What animal should I get for my child? The most comfortable pet. The most comfortable pet.

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Salvador Dali went for a walk with an anteater and knew that these friendly animals were in no way inferior in their devotion to ordinary pets. If you also want to move away from the usual cats, dogs and hamsters, then this article is for you. You'll learn why it's better to get a skunk rather than a raccoon, and what kind of fox you can bring home.

website reminds that any animal is a huge responsibility; they require careful care, training, special conditions and considerable financial investments. If you are not confident in your strengths and capabilities, then it is better to admire them at the zoo and not get a living creature just for the sake of fashion. And of course, any animal should be purchased from professional breeders in nurseries. Discourage the smuggling of wild animals.


Increasingly, this small (the size of a Chihuahua and weighing no more than 1.5 kg) fox can be seen as a pet. Fenech is an extremely friendly creature with a huge amount of energy. A cute feature of this animal is its woolen paw pads, which protect it from burns by hot sand in natural conditions.

The necessary conditions: At first, the animal needs to be given maximum attention: hand-feed, play, pet, and under no circumstances should you shout or make sudden movements. You will also need a huge cage or a separate room filled with sand (they love to dig and make holes). In winter, you will have to think about how to provide warmth - the fenech does not tolerate low temperatures, the animal quickly catches a cold and may die.

Who should not be kept at home: The sand cat is certainly a beautiful animal and is considered one of the most comfortable pets to keep among all felines, but these animals are specially registered, and in many countries it is illegal to keep them at home.


These prickly creatures are incredibly cute, and it’s no wonder that more and more people are taking them as pets every time. Hedgehogs are good-natured and have an amazing ability to quickly get used to home conditions.

The necessary conditions: You need to immediately buy a cage and make a small shelter for the hedgehog; it is not recommended to let him explore the apartment alone - the animal may get tangled in the wires or get hurt. And it’s worth remembering that hedgehogs are predators and the basis of their diet should be raw meat.

Who should not be kept at home: If you do not live in Africa, then getting jerboas is quite problematic, and you shouldn’t do it. This is a wild and quite aggressive rodent that will never get used to humans and will try to escape at any opportunity.

Florida blue crayfish

If you want to truly surprise everyone with your pet, then you should get a crayfish, not a simple one, but a Florida one. This almost surreal beauty will not go for a walk with you and will not follow commands, but will become a bright accent in your interior.

The necessary conditions: They require clean water, a large aquarium and a place to hide.

Who should not be kept at home: Bad news for Potter lovers: you won't be able to have your own Hedwig. Although the white owl is not on the list of endangered animals, it is nevertheless prohibited by law in many countries to keep them; this predator is not suitable for living with people.


The kinkajou is one of the favorite and most common pets in Brazil. And there really is a lot to love about him: he is very attached to his owners, loves to be petted, and loves to hug. Kinkajou are curious and love to be close to their owner: hang on the shoulders, sit on the arms, but at the same time they do not create problems and are easily accustomed.

The necessary conditions: These animals need a warm climate; it is better for residents of the northern or central zone not to have them. You should also not keep them in pairs and under no circumstances should you leave the animal unattended alone in the apartment; be sure to lock it in an enclosure during your absence. You can keep a domestic fox in the house, but not a domesticated one. The difference between these two species is that a domestic fox is one that was bred specifically to be kept in an apartment; they undergo strict selection; a domesticated one is one that was brought from the forest to an apartment.

And it is worth remembering that foxes have a specific character: they are loyal, but at the same time independent, very curious, trusting and playful. It will take a long time to find a common language with this pet, so you need to be patient.

The necessary conditions: The fox settles into the house faster if there are already some pets in it. The fox must be walked on a leash and monitored very carefully: the animal can swallow a piece of glass and other dangerous objects. Foxes love to hide, so you need to come up with a den for them.

