Fruit of passion, fruit of health: all about passion fruit. Beneficial properties of the mysterious passion fruit and contraindications

In Brazil, passion fruit is also called the “fruit of passion”, which is quite consistent with the temperament of this people. However, the local residents themselves claim that we are talking about completely different passions, which are very far from love. And the reason for this name lies in the fact that the fruit belongs to the passionflower family of plants. The passion fruit blossom stands out for its beauty, and also in appearance it resembles the crown of Christ. Thanks to this similarity, the ancient monks nicknamed the fruit with this extraordinary name.

Features of exotic passion fruit

Passion fruit is also called granadilla purpurea. They are distinguished by their oval shape, purple-burgundy color and unique taste. Moreover, the fruits often have a hard, smooth or textured skin that is not edible. And the main advantage of this fruit is its soft, sweet pulp with a delicate aroma.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, passion fruit fruits can vary in taste from sweet to sour. Also, the fruits can have not only a purple color, but also a yellow, brownish, green or purple color.

Concentration of benefits in one passion fruit

The vitamin and mineral composition of passion fruit makes this fruit not only tasty, aromatic and fresh, but also very healthy. This fruit contains many microelements, such as vegetable protein, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. There is also a rich vitamin composition, which includes all vitamins B, E, biotin, C, A, K and beta-carotene. But the real value of this fruit is the mineral compounds - sodium, chlorine, iron, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, copper, fluorine and manganese.

On top of that, passion fruit is rich in phenolic acids and flavonoids, in other words, antioxidants that help slow the development of cancer, strengthen the tone of the heart muscle and vascular walls, and also destroy microbes.

Substances of the class of plant steroids - sterols, easily replace cholesterol in the blood, since they are similar in composition. This allows you to displace “bad” cholesterol and nourish the body with natural ingredients.

In addition to all this, passion fruit is low in calories - only 70 kcal per 100 g of product, which is why this fruit is often used in the dietary diet.

Fruit of health – passion fruit

Purple granadilla is an excellent fruit that combines outstanding taste and healing properties at the same time. MirSovetov will tell readers about the benefits of consuming this fruit.

  1. Passion fruit is famous for its calming properties as the fruit contains high levels of serotonin. Because of this, it is recommended to use it to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and ensure calm and.
  2. The use of garandilla is advisable for older people, as it effectively copes with the problem of high blood pressure.
  3. Passion fruit can also relieve attacks and relieve swelling of the upper respiratory tract.
  4. This fruit is indicated for use by patients suffering from liver and urinary tract diseases.
  5. The rich mineral composition of passion fruit helps to normalize the intestinal flora and eliminate diseases associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Passion fruit is an excellent remedy for treating chronic pain.
  7. Granadilla has analgesic and antipyretic properties.
  8. The high fiber content of passion fruit allows the fruit to act as a natural laxative, which naturally regulates intestinal functions.
  9. The sodium contained in the fruit actively prevents the formation and development of kidney stones.

Passion fruit as a home cosmetologist

The tonic effect of granadilla fruit juice is excellent not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. This product has long been recognized by both folk and classical medicine. Passion fruit juice contains unique alpha hydroxy acids that have anti-aging and exfoliating properties. These components include tartaric, citric and glycolic acids.

Homemade creams, masks and cosmetics containing these components can normalize the balance of moisture content of the skin, improve toning and give elasticity. Such facial care products help to even out the complexion and smooth out visible defects. In addition, passion fruit acts as a natural scrub, removing dead cells from the epithelium.

Passion fruit extract is often added to cosmetics intended for aging skin. On the packaging this component is labeled as passionflower extract.

Selecting ripe passion fruit

Today you can buy this wonderful exotic fruit on the shelves of any large supermarket, and sometimes even at the market. In any case, it is necessary to navigate the external signs that indicate the freshness and ripeness of the fruit.

The fruit must be selected as weighty and large in size as possible. The skin may have a dark purple tint, sometimes brownish, and may be smooth and shiny. However, many supermarkets import this variety of passion fruit, the ripeness of which is determined by its rough crust. A fruit with small cracks on the skin is considered sweeter.

