A community of real vampires. Vampires are among us!!! They are somewhat normal people

Many films and TV series have been made about vampires. But beyond all the pop culture, medieval legends and myths, there are people living among us who actually call themselves vampires. And they actually feed on human blood! In recent years, several scientists, university professors and doctors have studied modern vampires, and now you will learn the most interesting things about them!

15. They are very scrupulous about blood safety.

Human blood does not seem to have any ill effects on vampires. Doctors say the high levels of iron in the blood they drink may be toxic, but the amount of blood (and iron) they drink does not appear to pose any risk or danger to them.

Dr. Thomas Ganz of the University of California Los Angeles says that while vampires practice good hygiene, they still cannot completely avoid the risk of blood poisoning.

Alexia, a vampire from the vampire community in the UK, states that vampires in their community are generally extremely careful, careful and meticulous about health and safety. She also claims to have studied bloodletting before she began drinking blood from a vein. Eating blood, she says, is a completely alienated act—something like taking pills.

14. They are somewhat normal people

John Edgar Browning of the Georgia Institute of Technology has been studying real-life vampires for nearly 10 years and has conducted ethnographic studies of real-life vampires living in New Orleans and Buffalo. He admits that they are not so easy to find, but if you try, they can turn out to be very friendly and open people.

They are ordinary people, with ordinary jobs as bartenders, secretaries and nurses, some of them church-going Christians, others atheists. Real vampires are far from the Goth subculture, and are completely normal people leading completely normal lives.

13. Many of them do charity work

While doing his research, Browning had the opportunity to meet many real-life vampires and realized that there were entire organizations of vampires in New Orleans who fed the homeless (regular food), volunteered with animal rescue groups, and also worked on a variety of social issues, including in a very real sense helping the society that surrounds them.

The New Orleans Vampire Association (NOVA) regularly hosts holiday fundraisers, and members of the vampire community come together to cook meals for the homeless on special dates such as Easter or Thanksgiving.

12. They don't bite - they cut

There are many legends about vampires, and, according to one of them, they drink blood from a person after biting him. However, contrary to everything that we are used to seeing on the screen, we can safely say that they drink blood differently from how Hollywood films show it - with bite marks and a sea of ​​​​blood.

Modern vampires of the 21st century receive their regular blood supply through a 25 mm incision, which is made with a sterilized scalpel on a special area of ​​the body and which leaves no scars, cicatrices or any marks at all.

A vampire can drink blood directly from the "source", but usually the blood collection procedure is performed by medical personnel, paying special attention to hygiene and sterility throughout the process.

11. They consider their vampirism to be a genetic disease.

Many of today's vampires do not identify with the dark, gothic subculture that is stereotyped in many Hollywood films. On the contrary, they are firmly convinced that they have a mysterious disease, as a result of which they feel the need for regular replenishment of human blood. Without receiving their usual dose of blood, they become weak, sick, and often suffer from headaches and stomach cramps.

According to Dr. Browning, members of the vampire community are people who have developed (usually during puberty) a vague and unexplored form of energy deficiency and later find that they feel better after drinking blood.

According to the vampire known as CJ!, the irritable bowel syndrome she suffers from can only be cured with blood. "After drinking a significant amount of blood (anywhere from 7 shots to a cup), my digestive system responds, recovers and works great," she says.

Sociologist J. Williams of Idaho State University, who authored a 2014 study on real-life vampirism, says most vampires believe there is some undiscovered genetic or medical explanation for their condition. In other words, they report that they feel an overwhelming need for additional energy, which completely defines their vampire identity.

10. Real vampires may live next door to you

Real vampires are very secretive about their private lives and do not want to reveal their secret. According to a number of studies, there are at least 5,000 people living in the United States who consider themselves real vampires.

Dr. Browning has identified 50 real-life vampires living in New Orleans alone, so he believes that approximately the same number of vampires live in most major cities in the United States. They have regular jobs (bartenders, nurses, clerks, etc.) and lead a typical American lifestyle, except for their habit of regularly feeding on blood.

Real vampires do not know state borders: they exist in every country. Living in the Internet age of the 21st century, vampires are often well suited to solving the problems of their community.

9. They only drink donated blood

39-year-old real-life vampire Merticus from Atlanta has lived an open life since 1997. He is one of the founders of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance, an organization that supports new vampires and promotes cohesion among its members.

He explained in detail exactly how vampires feed on blood. This process is surprisingly systematic and begins with "living donors", people who allow vampires to drink their blood. Finding a donor is not easy, but when they do, most vampires ask them to undergo a thorough medical examination to prevent the risk of contracting blood-borne diseases.

Merticus feeds on blood once a week, consuming anywhere from one to two tablespoons. He also says that sometimes vampires living in the real world may resort to animal blood if a living donor cannot satisfy their hunger.

8. Vampires realize they are vampires during adolescence.

According to Dr. Browning's research, most vampires become aware that they want or feel the need to drink blood during adolescence. Most of the vampires he interviewed said that they experienced a long period of extreme low energy, and then, after accidentally drinking blood (after, say, accidentally biting their lip), they felt better and subsequently realized that drinking blood helped them maintain their condition.

7. They know their vampire history

Vampire myths did not begin with Dracula, the Impalement, or Vlad the Impaler (three names for the same person). The first myths and legends about vampires can be traced back to the ancient cultures of China, Greece and others, which tell of the dead resurrecting and harming ordinary people. Myths about vampires killing living people have been popular in Eastern Europe since the 11th century.