Who should not be kept at home: Many dishonest breeders sell domesticated fox puppies under the guise of domestic foxes, but at a lower price. Such savings will backfire: sooner or later the animal will develop instincts and it will begin to attack others, scream at night and literally go crazy with the desire to break free. And of course, never bring an ordinary wild fox into your home for your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Who should not be kept at home: Despite their incredible popularity, breeders do not recommend getting raccoons unless you are a professional and have sufficient knowledge in handling wild animals. These cunning and dexterous animals will destroy your apartment as soon as you turn away. Not everyone has the patience and strength to tame the character of this beast.

What do you think, is it possible to have exotic animals or do they have no place in cities and should they live in the wild?

The desire to have a pet comes to different people in different ways. Someone spontaneously decides that it’s time to make a friend who they could take care of, spend evenings with, or simply buy for the children. For some, the desire matures throughout their entire life, growing out of parental prohibitions on buying a pet, and is finally formed in adulthood.

Not to mention short-sighted and cruel people who throw animals away after playing with them, most people refuse to have animals because of their rhythm of life. Leaving for work early in the morning and returning late in the evening, it is difficult to think about keeping a pet that needs constant care and constant attention.

However, when you really want to have someone by your side, someone who will endure your frequent absence and rare minutes of not just attention, but the necessary cleaning and feeding, you can still find a way out. To avoid being nagged by animal rights activists, I will make a reservation in advance that I will describe the minimal care for the animals and the “Spartan” living conditions for them.

5. Rabbit

You can buy this funny furry friend, who will delight your girlfriend or wife, and keep it in the kitchen or hallway without much hassle by purchasing a cage with a water bowl and feeder for him. The cost of food will be quite low, you will need to clean the cage once every seven days, which will suit your busy work week, but do not forget to add food in the evening, remove uneaten food and change the water in the drinking bowl.

With this rhythm, there will be no stink, but if you manage to find the strength to clean the cage more often than once a week, there is guaranteed to be no stink at all. In the evenings, you need to communicate with the rabbit, pet it and pick it up. You definitely need to let him out to run around the apartment for a short time, and you need to control the animal.

If you are a compassionate person and want to let him out while you are not at home, you will need to mentally prepare for all the chewed wires in the house. Among the animal care activities, you can also add brushing during shedding and trimming claws, but these procedures can be performed no more than once a month.

4. Canary

This bird will also delight you with its ringing voice, remind you that there is someone else in the house and not require much care for itself. You will have to buy a cage with seats, a drinking bowl and a tray. The bottom of the cage will serve as a toilet. If time allows, we sprinkle sand there, which we change as often as possible to prevent the smell and its uniform scattering from the cage; if not, we lay paper there, which can be changed every two to three days.

Bird feeding can be adjusted to suit your busy work schedule. If it is convenient, you can feed daily, pouring one or two spoons of food, or once every two or three days, pouring 2 and 3 times more, respectively, which is especially convenient for shift workers.

It is also recommended to let it fly at least once a week, so we take it into a room where there is a minimum of furniture and gadgets with flat screens and we watch the bird for 15-20 minutes to avoid damage and damage to your things. For those who are afraid that the canary will wake him up with the first rays of sun after hard working days, you should purchase thick fabric and cover the cage with it at night

3. Snake

If your fear says “yes”, and you are smart enough not to buy dubious and poisonous snakes, then it is quite possible to buy king snakes or the so-called “climbing snakes”. These individuals are non-aggressive and will delight you and frighten your impressionable guests. For equipment, you will have to buy a terrarium or the same aquarium with an incandescent lamp will do - snakes need to warm up, as well as sand or soil.

If desired, you can add a couple of branchy branches so that the snake crawls along them and enjoys life, swinging on the branches. For those who think with disgust about how they will buy mice and watch them being mercilessly devoured, I hasten to reassure them - small chicken eggs will do. Sometimes, of course, they recommend pampering with little mice - but it all depends on your compassion. The feeding schedule is once a week, which, you see, cannot but please busy and workaholics.

2. Hamster

One of the most common pets is quite unpretentious if you properly structure its feeding regime, and also understand that cleaning it too often is even harmful for the hamster’s psychology, because it tends to accumulate. Of course, it is better to remove its waste 2-3 times a week, but it is better not to touch the food.