The accepted color of the fruit is purple. But depending on the country of origin, the fruit may have different color options. For example, New Zealand passion fruit has a rich purple color, sometimes even turning into brown. And Hawaiian passion fruit is often bright yellow. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the country of origin of the fruit, which should be indicated on the price tag. The most important thing is to choose a fruit with a juicy, rich color - this guarantees that the fruit is ripe enough.

The shelf life of passion fruit is short; it usually does not last longer than 5 days. But, if you purchased an unripe fruit, then you can leave it for a couple of days in a warm room, and then hide it in the refrigerator for the specified period of protection.

Proper use of fruit

In order to eat passion fruit fresh, you just need to cut it, remove the pulp and seeds. Everything about the fruit is edible except the peel.

Raw passion fruit pulp is often added to fruit salads, desserts, mousses, syrups, creams, baking fillings, jellies and ice cream - this is the most traditional way of eating it.

In Brazil, passion fruit is used as the main ingredient in a favorite delicacy - mousse made from garandilla pulp. In addition, the seeds of this fruit serve as a tasty decoration for all kinds of pastries, cakes and pastries, since their sweetness gives the dish an additional richness of taste.

Passion fruit juice is the most valuable product. The freshly squeezed drink can be drunk in its pure form, or it can be added to various cocktails or mixed with juices from other types of fruits. This method of consuming passion fruit is common in the areas where the plant grows - Asia and America. In addition, in this form the fruit retains all its beneficial qualities in order to fully nourish our body with minerals and vitamins.

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that came to the shelves of our stores relatively recently, but has already managed to gain recognition from gourmets and simply lovers of exotic things. And this is not without reason, because all components, except the peel, have a number of health benefits and are used for food.

How to choose the right passion fruit in the store

You can count on the beneficial properties of passion fruit only if the fruits in the store are chosen correctly.

The fruit can have a spherical or oblong shape. Depending on what species it belongs to, the fruit can be from bright yellow to dark purple in color.

You can tell that passion fruit is ripe by the following signs: the fruits will be large, slightly soft, the peel will be wrinkled with cracks. This is the product that will be the most delicious and sweet. Fruits must be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

Slightly unripe fruits with smooth skin can also be purchased. In this case, they need to be put in a paper bag and left for several days, giving them the opportunity to ripen.

If the passion fruit is of high quality, then the small product should be heavy.

Important! A light fruit will have a dried core; in this case we are not talking about any juiciness. These fruits are not worth buying.

It is impossible to judge the quality of a product by its smell, since passion fruit has a dense, thick peel that does not allow the smell to pass through.

Beneficial properties of passion fruit

In those countries where passion fruit grows, it is used not only for food, but also as a juicy and tasty fruit. This product is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent to combat certain diseases and as a means that can strengthen and restore health.

Passion fruit leaves and seeds are widely used in the preparation of many medicines.

Clean, fresh pulp contains a whole range of useful substances that can have the following effects on the human body:

  1. Relieves cramps and pain in the stomach area, has a slight laxative effect, and can normalize the functioning of the digestive canal.
  2. Have a strengthening effect on the immune system, promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness.
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and urinary organs.
  4. Helps remove harmful components from the body.
  5. Has the ability to relieve heat.
  6. Relieves pain in muscles and joints.
  7. Normalizes blood pressure, which is very important for patients suffering from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Positively affects the vascular system.
  9. Thanks to the flavonoids and beta-carotene present in the pulp, you can count on maintaining your vision.
  10. Passion fruit juice is tasty and pleasant. It tones well. But it is advisable to mix this product with other juices before use due to its strong concentration.

A valuable substance is obtained from the fruits of an exotic fruit - fatty oil, which contains esters, acids, vitamins C, E, etc. This oil is obtained by manually pressing the seeds; the resulting volume is very small, which is why this product is especially valued. This oil is used in cosmetology. Due to its antioxidant content, this component is included in anti-aging formulations and products that combat problematic oily skin.

The seeds of the fruit have a calming and hypnotic effect. It is enough to eat just one fruit in the evening to ensure a restful sleep for the whole night. Passion fruit seeds are an excellent remedy for fighting depression and nervous tension.