The first vampire in Europe was in the 18th century in Serbia. His name was Petar Blagojevic. In 1725, rumors began to circulate that the dead and buried Blagojevich would leave his grave at night and kill local residents. According to the autopsy report, his body did not have any characteristic signs or smells of decomposition.

As for the sexuality of the vampire in fine Victorian clothing, this comes from a short story called "The Vampire", published in 1819 by John William Polidori. Before Polidori's story, vampires were always described as foul-smelling creatures or sickly ghouls.

6. They know that their bite will not turn another person into a vampire.

Vampires living in real life are ordinary people. Most of the time, they hide their vampire side of life and carefully hide it for fear of being misunderstood and to protect their lives, family and friends from reprisals from people intolerant of them.

And several centuries ago, people thought that a vampire was a person who was born with an ominous mole or other “deformity” on the body. This meant that he was associated with the devil. Fortunately, today's real vampires are ordinary people, smart and erudite, who do not believe in superstitions.

5. The truth about Dracula

Most people know that Bram Stoker wrote his novel and created the character of Count Dracula, inspired by the 15th century Romanian ruler Vlad III the Impaler, Prince of Wallachia. During his reign, he was known for his particular cruelty towards his enemies.

He took special pleasure and pleasure in impaling his enemies. His most famous (or rather, infamous) act is considered to be what happened in 1462: Vlad the Impaler filled the battlefield with thousands of impaled victims.

Vlad the Impaler was also known by another name - Vlad Dracula. And it was the word “Dracula” that attracted Stoker’s attention. Recently, historians have proven that Bram Stoker knew almost nothing about Vlad the Impalement and his penchant for impalement. Stoker simply found Vlad Dracula's name in a note and thought it would be perfect for the vampire character he was working on. In fact, the name "Dracula" comes from the Romanian "drac", which means "devil".

4. They ignore pop culture

One of the most surprising findings that Dr. John Edgar Browning made during his research is that real-world vampires have a woefully inadequate knowledge of vampires in popular culture. They pay almost no attention to how their “relatives” are described or portrayed in literature, films, and so on. According to Browning, this means that most of these people did not become bloodsuckers under the influence of books they read or films they watched.

39-year-old "open" vampire Merticus perfectly sums up what vampirism is and isn't: "It's not a cult, it's not a religion, it's not a habit, it's not a paraphilia, it's not an offshoot of the BDSM community, it's not a community of disaffected teenagers, and it's definitely not... It’s not something that’s portrayed in fiction books, movies or TV shows.”

3. They fear discrimination

Since ancient times, vampire myths have told stories of the dead who are resurrected, leave their graves and terrorize civilians and innocent citizens. But in real life, real vampires are people who simply need human blood to feel good.

The modern vampire has much less in common with Dracula and is more like an ordinary person. Dr Browning found that people who call themselves vampires live in deep fear of hate crimes and discrimination.

Maybe if they called themselves something completely different, their perception in society would be completely different. Regardless, whenever real-life vampires mentioned their particular health problems to doctors, they almost always felt suspicious of themselves from medical professionals.

2. There are three types of vampires

Within the global community of real vampires, everyone knows that there are 3 types of vampires. Lifestyle vampires are a type of “light vampire.” These are people who are attracted to the vampire aesthetic, but have no interest in drinking blood. They can be described as people interested only in the Gothic look (or Victorian look). They wear black clothing, prosthetic fangs, colored contact lenses, everything associated with gothic/sinister vampire stereotypes. They can also be defined as “fashion vampires”, because for them only the image, the appearance, is important.

The second type is sanguinary vampires. They don't accept the vampire aesthetic. Sanguinary vampires need to feed on human or animal blood. They cannot live without blood: there are many documented cases where, after spending a long time without a standard dose of blood, they become lethargic, frail, depressed and experience physical discomfort.

The third type is energy vampires. These are people who are unable to adequately maintain their physical, psychological and mental health without feeding their life force energy from other sources. These vampires feed by giving massages or holding hands with their "donors". They feed on life energy.

1. Modern medicine does not recognize them

Dr. Browning explained in his reports that although many vampires tried to get treatment or diagnosis from medical professionals, the result was always the same: "No disorder or abnormality was found." This is the final conclusion of many medical professionals.

Real vampires believe that they did not choose this state for themselves. It was a complex process of learning or "awakening", mainly during adolescence, until they realized their biological need to consume blood. In other words, they say that they experience an irresistible need for additional energy, which determines their vampiric feature and their entire existence as healthy people.

Good day! Alexey is with you! And today I have prepared a very interesting article for you. I think you are also interested in the question - do vampires exist in our time? Exactly the same as or. Let's figure it out together.

From the history of vampires

How many films have been made these days about vampires, how bloodsuckers hunt for people, catch them and drink blood. Where do they come from? From many films, they appear due to the reading of a mysterious spell or in other ways. Yes, vampires have become so popular that legends are made about them, songs are written and sung. We also all know a society of people - goths, who dress and behave like vampires. But as they say, every legend has some truth.

So is there proof of the existence of vampires or not? This is the question we have to answer.

The history of vampirism began in Poland. Legends and myths tell us that it was in Poland that the bulk of the bloodsuckers were located, who hunted people, attacked and drank their blood. Even in those distant times, they tried to convey information that vampires exist.