By purchasing a cage with trays for water and food, you can limit your “Spartan” hamster; all sorts of bells and whistles, such as slides and wheels, can be left at your discretion. Throw some rags into the cage and the hamster will use them to construct a toilet, bedroom and storage room. Once a week you will need to pick him up, play with him and let him run around out of the cage. If you don’t have enough time to buy food, you can give crumbled bread and vegetables and fruits once a day or once every two days.

1. Land turtle

Our top list of the most unpretentious is headed by the land turtle; if you were given a waterfowl, everything is a little more complicated. When making this undemanding friend, by the way, be immediately prepared for its six-month hibernation. The equipment includes a terrarium with an incandescent lamp, pebbles and soil.

You can feed her with specialized food from a pet store or fresh vegetables from your table, from which, by the way, she will get water, but it is still recommended to put a drinking bowl - you never know. Caring for her fits within the framework of a total lack of time - once a week you need to clean the shell and paws with a soft brush.

Towards the middle of autumn, turn off the lamp in the terrarium, the turtle will hibernate, and in the middle of spring, turn it on gradually to wake it up. Sometimes let her out of the terrarium for a walk; due to the low speed of movement, she will not need close attention.

Keeping a pet is a gigantic responsibility that requires a huge amount of hard work and dedication, which, let's face it, isn't available to everyone. On the other hand, choosing a pet is a piece of cake, because it usually comes down to choosing between a dog and a cat (or a fish, if you are as prosaic as tattered wallpaper). But doesn't it seem wrong to you to some extent? The choice of pets should be more than the number of sides of a coin, and if you think so too, you are absolutely right, because there is one. In fact, there are dozens of wonderful and completely legal alternative pets that you can go out and buy right now:

10. Mini pigs

After all the creative ways to produce bacon-flavored ice cream, perfume, and candles, the moment finally came when people wanted one as a pet. Thus, mini pigs appeared, hitting the eardrums of men or women all over the world.

Mini pigs are also known as miniature pigs, micro pigs and tickap pigs, but the name is not so important. What's important is that they're cuter than five puppies hugging a teddy bear at the same time, and they're also one of the strongest arguments for going vegetarian. However, they are not only adorably cute faces, they are just as smart, if not smarter than dogs and just as easily develop affection for humans.

The only downside is that less scrupulous breeders often pass off regular pigs as miniature ones, which, unfortunately, only becomes apparent when your pink micro miracle turns into a 200-pound piglet that takes up half of your living room. In addition, Paris Hilton apparently started the micro pig craze, which takes some of the fun out of owning them.

9. Starling

The common or European starling is a small bird with black and speckled feathers that some people sometimes keep as a pet. In addition, starlings can speak.

Well, not really, to be precise. Starlings really only have the ability to imitate frequently repeated phrases and natural sounds of their own environment, which is what parrots essentially do. But let's be honest: if you ever see and hear a bird talking that doesn't look like an immigrant from the Brazilian forest, your first thought probably won't be, "Oh my God, what a wonderful example of avian mimicry," but rather, "That bird just talked." ? Bring the holy water quickly!”
But the potential to scare your friends and family isn't the only reason to get a starling, as they are very playful creatures and quickly bond with their owners, combining a dog's adoration with the ability to fly and repeat your favorite curse words. However, it is worth taking into account the fact that these birds poop a lot, for about 20 years.

8. Imperial Scorpion

The emperor scorpion (Pendinus imperator) is the closest thing to a real Pokémon: a 10-centimeter armored arachnid with giant pincers and a comically exaggerated stinger at the end of its tail. And you can buy one for yourself today... and there are reasons for this.

In fairness, emperor scorpions are actually very gentle creatures, which (given their intimidating appearance) practically makes them the Michael Clarke Duncan of the animal kingdom. They don't require an awful lot of care, and their stings aren't lethal to humans (unless you're allergic to the venom), so if you've ever wanted to own a miniature fear creature created by Mother Nature herself, an emperor scorpion - this is the best variant.

Plus, if you put him in the same tank with the action figures and turn on the heavy metal, you can recreate the entire plot of the Clash of the Titans remake.