Passion fruit oil is widely used in cosmetology. Today, store shelves and salons are replete with products (shampoos, conditioners, creams) containing this component.

If you wish, you can add a little of this oil to your cosmetics yourself.

Passion fruit oil has the following effects:

  • stimulates blood flow, resulting in the process of cell regeneration and renewal;
  • restores the lipid layer, makes the skin smooth, gives it elasticity and firmness;
  • has a calming effect on irritated skin, relieves swelling and redness;
  • controls the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • nourishes dry skin, eliminates the problem of peeling;
  • It is capable of healing, therefore it is recommended for eczema and psoriasis.

One of the most popular and effective skin mask recipes is prepared as follows:

  1. Passion fruit, in the amount of 50 gr. mixed with 1 table. spoon of sour cream (cream is also suitable). Add 1 teaspoon to this mixture. a spoonful of honey and a few drops of peach oil.
  2. Mix 1 table thoroughly. a spoonful of passion fruit pulp, the same amount of starch, 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of juice squeezed from lemon and 1 egg yolk.

Any of these masks is applied to the face, which is recommended to be cleaned first, and washed off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Compositions made with the addition of passion fruit are also very useful for curls. They have a strengthening effect on the root system, enhance growth, and stop hair loss. After just a month of using this product, your hair will enjoy health, thickness, shine and elasticity.

To make a healing mask, you need to combine 100 grams of exotic fruit pulp with slot 3. spoons of heavy cream, 1 table. a spoonful of burdock and olive oil. After thoroughly mixing all the components, the resulting mixture is applied to the head and covered with a polyethylene cap. After 30 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water and shampoo. This mask should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days and applied every other day.

There are no specific contraindications to the consumption of passion fruit. It can have a negative effect on the body only if it is consumed in unlimited quantities.

If the fruit is present in the diet in large quantities, people prone to such reactions may develop allergies.

Children should also not be allowed to eat a lot of this fruit, especially for the first time.

The exotic fruit is an excellent sleep aid, so before starting active work or going on a road trip, it is better to exclude it from the diet.

It is best to eat about 100 grams of passion fruit per day. As a rule, this is done in the traditional way: the fruit is cut into two parts and the juicy pulp is eaten with a spoon. If you wish, you can eat the seeds, but you need to remember that they contain a strong hypnotic effect.

You can make aromatic juice from the fruit, which becomes especially tasty if mixed with orange juice.

Passion fruit can be used as an addition to smoothies, yogurts, ice cream and other desserts. Also, this fruit is often one of the components of salads, mousses and sauces.

A bright and juicy overseas fruit, passion fruit has a wonderful taste and aroma. Due to its wide range of beneficial properties, this fruit is used to produce sedative medications. It is also actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Video: how to eat passion fruit

The homeland of the exotic fruit passion fruit is Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Since ancient times, the plant has taken root well in Thailand. Passion fruit is translated from Thai as “fruit of passion”; other names for these fruits are granadilla purpurea and passionflower. Today the plant is grown in many tropical countries. The passion fruit tree is a cluster of vines that grow up to 12-20 meters in a year. As the tree grows, it acquires tendrils, with the help of which it wraps around everything around itself. The liana blooms with beautiful, large flowers with purple, lilac or white petals on the outside. There are many strong long stamens in the middle.

Passion fruits are round or oval in shape, similar in appearance to large plums, the peel is yellow or deep purple. The fruit grows up to 30 cm in length and 12 cm in width, depending on the variety. The skin is very dense and protects the inside of the fruit from damage. The pulp itself is orange, very aromatic, iron-like consistency, with many purple or brown seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. Green passion fruit is smooth, ripe and wrinkled.

About 500 species of passion fruit grow in nature, but only two are suitable for food:

  • passionflower edulis, small fruits with dark purple skin, with sweet and aromatic pulp;
  • passionflower edulis flavicapra, large fruits with yellow skin, pulp with pronounced citrus sourness.

Benefits and harms

100 g of fruit contains only 68 kcal. Fruits contain vitamins A, C, E, K and group B, linoleic acid, beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, selenium, iron, copper and zinc.

The leaves of the plant, which contain large quantities of antioxidants, biologically active acids and serotonin, are also useful. The peel of the fruit is highly valued.