Vampirism also manifested itself in Eastern Europe, where a person who allegedly committed suicide became a vampire. Bloodsuckers dismembered their victims and drank their blood. Also, people who renounced God and went against the ministers of the church became vampires.

The deceased could also become a vampire if a black cat jumped over his coffin. A deceased person was also considered a vampire if, during his burial, creaks and voices were heard from his coffin, or he opened his eyes slightly while lying in the coffin. As a rule, hawthorn branches were placed at the feet of such deceased people and garlic at the head.

A book about vampires - hour before dawn

In Portugal, they still believe in the existence of a woman who at night turns into a bird and starts hunting for babies, killing them and sucking out all the blood. Such a woman is called Brooksa and outwardly she is indistinguishable from an ordinary girl.

Do vampires exist in our time - proof to scientists

In 1972, the famous honored world scientist Stefan Kaplan opened a special center in New York for the study of vampirism and evidence that vampires are among us. And as it turned out, all his efforts were not in vain. He managed to find several dozen vampires. Outwardly, they were no different from ordinary people. From his research he drew certain conclusions:

  • Vampires actually exist in real life
  • Vampires can't stand the sun, so they wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen.
  • Ordinary nails and fangs
  • Don't turn into anyone else
  • They drink human blood to quench their thirst, three glasses a week
  • Not violent, but rather calm. Very good parents and devoted friends
  • If they can't find human blood, they drink animal blood.

Many people claim that human vampires are just mentally ill, but scientist Stefan Kaplan assures the opposite, since the need to consume blood is a physical need, not a psychological one. Also, the secret of the youth of bloodsuckers is precisely that they drink human blood.

In 1971, a man named Peter Blagojevich, after his death, visited his son and neighbors several times, who were later found dead. All facts were recorded in documents.

In Serbia, a man named Arnold Paole was attacked by a vampire while he was making hay. The bloodsucker bit Arnold, after the bite he himself became a vampire and killed a number of people in the village. The Serbian authorities then took this matter seriously, interrogating witnesses to these events, they opened the graves of victims of the vampire.

From the Twilight series book - eclipse

At the end of the 20th century, an American from the Brown family - Mercy. According to one of the family members, she came to him after her death and thereby infected him with tuberculosis. Then after that, they opened her grave, took out her body and tore out her heart from her chest and burned it at the stake.

What they look like

Vampires are thin with dry and pale skin, with long and sharp fangs and claws. As I wrote above, they are afraid of sunlight, which is why the windows in their houses are always closed with curtains. Vampires are hunters for blood and this is why they are easy to identify; if suddenly someone sheds blood, then the bloodsuckers, seeing it, begin to behave inappropriately, trying not to give themselves away in a crowd of people, they hide. They attack only when the victim is alone.

Where live

Vampires live in different countries of the world. They have different names and look different. Below I will provide a list of the vampire's country of residence and its description.

American vampires (Tlahuelpuchi) are ordinary people who feed on human blood. At night they turn into bats in search of their next victim.

Australian vampires (Yora-mo-yaha-hu) are creatures of small size, but have very long arms and legs, with suction cups on their limbs, with the help of which they suck the blood of the victim. A bite turns you into a vampire. These bloodsuckers have a very strong fear of salt.

Romanian vampires (Varcolak) are ordinary people with a pale skin tone during the day, but at night they turn into vicious dogs and hunt people in search of human blood.

From the Twilight series, the book Dawn - more details

Chinese vampires (Werewolf - fox) are vampire girls who suffered from violent death. It easily changes its appearance and is protected with the help of a special figurine with the image of a fox. Hunts in the houses of its victims. Feeds on human blood.

Japanese vampires (Kappa) are drowned children, live in ponds, hunt bathing people, grab their victims by the legs and drag them to the bottom, then bite the veins and suck out the blood.

German vampires (Wiedergengers) are night hunters, kill their victims in the cemetery, completely dismember the body and suck the blood.

Greek vampires (Empousas) are creatures with donkey legs that suck blood from a dead person.

Italian vampires (Strixes) are deceased witches and sorcerers, hunt children at night, take the form of an owl and fly in flocks. This species cannot be killed. Protection against them with special rituals.

Indian vampires (Rakshasas) are the spirits of the dead, very evil, they turn into anything, they have immortality, the more blood I drink, the stronger and more powerful they become.

Filipino vampires (Aswangs) are dead girls who suffered from violent death. They feed exclusively on male blood.

This list once again proves the existence of vampires in our time.

How to protect yourself from vampires

Our distant ancestors used garlic as protection against bloodsuckers. Garlic contains sulfonic acid, which destroys hemoglobin. There is such a disease as Porphyria, we will talk about it later. So such patients cannot stand garlic.

They also protected themselves from vampires with the help of rosehip and hawthorn stems. Church equipment was also used as protection. And in South America, residents hang aloe leaves on their front doors. In the east, they used amulets in the form of a seal, which were invented by priests and gave the name Shinto.

In the Middle Ages, people protected themselves from bloodsuckers using aspen stakes. They drove an aspen stake into the vampire's heart, then cut off the head and burned the body at the stake. If people assumed that the deceased could become a bloodsucker, then he was placed in a coffin face down. There were times when the deceased’s tendons in the knee area were cut.