7. Long-eared hedgehog

Long-eared (or Egyptian) hedgehogs are not only one of the cutest alternative pets, but they are also a contender for the title of "Easiest Animal to Photoshop." But while they may look like the result of a hastily slapped pair of bunny ears on everyone's favorite spiny mouse, these spiny bunnies are actually very real and completely legal to keep as pets in most countries.

Hedgehogs are generally considered to be timid and peaceful creatures, and the big-eared variety is no exception. However, they are considered quite difficult pets because they are not as easily tamed as regular pets and you will need to put in a lot of effort to properly housetrain them to an apartment and a person. However, once you do this, hedgehogs are, as many breeders say, very interactive and easy to handle, and their only drawback is that hedgehogs don't really like to curl up into balls and roll around collecting gold coins or fighting armies of robotic animals.

6. Skunk

Unlike hedgehogs, it turns out that pop culture hasn't been lying to us about skunk behavior, because pet skunks, like Pepe le Pew, are curious, stubborn, and require tons of affection. Despite this, they are less harmful, making them a great alternative to dogs and cats. Additionally, it is important to note that their scent glands are surgically removed at an early age.

There are many places in North America where you can purchase a pet skunk, you will just need to make sure that it is legal to own one in your country. In fact, there is no reason not to want to own such a miracle. Not only are skunks incredibly smart, but they also love affection so much that they can even turn into “couch skunks” (according to professional breeders), constantly asking to be snuggled into your lap. You probably never suspected this about skunks, live and learn.

5. Madagascar hissing cockroach

On the list of what makes a good pet, cockroaches rank somewhere between rusty razor blades and Siberian wolves. When you add in the ability to make a distinct hissing sound, the Madagascar hissing cockroach begins to look more like devastating proof that there is no God... which you should have already guessed.

First of all, there's something incredibly cool about having as a pet a creature that can survive a nuclear attack or having its head removed. In addition, the Madagascar hissing cockroach is also an amazing climber, able to climb up smooth glass without any problems, making it the love product between Wolverine and Spider-Man. Given their rather peaceful nature, it is not surprising that the Madagascar hissing cockroach is often considered an excellent first pet, although in some states in America you need to obtain a special license to own them. Plus, if you wake up in the middle of the night with your cockroaches hissing at you from a dark corner of the room, you'll likely never stop screaming.

4. Pygmy goat

Do you have a private yard? Are you tired of dogs but want something like them to ward off the inevitable realization that no one loves you? Then give the opportunity to a dwarf goat or female goat to fill the sadness center of your brain with pure and sugary tenderness.

As their name suggests, pygmy goats are tiny versions of nature's favorite evil-eyed trash packers, and today they are bred exclusively as pets. Pygmy goats are very curious creatures that constantly require tons of love and attention, so if you can't provide it to them, you need to check if you haven't had your heart removed, you're an insensitive monster. Their advantage is not only that they are very sociable and playful, but also that they can adapt to almost any environment/food, so if you can't love them for their cuteness, you can at least respect them for their Rambo-like survival ability.

However, it is worth taking into account that in most countries they are considered livestock, so it is worth checking out local laws before you decide to get yourself one of these charms.

3. Prairie Dog

Prairie dogs exist because someone once bet God that he couldn't cross a puppy with a rat and get something that looked absolutely adorable. That man obviously lost, and prairie dogs continue to inhabit the Earth and the living rooms of the happiest pet owners on the planet.

Prairie dogs are technically rodents, but their main characteristic is the attachment they quickly develop towards people. If you adopt a prairie dog at a young enough age, she will immediately mistake you for her mother and become attached to you forever (which is why Batman hires Robins at such an early age). After that, according to their breeders, you will live with a hyperactive puppy who never grows up, which is exactly what everyone has been asking scientists for the last few hundred years.

