologist: only a qualified doctor can correctly diagnose the problem.

When home treatment for ingrown hairs after depilation does not bring results, you should make an appointment at a cosmetology clinic, whose specialists will be able to choose the best solution to the problem.

How are ingrown hairs removed?

At the Depilux health and beauty studio, the method of removing ingrown hairs is selected based on the characteristics of each specific case.
If there is no inflammation and the hairs are located shallowly, it is enough to steam the skin and then do a light, gentle peeling. Sometimes, instead of a scrub, a not very hard washcloth or a special mitten made of synthetic material is used. After the procedure, the skin is softened with lotion or moisturizer.

The deep location of the hairs can be immediately noticed by slight redness and thickening of the skin. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of tweezers and a medical needle. The specialist steams the area where hair grows in after depilation with a warm, damp compress, and disinfects the surface with an antiseptic. Then, use a sterile needle to pry up the hair and remove it with tweezers. The treated area is once again treated with an antiseptic, and a cooling compress is applied to it.

Prevention of ingrown hairs after depilation

First of all, you should think about the hair removal method used. Using the same method every time, it is foolish to hope for a different result. Changing the method can often get rid of the problem.

In addition, you should trust the beauty of your skin only to an experienced cosmetologist, since incorrect manipulations can cause complications. The salon must be equipped with modern equipment and must have a license, and the master must have the appropriate qualifications confirmed by a certificate. How the depilation procedure should be carried out is described, and if a cosmetologist deviates from the correct hair removal technology, it is better to refuse his services.

Prevention of ingrown hairs after depilation involves:

  • Light peeling to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin before direct hair removal;
  • When using a razor, cut hair in the direction of its growth, and not vice versa;
  • Using a moisturizer, lotion, skin milk (but not oil), as well as special products that slow down hair growth;
  • Regular peeling (2 times a week) to cleanse pores using a salt scrub that has an antiseptic effect;
  • Treating delicate areas of the skin with chlorhexidine or salicylic acid solution to prevent inflammation.

Be attentive to your body, do depilation only in trusted salons from competent specialists, follow our simple recommendations - and your skin will always look great!