The inhabitants of the country of China, when they died, left small bags of rice near their graves, so that the vampire would count the number of grains of rice in the bag at night. Just as in the description above, the deceased in the coffin was turned over face down, but in addition a stone was also placed in the mouth.

Who are energy vampires?

In fact, such people - vampires - exist. This is a certain category of people who absorb energy, sucking it out of others. In this way, the energy vampire charges himself with positivity and spoils the mood of his victim. They seek scandal and quarrel and thus charge themselves with energy. As a result, the energy vampire is doing well, he is full of energy and strength, but the victim is left in a bad mood, loses appetite and suffers from insomnia.

Let's move on to diseases associated with vampirism

Disease - Porphyria

At the end of the 20th century, scientists identified a disease called Porphyria. This is a very rare hereditary disease. Out of hundreds of thousands of people, only one could get sick. A patient with this diagnosis does not produce red blood cells, resulting in a very severe deficiency of oxygen and iron.

A person with porphyria cannot be exposed to sunlight, as hemoglobin breaks down. They also do not eat garlic, as it only makes the disease worse.

The patient's appearance is similar to that of a vampire. Due to exposure to sunlight, the patient's skin is thin and has a brown tint. The body dries out, as a result of which the fangs are visible. Such changes put a lot of pressure on the human psyche.

Another terrible disease is Renfield syndrome

Renfield syndrome

This is a very scary and dangerous mental illness for people around. Patients have a very strong craving for blood, and it makes no difference to them whether it is human or animal. Such people are capable of the most terrible murders, even if they drink blood.

The American serial killer Richard Trenton Chase and the German vampire man committed the most terrible and terrible murders in order to get another portion of blood.

Photos of vampires

Video proof of the existence of vampires

These facts once again prove that vampires exist today, but they do not rise from the world of the dead. These are just sick people with a mental disorder.

And that's all for me! What do you think? Do vampires exist today? Do you believe in them or not? I'm waiting for your comments! Thanks and bye!

Regards, Alexey!

In most major cities around the world, communities of ordinary people - bar staff, secretaries, doctors - drink blood on a regular basis. The question is why?

In the French Quarter of New Orleans, John Edgar Browning is about to take part in a "feeding". He decided to conduct medical research to find out who human vampires are. It all starts with rubbing alcohol on his upper back. Then an incision is made with a scalpel and pressure is applied until blood begins to flow. A vampire volunteer for Browning's experiment leans his lips and drinks in the dark liquid. "He takes a couple sips, then cleans the incision and bandages me," Browning says.

To Browning's shock, the blood was not to his partner's taste. “He said my fluid didn't have a metallic taste like it should have, so he was a little disappointed. It appears that diet, hydration and blood type can lead to subtle differences in taste and aroma." After the researcher and the vampire cleaned themselves up, they went to a charity dinner to help the homeless.

A self-confessed needlephobe, Browning did not see the feeding process with his own eyes. “I'm actually very afraid of anything sharp touching my skin,” he says. But as a researcher at Louisiana State University, he was willing to go through it all for his project: an ethnographic study of the "Real Vampire" community in New Orleans.

Religious blood feeding ritual, delirium, or fetish? Before he first met vampires, Browning thought they only blurred the line between fact and fiction. “I assumed that these people were crazy and just read Anne Rice novels.”

By that time, he took the risk of offering himself as a donor, and his opinion changed. Many real-life vampires do not believe in the paranormal and are little more than a passing attraction to the TV series True Blood or the Count Dracula films, and they do not suffer from any mental problems. Instead, they claim to be debilitated by a strange illness whose symptoms include fatigue, headaches, and excruciating stomach pain, which they believe only go away after drinking another person's shelter.

"There are thousands of people doing this just in the US, I don't think it's a coincidence or a fad," Browning says. Their symptoms and behavior are a complete mystery.

Taboos and speculation

For many, vampirism in real life is taboo. Over the past few decades, this has equated to gruesome murders, with cases such as Rod Ferrell in the US, who was deluded and killed people, apparently inspired by the fantasy of a role-playing game. "When people talk about these self-identified vampires, terrible thoughts come to mind," says Dr. D. Williams, a sociologist at Idaho State University. “As a result of this, the vampire community became closed and suspicious of outsiders, although even doctors drink blood. All the vampires who took part in the study contacted me online asking me to use pseudonyms instead of real names in this article."

It was not always like this; in history, we can find cases where human blood was considered bona fide for medical treatment. In the late 15th century, for example, the physician Innocent VIII extracted the blood of three young men before death and gave it (still warm) to his dying teacher, with the hope that their blood would imbue him with youthful vitality.

From what we can tell, most major cities around the world had their own vampire community - Dr. D. Williams, sociologist.

It was later used to treat epilepsy, with sufferers encouraged to gather around the gallows and collect the warm blood that dripped from recently executed criminals. "Blood was seen as something between the physical and the spiritual," explains Richard Sugg at Durham University. It was believed that by drinking the blood of a healthy young man, you would absorb his spirit and heal your soul. These procedures only fell out of favor during the Enlightenment in the 18th and 19th centuries, due to the puritanism and prudery that gripped society at the time.

And yet, the practice continued among small groups of people. Before the Internet era, they were largely isolated, but now on closed web pages they can communicate freely. "From what we have, we can believe that most major cities around the world seem to have a vampire community," Williams says.