Passion fruit consists of 80% water and is very beneficial for the human body. The flavonoids contained in the fruits help strengthen the walls of the brain and slow down the aging of cells, protect against cancer. Excess cholesterol, toxins and waste are removed from the body with the help of sterols. Serotonin restores and improves the functioning of the nervous system. The seeds have hypnotic and sedative properties, passion fruit juice is a very good tonic, helps with constipation, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and improves metabolism. A decoction prepared from the leaves of the tree helps with pain caused by rheumatism and gout, and lowers the temperature. An infusion of seeds and leaves alleviates the condition of the female body during menopause.

Passion fruit has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system, especially in infectious diseases. Fruits normalize blood pressure, relieve severe symptoms of migraines and asthma, and help preserve vision. If you regularly eat passion fruit, you can improve your health; it is especially recommended to eat the fruit for middle-aged and elderly people, whose bodies are most susceptible to various diseases.

The pulp of the fruit is widely used in cosmetology. The products work well to tighten pores, reduce wrinkles and even out skin color, saturate it with vitamins and tone it. The pulp is added to shampoos and hair conditioners, which strengthen the roots, improve hair growth, and help with hair loss.

Hair Mask

Mix 100 g of passion fruit pulp with 3 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream, add 1 tbsp. spoons of olive and burdock oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to your head and hair, cover with a plastic cap. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes with warm water and shampoo. The mask is stored for 7 days in the refrigerator, applied every other day. After a month of using this product, your hair will become thicker, stronger, healthier and shiny.

Skin mask

Combine 50 g of fruit with a tablespoon of sour cream, you can use cream. Add a few drops of peach oil and a teaspoon of honey to the mixture, mix thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin, rinse with warm water after 30 minutes.

Passion fruit oil is useful for various problems of the body:

  • has a stimulating effect on cells, due to which they are renewed;
  • restores the lipid layer of the skin, making it more elastic and smooth;
  • soothes irritated skin, helps get rid of redness and swelling;
  • controls the formation of subcutaneous fat;
  • nourishes dry skin well and eliminates flaking;
  • has healing properties and is effective for eczema and psoriasis.

Passion fruit has no special contraindications and there is no harm from it, but you should remember that you cannot consume it in large quantities, especially if the body is prone to allergies. It is better to eat 100 g of passion fruit per day. If you have an active business activity or a trip, it is better to avoid eating the fruits, because they are a good sleeping pill.

Application in medicine

Passion fruit has been used for a long time in folk medicine; decoctions and tinctures are made from the fruits, flowers, seeds, peel and leaves, which help with various health problems:

  • headaches and insomnia;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • whooping cough;
  • hypertension;
  • liver diseases;
  • convulsions;
  • anxiety states;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • muscle spasms;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • inflammation;
  • burns.

Passion fruit infusions are used as an antifungal, antiseptic and antispasmodic.

Use in cooking

Passion fruit is eaten differently in different countries:

  • on the Hawaiian and Philippine islands the fruits are pierced and the juice is drunk;
  • in the Dominican Republic, fresh fruits are eaten with sugar;
  • in Sumatra they use fruit juice to make syrup;
  • the Vietnamese prepare a popular dessert made from passion fruit and honey;
  • in Brazil, the seeds are used to decorate baked goods, and the juice is used to make mousses;
  • in Australia, sweet sauces are prepared from the fruits, passion fruit is served with ice cream, cheesecake and the airy pavlova dessert. The juice is used to prepare the refreshing drink Passiona;
  • in Mexico, passion fruit is seasoned with lime and red pepper;
  • in Peru, sour passion fruit is added to the national seafood appetizer called ceviche;
  • In South Africa, passion fruit is added for flavor to yoghurts, carbonated drinks, sweet pastries, and multivitamin and tropical juice mixtures are prepared.

The fruit is usually eaten raw, cut into two halves and the pulp scooped out with a spoon. An aromatic juice is prepared from the fruits, which becomes even tastier if mixed with orange juice. Fruits are used as a filling for baked goods, an addition to cocktails, ice cream, yoghurts and various desserts. Passion fruit is added to salads and sauces, and the pulp is included in liqueurs.

