Download a drawing of a girl taking a selfie step by step. How to take a selfie that looks professional? Best Selfie Poses

Sometimes, for various reasons, we don’t want anyone to know that we made this or that portrait of ourselves. In this case, it would be nice to get creative and take a self-portrait (selfie) as if we were photographed by a professional. Whether this is needed for our page on a social network, or for some kind of portfolio, or, in the end, for personal use is not important.

However, in order for a self-portrait (selfie) to look as if it was taken by someone other than ourselves, it is useful to know a few tricks that will help you achieve what you want.

So, let's look at some of these techniques.


Instead of relying on the length of your arm, it is better to use the camera's built-in self-timer feature. By using the self-timer, your face will appear more relaxed in the photo (you will no longer strain your hand). In addition, you can take photos with a wider viewing angle. If you have the option of using a remote shutter release system, that would be even better.


To ensure that the camera does not shake and the pictures are clear, just use a tripod. If you don't have a tripod, then pay attention to your surroundings and use, for example, a chair or table. Be careful when placing the camera on available objects and make sure that it does not fall.


One of the things that separates amateur photography from professional photography is the quality of lighting. You may not have professional equipment, but there are still a few things you can do to keep the lighting as close to natural as possible.

If you do self-portrait (selfie) indoors, pay attention to the windows. Stand so that the light falls on your face. On the street it is better to find shaded places, especially when the sun is shining brightly. This will not only allow you to take a photo comfortably, but also avoid the effect of fatigue on your face.

If you take a photo from a close distance, you may end up with one half of your face in shadow compared to the other. To fix this, you can use a mirror or just some white surface to direct the reflected light onto the dark half of your face.


One of the signs by which it is easy to determine that a photograph was taken independently is its background. Many people take pictures of themselves in their bedroom or somewhere else in the house. The problem here is that such places contain objects that are dissonant with the subject of the photo. To solve this problem, there are two different approaches.

If you decide to spend photo shoot at home, then try hanging a single-color sheet, against which you will take pictures. For even better results, the sheet should extend to the floor, creating a uniform surface from bottom to top.

Alternatively, you can go somewhere outside your home. For example, the nearest park has a chance to become a great place where you can find many corners that will make for great photos.

Self-portrait (selfie)- a very interesting type of photography. And these simple techniques will allow you to take exquisite and professional photos. Now that you're armed with all this information, it's up to you to decide how good your self-portraits will be.

In the era of mobile phones with high-quality cameras, it is difficult to find a person who has never photographed himself in his life. Some photos come out great, while others leave much to be desired. Many people ask: how to take selfies for girls? A few secrets will help you look great in the photo.

Selfie poses for girls

The main role is played by the location in the frame. This needs to be taken into account when thinking about how to take a selfie correctly. All angles should be divided into several types:

  • Full face. The emphasis is on the face; shoulders and chest may be included in the frame. Choosing this selfie pose involves makeup that evens out the skin and the right hairstyle;

Semi-full face

  • Semi-full face. If beautiful selfie poses were ranked according to aesthetics, this option would take the leading place. This angle will narrow the face, emphasize the eyes and highlight the lips;

  • Profile. Quite bold: the outline of the face is highlighted, the cheeks and nose are enlarged. The eyes are lost and the ears come to the fore;

Selfie top view

  • View from above. When choosing cool selfie poses, you should focus on this option: the emphasis moves to the eyes. Don't forget about a good background;

Full length selfie.

  • Full height. It is worth resorting to a similar pose when there is a beautiful landscape or landmark nearby.

All of the cool selfie poses listed are actively used by girls to create pictures that will get a lot of likes from subscribers.

Best Selfie Poses

But the above angles are not a panacea and will not provide the perfect shot, regardless of the circumstances. If a girl doesn’t understand how to take a selfie, she should take notes from the listed angles and try them on herself near the mirror. A kind of “rehearsal” will allow you to discover the most successful angles for a particular person, choose the best poses, and at the same time find out the “working” sides from which to be photographed.

Care must be taken to ensure that no one or anything unnecessary is left in the frame. It is unlikely that a cluttered home or gloomy passers-by will be able to brighten up a photo, even if the main subject looks perfect.

Good poses for a selfie with a friend

There may be more than one person in the frame. When planning to take a photo portrait with a friend, many people don’t know how to fit the two of them organically so that all the girls “fit” into the frame and don’t have to cut anything off. The most common position in this case is the “cheek to cheek” option. The smartphone should be placed at a distance and on top: this ensures the most advantageous angle.

You can take a photo at a distance when one of the friends is further away than the other. One variation is a photograph from above, which also provides an advantageous angle.

Fashionable poses for selfies with your loved one

The pictures that capture the couple in a lying position look cute. The most popular photographs were those taken in the “follow me” style. In this case, the girl comes to the fore, leading her partner by the hand. However, the young man can also try on the role of a leader.

Selfie poses for girls using the front camera

Since almost all modern phones are equipped with a powerful front-facing camera, it's hard to resist the temptation to snap yourself this way. You should not “cut off” body parts, unless, of course, this is some kind of artistic design. To take a good photo, you should use a monopod.

To make a photo perfect, you can process it using special applications before publishing it on the Internet. When taking a group photo, you need to make sure that all participants in the photo fit in the frame.

The concept of “selfie” has only recently entered the dictionary, but the concept of a self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before modern smartphones appeared, however, modern photographs do not at all pretend to be a work of art. But how do you still take the perfect photo? Check out some practical tips for taking great selfies!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, Kim Kardashian sure knows how to take a selfie. There is even a wax figure of Kim in the process of taking such a photo, it is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin lower and raise the camera higher. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you lift your chin, your nostrils are visible, which doesn’t add much to the selfie. But remember that this angle works for Kim Kardashian because she has a fairly thin face. Your ideal angle depends on your face shape. Try different angles to find the best one.

Focus not only on the face

Remember that you are more than just your face. You can share other body parts too. Did you buy new shoes? Show off your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show us the fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock make a better story than your face in the water. When you look at the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around you, so showing off your appearance is not the best way to show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of distracting backgrounds and focus on your eyes. But don't get too close, as the camera focuses on the closest object and that will be your nose. Zoom in close enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. A smartphone doesn't work like a good camera, so you need to frame your shot correctly. If you're self-conscious about your body, you can focus on your face and posture to look good.

Divide and conquer

If you place your face in the center of the frame, the photo looks like a passport photo. If this is not your goal, use the basic rule of thirds in photography. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. This composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more attractive photos because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Have someone take your photo while you take your photo. Celebrities often publish photos of themselves with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about your surroundings. Nobody will be interested in you if you have a dumpster behind you. It is better to trim such fragments.

Should you stick out your lips?

The so-called “duckface” is only suitable for real ducks. The rest of us better pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of struggling with trying to press the right button and maintain a pose, simply use the buttons to adjust the volume, this also allows you to take a photo.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps, but don't go overboard. If there are too many filters on a photo, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to good photography. Poor lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights do not flatter your skin tone. However, direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should I use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a photo of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully without disturbing others, especially if you are in some tourist place.

Have fun taking photos