2. Sugar glider

Just look at this incredibly charming creature in the photo. This is not a real animal, but actually Mort, a character from the Madagascar cartoons, voiced by Andy Richter. But the main thing is that the sugar glider actually exists in real life, and you can buy it right now, because it is clear that you would like to have one. However, if you've already fallen in love with this Australian possum and named him Sir Furry Tail, get ready to shell out a pretty penny, because sugar gliders are still considered exotic animals that usually cost a lot more than regular animals (this also applies to showgirls). .
But while they are quite expensive and cost even more to keep, their overall level of fluffiness, cuteness and playful nature may convince you to skip a few visits to the dentist in order to truly enjoy owning your very own sugar marsupial flying squirrel. . And before you ask, yes, they can actually fly short distances through the air.

1. Fox

Would you like to get yourself a fox? Yes? Then good news for you: you can do it, and it's all thanks to the Soviet Union.

The fact is that we have been beating around the fact that in fact any animal can become a pet if it is tamed. Even the puny Chihuahuas were once powerful wolves, bred through selective breeding to the size of a pocket rat that knows its place and can therefore be kept as a pet. So the question is why can't we domesticate foxes? Because it will take “hundreds, perhaps thousands of years”? Come on, you clearly underestimate the Soviet people and their ability to give a damn about all sorts of “facts” or “logic”. Just look at Soviet geneticist Dmitry Belyaev, who has been trying hard to breed domestic foxes in Siberia since 1959... and apparently succeeded.

Here's something to understand about foxes: even if you buy a bag of "tamed" foxes in any other part of the world, they will still be wild animals that will attack your face and dignity if you try to dress them up in a Robin Hood costume. So what about Belyaev's domesticated foxes? These foxes are just real pets, the front paws of which you can freely take and make them dance with you... although, of course, you shouldn’t do this, and not because it will scare the poor animals, but because it’s the wrong way to treat with an animal costing about $8,000, it's probably not worth it.

As a rule, the question of what kind of animal to have in an apartment is asked in two cases: in the first, parents are pushed to take such a responsible step by young children who, with pleading eyes, ask to buy them a dog, cat or hamster; in the second case, lonely people who lack warmth, but at the same time, are busy enough to fully care for their “friend” think about this. This is exactly the case when you seem to want to get a smart dog, but in the end you settle on silent fish only because they do not require one hundred percent attention to themselves.

What kind of pet is better to have in an apartment?

The issue of choice is also connected to the small-sized area of ​​the apartment, in which family members can barely fit. Where else can I get a Labrador or German Shepherd? Let's look at options for neighbors with various pets. Let's start with some of the smartest.

If there is a dog in the apartment

The dog is considered the most intelligent and loyal pet, it is not for nothing that it is called a four-legged friend. This is probably the best option for children and their parents, since dogs are very loyal to their owner, but are not as quirky as cats or as indifferent as fish. They become attached to family members just as much as the owners are attached to the dog, and stories about how these intelligent animals travel thousands of kilometers in search of owners who have left for another city are heart-wrenching. The advantages of having a dog in the apartment are obvious, so lovers of furry beauties do not even think about which animal is better to have in the apartment - they simply choose a dog.

Along with the obvious advantages of living together between dogs and people, there are, of course, also disadvantages:

  • Firstly, this is daily care. Birds and fish also need to be looked after every day, but are you ready to walk your dog at least twice a day, and in the morning you need to have time to walk with it and not be late for work, and in the evening you need to go for a walk again, when, in general, I have no strength for anything anymore.
  • Secondly, training. You need to devote a lot of time to a dog if you want it to become something worthwhile.
  • Thirdly, expensive food - are you ready to spend a certain amount per month to feed your pet?
  • Fourthly, additional costs of finance and time for undergoing all medical preventive measures and vaccinations.
  • Fifthly, additional space, because keeping animals in an apartment requires allocating a separate space for them

Don't such difficulties stop you? Then go ahead! Choose a suitable breed and bring it into your home, just keep in mind that in the first months you will often step on puddles left by the puppy without malicious intent.

Wooden dog house

If there is a cat in the apartment

Some people love dogs more, while others like cats, and the latter claim that it is difficult to find a more affectionate animal. She will rub her leg and purr, and some doctors even consider cat therapy (which is scientifically called feline therapy) a very important component of normalizing a person’s mental health. A cat, with its purring and affection, helps with depression, treats neuroses and heart disorders.