Passion fruit dessert


  • 50 g Philadelphia cheese;
  • 250 g condensed milk;
  • lemon;
  • 1 passion fruit;
  • 150 ml heavy cream 30%;
  • 20 ml milk;
  • 1 quail egg.


  1. Cut the passion fruit and scoop out the pulp with a spoon, place in a blender bowl, add cheese, milk and egg.
  2. Wash the lemon and cut it into 2 parts, squeeze the juice of one half into a blender, add condensed milk and beat everything until smooth.
  3. Place the whipped mixture in a bowl and add the cream, stirring gently from top to bottom using a spoon.
  4. Divide the mixture into portion forms, grate the zest of the remaining half of the lemon on a fine grater and decorate the dessert. Place the molds in the refrigerator for half an hour. Serve chilled.

Passion fruit punch with rum


  • 150 g passion fruit pulp;
  • 300 ml white rum;
  • 2 glasses of ice;
  • 600 ml lemonade;
  • 150 ml orange juice.


  1. Mix orange juice, rum and passion fruit pulp in a decanter. Cover with film and leave in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. Combine the mixture with lemonade and pour into tall glasses with ice.

How to select and store passion fruit

Passion fruit will only be beneficial for the body if you choose it correctly at the market or in the store. You should definitely pay attention to the following factors:

  • ripe fruits with a rough skin, elastic. Cracks and spots indicate that the fruit has begun to deteriorate;
  • if the fruit is suspiciously light, then its core has dried out and is not worth buying. Even a small fruit should be heavy;
  • yellow fruits are not as sweet as purple ones.

The smooth-skinned fruits are unripe, but can be purchased. At home, put them in a paper bag and leave them to ripen for several days. Ripe passion fruit can be stored for 5-7 days in a cool place. Peeled pulp can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. The pulp is frozen with sugar for the winter, so all the beneficial substances are preserved in it.

Growing passion fruit at home

Passion fruit can be grown at home from seeds or cuttings. The seeds must be fresh; dry ones will not sprout. Buy a well-ripened fruit and extract the seeds, choosing the best ones.

Growing from seeds consists of several stages:

  • thoroughly clean the seeds from the pulp and place them on a cloth, rub gently until the juice sacs open;
  • Rinse and dry the seeds twice. Do not dry the seeds in the sun, just lightly blot them with a napkin and leave them on a dry cloth;
  • prepare the soil: combine compost, sand and garden soil in a 1:1:1 ratio;
  • choose a container that is not very deep, fill it with soil and make small furrows in it, the distance between which should be 5 cm;
  • plant the seeds in the furrows at a distance of 1 cm from each other, sprinkle with a thin layer of soil;
  • water the seeds and place the container in a warm place, periodically moisten the soil;
  • When the sprouts sprout and grow to 20 cm, transplant them to a permanent place.

Growing using cuttings is a very simple method and in most cases gives good results. Planting stages:

  • choose a cutting; you only need to cut young shoots that have at least 3 buds. Cut the cuttings obliquely, above the lower bud;
  • prepare a mixture of fertile soil and fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 3, mix thoroughly;
  • select a deep container and fill it with soil, immediately plant the cutting after cutting and create a moist environment for it. To do this, you can build a small greenhouse from a box-shaped frame covered with a polymer film;
  • Place the finished greenhouse in a sunny place with high humidity. After 2 weeks, the cuttings will take root;
  • transplant the cuttings with roots to a permanent place.


Passion fruit is a rather capricious plant and requires careful care, which consists of regular watering, fertilizing and installing support for fast-growing vine branches.

Watering is very important, because passion fruit naturally lives in a humid climate. The plant needs to be watered frequently and thoroughly. The soil should not dry out. If the room where passion fruit grows does not have very high humidity, watering should be done once a week.

Passion fruit loves fertilizers very much, so you need to feed it often and generously. Fertilizers begin to be applied in spring, summer, and at the beginning of autumn, fertilizing is carried out once. For passion fruit, slow-acting organic matter with a low nitrogen content and chicken manure in granules are suitable.