Thanks to their fear of discovery, these communities became adept at going underground, a barrier Browning encountered when he began his research. "These are people who don't want to be found," he says. He lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana at the time, only an hour's drive from New Orleans, a city famous for its vibrant subcultures. He realized that if he ever got a chance to meet a real vampire, this was the best place to look.

Walking the streets day and night, he started with the Goth clubs, where vampires could easily hang out. Even starting his search, he was not particularly worried about meeting some maniacs. In fact, he was not concerned about his own safety, but about the vampires, because his research could seriously harm them and ruin their lives.

He eventually found himself in a small goth clothing store, chatting with the owner, who pointed out a woman standing with two children in one of the aisles. So Browning carefully approached her, and told her about his research on vampires. “Finally, she smiled and said, “I might know a few,” he recalls. “And when she smiled, I saw two fangs protruding above her lips, they were terribly sharp.” Although he subsequently lost contact with "Jennifer", the meeting gave him the impetus to continue his research. And he eventually developed a good relationship with a large group of vampires whom he interviewed regularly.

In fact, the deeper he delved, the more diverse and colorful a spectrum of personalities appeared before him. Although some wear fangs and sleep in coffins, they don't pay much attention to movies and books. “This was the late 2000s and they hadn’t even watched True Blood! These people knew about as much as the average person about vampires from literature and cinema.”

Conversations with vampires

Vampirism in the modern world has many shades. Bar workers, secretaries, nurses and doctors drink people's blood. Many of them gather in Christian churches, others do not believe in God at all. At times they are very altruistic. According to a British “vampire” named Meticus: “There are real vampire organizations that volunteer to feed the homeless, rescue animals and take an active part in social life. The “vampire” identity doesn’t really change our lives, yet when we see a label that says blood, we prefer to drink it in company instead of whiskey.”

For some, the taste of human blood personifies psychic energy; they believe that an unusual drink gives them strength; other vampire people think that they have a physiological need.

Strange addiction

While studying vampire people, Browning came to the conclusion that the thirst for blood awakens during puberty. One of the first volunteers in his study said that he was 13 or 14 years old when he felt weak and lacked the energy to exercise. Unlike his friends, he could not run, always staying away from children's pranks.

One day, during a fight with his cousin, he accidentally touched his lips to a bleeding wound. At this moment, the vampire man felt a surge of vitality. The desire to feel the salty taste of blood again turned into real hunger.

It's a typical vampire story. A girl named CJ claims that in addition to constant fatigue, she constantly has headaches and stomach cramps: “After drinking seven glasses of blood or even a cup, the digestive system works wonderfully.” Her friend Shaking confirms this: “If I go a week without blood, I feel hungry all the time. My mental abilities are declining and muscle pain appears. There is something in the composition of human blood that brings me relief.”

Human vampires use the blood of voluntary donors. By the way, they are quite difficult to find. It is not easy to approach a person and ask for his blood. Usually the “drink” is provided by loved ones or friends who understand the needs of the “vampires”. Shaking is using her own husband. A loving man donates the drug she needs once every one or two weeks.

Donors sometimes charge a fee, Browning said, but the donor-vampire relationship is always voluntary. The scientist says it's more like a medical procedure than satisfying a craving. Usually, the donor and the vampire are examined at donor centers or venereal clinics before entering into a relationship. The puncture is done with a disposable scalpel or syringe, which is opened in front of the donor. If the blood is sucked according to the traditional pattern, before eating, vampires brush their teeth and then rinse their mouths and lips with mouthwash. Often they will use a rubber tourniquet to find the vein.

When a vampire finds a luxurious donor from whom excess blood can be drained, the drink is stored in the refrigerator, first mixed with an edible anticoagulant and placed in a vacuum container. Some blood lovers even make a brew with tea and herbs, which apparently helps the blood last longer.

Vampire Alexia, who first practiced bloodletting and then began drinking blood from incisions, says that the bloodsucking community cares about health and safety. She herself treats the procedure as something impersonal, like taking pills.

After feeding, vampires suffer no side effects, although consuming such large amounts of iron can be toxic. Not a single vampire in the surveys complained of complications after drinking blood.

Toms Ganz from the University of California at Los Angeles points out that, despite safety measures, the risk of infection cannot be completely eliminated. Testing at some STD clinics does not cover the full range of potentially dangerous diseases, such as HIV and hepatitis C. Much research is needed to study the problem and give a real assessment of the danger, but vampires are usually afraid to admit to social workers and doctors that they are drinking shelter . Their addiction is too condemned by society, and no one wants to bear the stigma of shame.

Scientist Williams, who studied the interactions between vampires and society, said: “a social worker who learned that his ward was drinking shelter tried to take his children away from him.”

Some human vampires, like CJ, try to be more open, she discussed her problem with a gastroenterologist and a psychiatrist. The doctors, having learned that she drinks blood, calmly reacted to her addiction, but made no attempt to understand their patient.

Looking for a cure

In fact, most vampires don't really revere the ritual of blood consumption. Browning says many of them are ready to give up their habit, but doctors have been unable to find other ways to alleviate their condition. “Many of us would like to get rid of cyclical symptoms and live like normal people,” says Shaking. Alexia agrees with her: “If the disease had been identified, I would rather take regular pills.” According to her theory, due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the body does not receive the necessary nutrients from ordinary foods. They are available only when they are part of the blood.