Cat on the door, photo

This animal is less whimsical in care than a dog. A cat can go outside on its own, the main thing is to open the front door for it in time. And if you train your cat to go to the litter box, then there is no need for street walks at all.

These were the advantages of keeping a cat in an apartment, and now let's talk about the disadvantages. The first drawback is the smell. But you can put up with him. Make sure that the tray is always clean; if the animal’s waste products do not accumulate there, then there will be no smell. For extra cleanliness, use special cat litters; they absorb liquid and prevent odors from spreading throughout the apartment. If there is a cat living in the house and the smell is not associated with a dirty tray, but with the fact that it is marking its territory, then the best solution would be to castrate the animal.

Another disadvantage is that a feline can cause irreparable damage to your renovation and furniture. We are talking about the cat's sharp claws and her constant desire to sharpen them. Carpets and rugs, sofas and armchairs are used. However, if you teach your cat to clean its claws on a special device that is sold in any pet store, then your upholstered furniture and wallpaper are more likely to remain in their original condition.

In addition, be prepared for fur to be everywhere, especially in places where cats like to sleep, and long-haired breeds will also need to be brushed regularly to prevent their fur from getting tangled. Cats can choose any place in the house to sleep, they are especially interested in the wardrobe and shelves with clothes, but with the same success they settle in special houses for cats or sleep on soft fabric beds.

What kind of animal should I have in my apartment?

The following disadvantages are no longer so significant - these are additional costs for vaccinations and special food, collars or sprays against fleas and ticks (by the way, fleas even live in the fur of cats that do not go outside at all). And at first you will need to potty train the kitten and keep it away from the curtains - they really like to ride on curtains and tulle.

Or maybe rodents?

Hamsters, rats, laboratory mice and guinea pigs are quite funny animals, but not for everyone. It’s interesting to watch them, how they take food with their front paws, how they stuff their cheeks, and how they run around the apartment with a businesslike look. They often stock up on provisions in the most unexpected places, and, of course, they gnaw on everything, justifying their true name. Such small animals often appear in houses where children live, but here you need to warn that rats, hamsters and guinea pigs can bite, and, of course, parents of a small child will not like this.

In addition, the cage where these cute creatures live needs to be regularly looked after and cleaned. Many people wonder how to get rid of the smell of animals in an apartment, the answer is that you just need to remove their waste products in a timely manner, clean the cage if we are talking about rodents and birds, and wash the litter box if we are talking about cats. The disadvantages of having rodents in an apartment include their short lifespan; they live several times less than cats and dogs.

Birds in the apartment

An interesting option for those who do not care about tactile contact with an animal. Of course, you can pet a bird, but you can’t press it to your chest like a cat, and you can’t rub its ear like a dog. Most often, parrots and canaries are kept in apartments, their care is minimal - you just need to monitor the availability of food, water and regularly clean the cage (at least twice a week). And parrots and canaries live for a relatively long time - 15-20 years, delighting their owners with a gentle trill and even human speech.

One of the disadvantages is that the birds wake up early and can wake up household members with their singing. But we can solve this issue too - you just need to cover the cage with thick fabric.

Fish and turtles in the apartment

Watching the movement of fish in an aquarium is quite an interesting activity. The underwater world has always calmed and relaxed a person, and if he is also in an apartment, then the benefit is double. But, from experience, we can say that children quickly lose interest in fish and turtles - you can only watch them, you can’t hold them to your chest...

It happens that the owners become allergic to the appearance of fish in the apartment. If you are allergic to dry fish food, you can always buy live food or flakes. This is what concerns fish, and the land turtle is generally a vegetarian; give it dandelion leaves, plantain leaves, lettuce, cabbage, and it also willingly eats chopped vegetables.

We hope our recommendations will make it easier to make a difficult choice regarding the question of which animal to keep in the apartment. And the last piece of advice - choose the animal to which your soul lies, only then caring for it will not burden you, but will give you joy.