Passion fruit is a liana-shaped plant, so it needs strong support. As soon as tendrils begin to appear on the vine, carefully tie them with a thin rope and tie them to a support. Place the side branches opposite the main stem.

Pruning is mandatory; it should be done once every 2 years, in the spring before flowering begins. When pruning, dry, weak and old shoots are removed. Old branches cannot be cut off at the base; you need to leave a few buds, because new shoots can grow from them.

Passion fruit is a beautiful plant that will delight you with evergreen leaves and sweet aromatic fruits. Be sure to include fruits in your diet, and your body will be very grateful to you.

Passion fruit is considered an exotic fruit, but its popularity and taste have allowed it to spread to grocery stores around the world. Finding passion fruit in large supermarkets and fruit stands is quite easy, especially when it comes to warm tropical countries. But in order to choose and buy delicious passion fruit, you need to know several signs indicating the quality of these fruits.

In most cases, passion fruit is purchased for consumption as soon as possible, so you should choose ripe fruits that have all the qualities for which these fruits are so loved. Unripe passion fruits can be purchased if you need them in a few days. Such fruits ripen quite successfully within 2-3 days and acquire almost all the characteristics of ripened fruits.

Among the fruits on sale, relying only on external signs, you can easily choose ripe passion fruits. These will be fruits with a rich purple color, with small cracks and wrinkles on the peel. It is the wrinkled fruits that are considered to be of high quality, and not vice versa, as one might think based on the general idea of ​​beauty. The yellow variety of passion fruit is found on sale less often than its purple relative, as it is grown and used for industrial production of juices. But the signs of maturity of all passion fruit subspecies are the same.

Purposefully buying unripe passion fruits, you can choose fruits of green, yellow and red color; after ripening they will acquire a characteristic purple color. Ripening passion fruit is best done at room temperature in a closed container or paper bag. After three days, the ripe fruits should be stored in the refrigerator. Ripe passion fruit should not be stored for more than seven days.

Another sign of a good passion fruit is its weight. The fruit should be heavy relative to its size, this will mean juiciness, good taste and aroma of passion fruit. The lightness of the fruit indicates their emptiness inside, that is, for some reason the pulp has dried out or overripe, exposing the seeds. Therefore, when buying passion fruit, fruits should be selected individually, without relying on the seller’s integrity. The thick peel of the passion fruit practically does not allow the smell of its pulp to pass through, so in this case it is not possible to judge the quality of the fruit by its aroma.

Knowing the signs of a tasty passion fruit and using these simple tips, you are almost 100% likely to be able to purchase high-quality fruits and enjoy the sweet and sour taste and unusual bright aroma of these exotic fruits, which also have some beneficial health properties.

Tell your friends about it.

Exotic fruits are of great interest to the residents of our country. Just recently, every child's dream was to try pineapple, but now store shelves are filled with even more unusual tropical fruits. However, when buying them, many people wonder whether they are really useful. The passion fruit, which recently became available in our part of the world, is no exception. Today we will talk in more detail about it and study all its beneficial and harmful properties.

Benefits of passion fruit

Passion fruit is an unusual exotic fruit that recently appeared on store shelves in our country. Therefore, for many it remains a mystery how it affects the body.

To assess the benefits and harms of passion fruit, you need to study its composition. This exotic fruit contains a huge amount of minerals, as well as vitamins B, A, C, E, H and K.

Passion fruit is a truly healthy fruit. Moreover, it is quite low in calories. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to those who want to lose weight. In addition to its dietary properties, passion fruit also has some other benefits in terms of benefits.

Benefits of passion fruit:

  1. Passion fruit contains a huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins. Therefore, it is able to remove harmful substances from the body, increase immunity, and also have an inhibitory effect on viruses.
  2. The vitamins contained in this fruit have an anti-carcinogenic effect and are able to eliminate free radicals. It is also worth noting their property of activating blood cells. Due to these effects, it is believed that passion fruit can be consumed as a preventive measure against cancer.
  3. Passion fruit has a positive effect on vision. It prevents the formation of cataracts, strengthens the eyes, and prevents night blindness.
  4. For cosmetic purposes, passion fruit is used to cleanse, rejuvenate and heal the skin.
  5. This fruit has the most beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It improves digestion, relieves constipation and balances blood sugar.
  6. Passion fruit, when consumed for a long time, has a persistent vasodilating effect. This property is valuable for people suffering from hypertension.
  7. The trace elements contained in passion fruit have a beneficial effect on the heart.
  8. Thanks to the vitamin and mineral complex of passion fruit, your nails and hair will begin to grow rapidly.
  9. It is worth noting the property of eliminating menopausal symptoms.
  10. People suffering from asthma by consuming passion fruit reduce the risk of a new attack.