At the same time, CJ admits that this may be a psychological problem: “Perhaps everything is in our heads. Many vampires have tried to stop drinking blood to see how quickly the symptoms would go away, but without success. CJ got to the point where her heart began to beat at 160 beats per minute, a terrible migraine and fainting began. The heart had to work harder for the body to function at least somehow. A four-month abstinence from human blood led to these results.

Ganz suggests that the desire for human blood is due to psychological reasons. Scientists know that our brain can control physical sensations in the body. There is a possibility that vampirism is associated with a strong placebo effect and is similar to ingesting bitter powders and brightly colored liquids that taste different from ordinary foods. The psychological relief from drinking blood can be extended if it is associated with ritual or a sense of exclusivity. Combined with the fact that blood is a highly nutritious product and a mild natural laxative, it is not surprising that it brings relief to both the psyche and the digestive system.

Vampirism and psychosis

Some may wonder if bloodlust is a sign of a deeper mental health disorder. Stephen Schlozman of Harvard University argues that when a patient comes to him complaining that he needs to drink human blood, he, as a psychiatrist, first checks whether he has psychosis. Such rituals go far beyond cultural traditions and ordinary behavior. But it will investigate whether the patient actually benefits from substances in human blood.

Browning and Williams claim that during their research and communication with vampires, they saw no evidence of their psychiatric inadequacy. Bloodsuckers approach this quite rationally and proceed from logical justifications for the need to drink blood.

According to Ganz, the study of vapirism is quite unusual and has caused long and complex discussions among psychiatrists. People have a collective tendency to label people with unconventional behavior as mentally ill. But many vampires are quite harmless, they do not kill or kidnap people, but simply need help. If the bloodsucker and donor are comfortable with their unconventional feeding choices,

Will modern civilization accept vampires?

Now that the vampire community has begun to reveal its secrets to outsiders, scientists will have the opportunity to study their problems and find some answers. The first groups of vampires have already begun attempts in this direction. They find scientists to study their genes and microbiome. Look for socially acceptable ways to make up for the unknown deficiency in the body that forces them to drink human blood.

Whether they succeed or not is unknown, but Browning says he has learned to treat them with the same respect as other minority groups. The whole society must come to this. “When I started studying vampireism, I thought I was communicating with crazy people, but within a year I realized that vampires don’t have mental problems, it’s non-vampires who have difficulty accepting the unusual.”

“Just because we don't understand the unusual experiences of weird people doesn't mean we should despise them and isolate them. The vampire identity is a way to cope with mysterious and debilitating feelings. Everything that happens to them is real. We can't figure out what it is, and they don't understand, but they're doing everything they can to cope with their problem,” Browning said.

There are many sites on the Internet dedicated to vampires. It was on one of them that I found Alice. She is the only one who agreed to answer the questions, as they say, live.

Alice is a pretty girl of about 25 with a pale face, bright scarlet lips and ashen hair - nothing unusual. But as soon as she smiled, her slightly enlarged upper fang teeth were revealed. I was even overcome with anxiety: lest the interview end in bloodshed.

- Alice, is it true that you drink human blood? – I asked the first question head-on.

- Yes it is. But why is everyone interested in this and not our other abilities and problems? After all, if you are not like everyone else, you have to pay for it. The more sensitive you are, the more irritated you are by sounds and smells. The better your night vision, the more acutely you react to sunlight. I can't stand garlic and can always sense if other people have eaten it, even when it was a few days ago. I constantly have to apply sunscreen, otherwise my skin peels off... And that's not all.

– How did you become a vampire?

– My journey has been long. I am a skeptic by nature, I like to get to the bottom of everything, which is why, by the way, I work as a lawyer. If at the very beginning someone had told me that I was a vampire, I would have decided that this person was a complete idiot. Changes began at age 17. I stopped going to the beach because the sun was causing skin burns and later I developed eye problems. I was hungry all the time, my weight fluctuated plus or minus two or three kilograms every month. There was a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. I went to the doctors, they examined me, but they could not help. And I had the same dreams. It’s as if some creatures are explaining something to me, but I don’t understand them. And it’s also like I’m running away from someone. Years later, I realized: I was running away from myself. And there was also an unbearable melancholy that did not go away.

I lived like this for 9 years, until I tasted blood. I made an agreement with my neighbor in the apartment we rented together. I then took only 5 grams of blood from him. Instantly the world became brighter, sadness disappeared, hunger disappeared. I was absolutely happy.

– Can this state be compared to a drug high?

– The body suffers damage from drugs, and when a person wakes up, he understands this and regrets the mistake. And then you get up in the morning and your body sings. This is true happiness.

– Where do you get blood and how often should you drink it?

– I drink once every six days, about 6 liters a year. We take blood from people who give it voluntarily. I call them givers. The vampire and the donor must like each other. After some time, you understand the giver without words, he becomes part of your “I”, and you feel him, being hundreds of kilometers away.

– How does the process itself take place?

– Some people use cuts. Live contact is attractive. But I use a disposable syringe and take blood through a vein. Everything must be sterile and safe. Before this, the donor takes a blood test, and I can be sure that I will not become infected with anything from him. True, I once did this with a stranger. He pestered me in the park, and I stunned him: I admitted that I was a vampire and invited him to try it. I am ashamed of that action.

– Why do donors agree to this?

– People by nature love to sacrifice and give. Some people are just curious. But for everyone who gives away their energy with their blood, something good happens in their lives.

– They say they still take blood at transfusion stations?

– Frozen blood may be an alternative. But something is not right about her. When you drink such blood, it seems to evaporate in the esophagus. I rarely resort to this; I have plenty of donors. I don't drink animal blood. But I eat raw meat, which also gives me strength.

– What happens if you are stuck for a long time?

“My hands are shaking, cramps begin, and I feel hungry. I stare at the exposed body parts of strangers. Then apathy sets in, emotions fade, as if you are a living corpse.

– Can a hungry vampire attack a person?

- Never. We value people too much, like any manifestation of life in general.

– In Bram Stoker’s novel “Dracula” everything is wrong...

– A novel is a writer’s invention. Although, perhaps, such a commander lived, and his wounds quickly healed. It is likely that he drank the blood of his enemies - morals were terrible back then. But he did not have immortality and could not turn into a bat.

– Do you have supernatural powers?

– Animals, plants and children are drawn to me. I can relieve pain with my hands. Once I ran for eight hours without a break, and once I swam two kilometers in an hour, although I hadn’t swum for seven years. Many of us look younger than their years. There are only four real vampires in Moscow, although many call themselves such. We know each other, meet, share experiences. But it’s hard for us to be around all the time. Vampires don't know how to love like humans. There is something missing in us, and we take it from people.

– Do your loved ones know that you are a vampire?

– At work I don’t tell anyone about this and usually dress more formally. Mom, I hope, doesn’t guess either. The young man knows, but accepts me for who I am.

– Is being a vampire for life?

- I hope not. After all, this is an addiction that complicates my existence. I always think about how to satisfy my hunger.


In New York there is a scientific Vampire Research Center (vampire research center), which studies vampirism. It was founded by Professor Stefan Kaplan, who through research established that among people there are those who cannot live without drinking warm blood. Moreover, this dependence is not psychological, but physiological in nature. That is, everything is in order with vampires’ heads. Kaplan compiled a questionnaire to identify “bloodsuckers,” sent it to potential candidates, and thus identified one and a half thousand natural vampires around the world.

Victoria Kolodonova

Western media love to show films about vampires, their ability to regenerate tissue and restore the body, significant life expectancy fascinates the average person. Vampires are characterized as follows: they cannot tolerate sunlight, because... light destroys their tissues, these children are creatures of darkness. Secondly, they feed on blood, biting through an artery, they consume blood to restore vital energy, while their regenerative characteristics renew the body and they become younger, energy appears for fun and they have fun. The victim of a vampire, as a rule, anticipates the bite but, as if hypnotized, fears and waits, as shown in our picture. Those bitten by a vampire also become vampires and blood is now needed to prolong their life. As a result of such a mutation, soon the entire human society would become vampires and ultimately die. There is no influx of new blood and then vampires degenerate and die. The inconsistency of the idea is obvious, but it lives on and excites the consciousness of the vampires themselves, who have long switched to more civilized food. They now look like respectable businessmen, politicians, big bosses and are simply minding their own business. All people fell asleep and plunged into darkness, concepts of life were imposed on them that allow vampires to develop. People, generating vital energy in the process of bustle, have forgotten how to bring harmonization into their body and smooth out energy imbalances, and this leads them to various diseases. Vampires recognize such people by a number of signs and bring them closer to their circle, making them second-class citizens or donors. Some vampires take up positions as torturers and caretakers of various correctional institutions. Consuming pure life energy is simply a pleasure for them, while the victim rushes about in doubt and fear. After consumption, vampires experience an increased feeling of youth and energy. And therefore they strive to always be in the thick of things so that they can replenish their energy supply at any time. Such people are simply intelligent little things, beautifully dressed, sociable and attractive; they cannot live without a group for two weeks; they are again attracted by communication and intimate conversations. Vampires worm their way into human society and, under the cover of darkness, which they themselves create by clouding the consciousness of their subordinates with useless ideas, they do their own thing and develop programs, just like in society produce an even greater distortion of values ​​and concepts. Wrong food, wrong information, false values, various kinds of fears all lead to the formation of a crowd of donors who have created a reserve of energy in their bodies and semi-sick people go to production. Each vampire has his own specialization in which he is simply a master, and now you come to him and he rubs his hands and feeds on you. A person who has lost the amount of vital energy feels empty and often has a desire to drink or eat. Where drinking or food begins to replenish lost energy. After pumping out the energy, the vampire feels that the channel is closed and he is indignant and shakes. Remember your bosses who shouted and stomped their feet indignant at you; a more sophisticated method is to grind the employee’s behavior in his absence and this is also the activity of a vampire. Most often in life these are harmless people, sometimes comical, and harmless, with one trait - the soul of society. True, there are also lonely monsters who drink the energy from one victim, that victim dies and then proceeds to search for another. These vampires are individualists and demand sympathy for themselves, telling how many relatives and friends they have buried. This only speaks of the bloodthirstiness of such a vampire.