The list of beneficial properties of passion fruit is quite extensive. Therefore, it would be a good idea to include it in your daily diet. However, due to the high cost of this fruit, this is not yet available to everyone.

Useful properties and contraindications of passion fruit

The list of beneficial properties of passion fruit is quite extensive. However, this fruit also has contraindications. There are, surprisingly, few of them. However, they are very important.

Those who are on a diet will be interested to know that 100 grams of passion fruit contains only 65 kcal.

Before using any new product, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with its contraindications. Otherwise, you risk causing considerable harm to your body.

Contraindications for a product such as passionflower:

  1. First of all, the fruit is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to it. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, start eating fruits with very small portions.
  2. Breastfeeding and pregnant women can consume passion fruit, but in very small quantities.
  3. Infants should not eat maracuja. The fact is that, firstly, this fruit can cause allergies, and secondly, the children’s gastrointestinal tract may not be able to digest it.
  4. It is also worth noting that in small quantities, passion fruit helps fight insomnia, but if you eat it in large quantities, then it is better not to drive.

Thus, if you are not allergic and not a small child, then you can eat passion fruit. However, you need to know moderation in everything and not get carried away with it.

Growing passion fruit at home

Many people are interested in the possibility of growing passion fruit at home. You will be surprised, but it is possible! This plant has incredibly beautiful flowers and greenery, and sometimes delights its owners with fruits. Passion fruit grows in the form of a vine. The flower of this plant can decorate your home and diversify the interior. Let's look at the rules for growing passion fruit.

Growing Passion Fruit:

  1. If you decide to grow passion fruit from seeds, then, first of all, you need to prepare planting material. To do this, the seeds are washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Mix humus, sand and soil in proportions 1:1:2. Heat the mixture in the oven for an hour and cool it.
  3. The seeds are planted in the ground and lightly sprinkled with soil. Now they need to be watered and covered with film. Place the pot with the seeds in a bright place and ventilate it periodically, opening the film slightly.
  4. After 4 true leaves appear on the seedlings, they need to be planted in separate pots.
  5. Passion fruit should be watered as the soil dries. Feeding is carried out every two weeks. It is better to use tomato products.
  6. Passion fruit needs a mandatory garter. However, twine will not work here. It is best to use a special grill.
  7. To pollinate the flower, you can use a soft brush. It is important that the room humidity is not lower than 65%.

By following our tips, you can grow a vine of incredible beauty. Within a few months after planting, it will cover your window with its greenery. If you take proper care of it, then within a year it will delight you with delicate flowers and tasty fruits.

How to eat passion fruit

The passion fruit fruit looks like a round burgundy ball, in the middle of which there is juicy pulp with small seeds. The taste of this fruit is difficult to describe in words. Many claim that it resembles a mixture of strawberry, kiwi, peach and gooseberry. Others see passion fruit as a cross between sea buckthorn and kiwi.

How to eat passion fruit:

  1. You can eat it fresh. To do this, you need to cut the fruit in half and enjoy its taste using a small spoon.
  2. Passion fruit is great for decorating cakes. I also use it as a filling for pies.
  3. Passion fruit smoothie is very popular. It can be combined with other fruits, ice cream or yogurt.
  4. Sauces for poultry and meat made from passion fruit will appeal to gourmets. This addition will add originality to your dish.

In addition to eating, passion fruit can be used to prepare masks and facial scrubs. Such an exotic gift for your skin will make it younger and cleaner.

How to eat passion fruit (video)

Passion fruit is a tasty and healthy fruit that has a minimum of contraindications. Therefore, you can safely include it in your diet and even grow it at home.