Films and books about vampires are created by vampires themselves, clouding the consciousness of people and at the same time drawing them into their networks. You may ask what is the point of writing books and creating films about a non-existent method of feeding vampires when they switched to eating clean energy. This is more like a fantasy, when a sick imagination saw a vampire bat and gave birth to a human vampire. But the fact is that there are similarities: both blood is vital energy and psychic energy itself is also necessary for life, and every person should worry about saving energy. By pointing out a false trail, vampires averted suspicion from themselves and the consciousness of people cannot identify the vampire. And such intelligent things exist in our society using techniques for pumping out vital energy. Vampires are able to coexist next to their victims, and these can even be close relatives of whom they have turned into this state. In a family, of course, there is an exchange of energies and ancestral energy conservation takes place, so there are diseases that are transmitted along the family line. Also, the hierarchy of vampires reaches the very top; vampires in our time have occupied leadership positions and some entire clans conduct rituals of pumping out life energy. They do not need to save energy; they use this vital energy to their fullest. Only the light of consciousness can stop the vampire and his dirty deed. In all the films, if you remember, vampires are characterized as being afraid of the light and doing their business when night comes. For invulnerability, they use updates and changes in organization, the organization of new trends, i.e. active activities are underway. But such intelligent things don’t work now and many people jump off the vampire’s needle. They develop self-awareness, which gives good indicators of energy saving and redistribution of energy to the necessary organs. Wushu exercises have proven themselves well, helping to harmonize a person’s spatial structures and strengthen his total field.

Now the intelligent thing is unable to approach a person in silence and begin to eat life energy. Hierarchy plays a huge role here, it makes it possible to increase the volume of energy consumption and its range. These vampires organize their hierarchy in clans so that their family always has enough energy and they do not have to deal with energy conservation. The lower ranks of these clans are looking for donors in the human environment and spend a lot of time searching, developing plans for how to quietly gain trust and make a breakthrough in the aura to pump out energy and connect. They have to be on a starvation diet and strive to save energy during these periods. In a society ruled by vampires, everything is aimed at hiding obvious manifestations of vampirism; they can be recognized by their characteristic gaze. All people are simply donors for a vampire, but not of organs, but of energy that promotes the regeneration of organs. The word vampire refers to the entities that organize a Feast at your expense, they came from the lower world, they have weak vital energy, they are unable to connect to the holy source and therefore it is organized by them horizontal power supply. Some Vampires are generous people, their goal is to exchange gold for your energy, which, mixed with the Divine Ray of Life, gives a regeneration effect. like in our picture there is a young man and nothing betrays a vampire in him, but his soul is black as night and his thirst for consumption is great.

Vampires, like shepherds, create their own herds and use them throughout their lives. Infected people become a lower caste, they consume animal meat and most often they are gourmets who simply do not understand that they are a factory for generating energy, which they bring to the altar of their vampire. Such people are most often workaholics and love to be in society until the last day; they are simply afraid to be left alone with themselves. When they are left alone, they are tormented by thoughts of death and various kinds of passions, they are not able to concentrate on the eternal, they need to do something, run somewhere, They start to think a little, their head hurts. Vampires, on the contrary, often act out their soreness, which arises from the lack of normal nutrition of one or another organ, and they are very happy to have guests in their room, where in an intimate conversation no one bothers them to savor and pump out plenty of energy for themselves. Donors are also found among patients who are sick, on the contrary, from an excess of energy. With an excess of energy, the organ cannot cope and inflammation and new constructions begin at the cellular level, which the doctor defines as a disease and they intuitively feel where the vampire is and make contact with him. More often, such acquaintances are short-lived and spontaneous in nature. Vampires love people to bend over backwards in front of them and be obedient and efficient, doing whatever they want, whenever they want. The most revered cohort of sexual vampires, but only inexperienced vampires use this energy for consumption. Here, too, vampires often go overboard and die from disease. Sexual vampires consume various types of sex to drain energy from their donor. Attention! Sexy vampire, this is a separate big topic that will be published in the “Sex and Love” section in the near future. The transsexual vampire is shown in our picture on the right.

How to protect yourself from a vampire and do I need to be careful? Is a vampire a harm or a healer? Such questions arise in people, I will say one thing: Vampires are born in an unhealthy society, but their techniques and their very existence are illegal robbing of people, and robbing them of their vital energy. If there were no vampires, people would strive to produce only healthy food and the nutrition required would be 2-3 times less. Vampires keep the production of corpse food and all kinds of substitutes that are not digested in our body and lead to an imbalance of energy leading to diseases. Why do you think everyone works to grow food and make food, doctors and pharmacists work to fight viruses, diseases, and people are still dying. Yes, because under the pretext of a shortage of food, all kinds of preservatives are added to products and our body does not recognize this type of food, and hence, cancer, diabetes, obesity. As the Bible says: “While man was sleeping, the enemy of man came and sowed tares,” so here is the enemy of man. How to protect yourself from a vampire, there is only one answer: recognizing a vampire does not mean protecting yourself, he has the ability to gain your trust under any guise, even under which you least expect him. It could even be your mother, or a close relative. No, you are not a vampire, they are simply converted vampires or second-generation vampires with double power, a characteristic feature of their existence is that they worship their leader and take the collected energy to him.

Attention! A fight can be declared against a vampire through constant work of consciousness, and this will not allow the vampire to relax you, put you to sleep and prepare you for pumping out energy. Strengthening your positions in life, developing consciousness and working to expand it will allow you to gain faith and solid ground under your feet. Exercises to harmonize the aura will allow you to change the energy balance in your body, which will lead to energy saving and a decrease in food consumption in general, you will become slimmer and more beautiful.