Polynesian style tattoo on the forearm. Polynesian tattoo: meaning and photo

Polynesia is the name given to the group of Oceania islands scattered across the central and southern Pacific Ocean, within the triangle that contains New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Island. The people who inhabit the islands of Polynesia are called Polynesians, and they have many things in common, including language, culture and beliefs.

Polynesian languages ​​are virtually the same and vary depending on the distance between the islands. There are some words that are the main source and reflection of the deepest core of all Polynesian cultures - Ocean (moana) and Spiritual power (mana) - The ocean guarantees life. These two words most accurately and vividly show the relationship between Polynesian culture and the Ocean.

Most of us know Jules Verne as a novelist and great writer of the 19th century. Along with novels, he also wrote popular science books about the world's most important discoveries in geography and other scientific works.

“The History of Great Travels” (in three volumes - read it - very interesting) was written on the basis of a careful and painstaking study of documents, notes from travelers, and diaries of expedition participants. This is how Jules Verne describes the Maori people we are interested in: “According to ancient legends, the Maori came approximately 1.5 thousand years ago from the Hawaiian Islands. This beautiful Polynesian tribe inhabited all the islands scattered in the vast region of the Pacific Ocean. The Maori drove away or almost completely exterminated the primitive population. They had a custom of tattooing; some tattoos showed both amazing skill and taste, which was difficult to expect among primitive people. The islanders were distinguished by their good physique, they had beautiful faces, their skin was yellowish or dark red, seeming almost black from the tattoos that covered their entire body.”

In the past, being tattooed required courage, endurance and perseverance, especially for those who were performing such a ritual for the first time. To do this, the Master marked a pattern on the skin and introduced pigment there with a pick, hitting it with a hammer stick. Sometimes tattoos were applied without prior marking. But, since any mistakes here are irreparable, the design was sometimes outlined in advance with charcoal or even using a special stamp.

Hence the word "Tatau" means "beating" in the Maori language. By the way, Captain James Cook, the first European, heard and wrote down this word in 1769.

This procedure could take several days and after its completion, a holiday was held in honor of the one who withstood all these tests and challenged himself through pain. By making irreversible changes to their appearance, including getting tattoos, people believed that they were changing themselves. As noted by the author of the book “Tattoo as a Historical Source” - anthropologist, archaeologist, Doctor of Historical Sciences M.B. Mednikov that “The human body was supposed to be “finished” so that it corresponded to its new social state. After all, in order to become a genuine person, you also need to resemble the mythical model.”

Maria Borisovna gave me permission to quote her book (“Languages ​​of Slavic Culture”, 2007), which perfectly tells the history of tattoos in general among many peoples of the world. The anthropologist's interest in this topic reveals to us the semantic meaning of tattoos, which justifies and proves the desire of Homo sapiens to apply indelible marks to himself.

In the book by M.B. Mednikova has a legend that tells about the hero of the New Zealand aborigines Mataora in the afterlife and about his acquisition of a tattoo - a gift from the gods to man and at the same time a gift from man to the gods.

Nowadays, modern tattoo machines work much faster and cause only temporary, tolerable pain and burning. New technologies have allowed everyone to get closer to the art of tattooing, as now people can be tattooed painlessly and can consider a tattoo as an adornment of their own body.

Tattooing, which in its primitive form was very crude, later became one of the most refined arts.

Maori tattoos are great because they tell the story of their bearers, they are like a business card that anyone can read. A tattoo reminds us of something important, exalts our qualities and strengthens our spirit.

The traditional Maori tattoo style is a whole series of coded elements used to tell the story of the life of the person who has the unique tattoo with icons and lines.

As accurately described in “Russian Paleography” by V.N. Shchepkina, “ornament is a rhythmic visual art within a plane. Every ornament consists of repetitions and has a certain frame, expressed or unexpressed. The frame can have various forms, ranging from the simplest to the most complex. Rhythmic units, or repeating artistic elements, are called motifs in ornamentation. The motif acts on us as an artistic unit, i.e. gives the impression of aesthetic unity. The combination of motifs occurs in the ornament completely independently of nature, based on the instincts of symmetry and rhythm.”

Most of the motifs are either borrowed from nature, such as the crescent moon, shark tooth, bird's foot, herringbone and others, or they are not contained in nature, but in Euclidean geometry (point, triangle, angle, etc.), hence the distinction between natural and geometric ornament styles.

Maori ornamentation consists mainly of such motifs as spirals, waves, ribbons and meanders (an ornament composed of right angles folded into a continuous line), creating a compositional whole. The main symbols of Polynesia are present in almost all ornaments:

- continuity through change, life;

- a symbol of eternity and life;

- femininity, abundance;

- strength, power, stamina and perseverance;

- symbol of family and protection;

On the lower parts of the body, especially on the buttocks, men had motifs of large spirals, called “rape”, and an additional “pukhropo” pattern on the hips. Sometimes men also tattooed their chests and wrists, which helped determine their position in the social hierarchy. It happened that representatives of both sexes had a strong tattoo located on different parts of the body, including intimate places, the face, and also on the tongue.

Today, many contemporary artists have appeared on the Internet who take it upon themselves to interpret Maori symbols on their own. These are some of the meanings that the author of The Polynesian Tattoo Handbook puts into tattoo designs.

Polynesian Tattoo Guide:

adaptability, strength, power, water protection

health, longevity, family, navigator

Whale: family, protection

Dolphin: harmony, friendship, protection

wisdom, elegance, freedom

A lion: courage, perseverance

freedom, good news, protection

Butterfly: soul, transformation

friends and family who provide support

Dragonfly: magic, transformation

Phoenix: immortality, eternity, reconstruction

new beginning, peace and tranquility

Wolf: loyalty

Cat: change, adaptability

Fire: change

continuity through change, life

unity, origin

eternity, life, joy, inexhaustible positive energy

femininity, abundance

excellence, overcoming all adversities

warrior, fighter

protection from external troubles and adversities

Scorpion: bravery

strong connection, everlasting love


Canoe: adventure

Acne: distress situations

affection, love, shelter, shelter

Seagulls: alertness, the ability to see what is happening from above

Cord: ancestors

Cross: balance, symbol of harmony

good luck in everything


blessing, peace

courage, masculinity

connections represent past, present and future


Here I would like to remind you that the fauna of the islands was very scarce, and of the four-legged animals there were only rats and dogs, and the latter were readily eaten by the natives. But the plant and aquatic world, on the contrary, were very diverse.

Therefore, I consider the presence of wolves, lions, and especially phoenixes in the ornaments to be incorrect for a Polynesian tattoo.

And this is the tattoo of Duanne Scala Jones, famous throughout the Internet, with the meaning that he put into the symbols and elements.

A) Coconut leaves, or niu, which denote the Samoan chief warrior.

B) This -/a is the sun, which brings good luck.

C) This is isa/ga fa"atasi (three people in one), This is me with open arms, then continues on my chest and connects with my o lo"u to"a/ua (my wife, Dani) and my o lo "u afafine (my daughter, Simone Alexandra).

D) The descending whirlpools represent the past, present and future. The future is getting bigger. The fragment continues under my hand, where its meaning is written.

E) Two eyes, called o mata e lua, represent my ancestors watching my path.

F) Big Eye. It is an intimidating symbol that allows its user to possess the spirit of their enemy. The eye is used to distract the enemy during a confrontation.

G) Damaged face marked with shark teeth - symbol of strength. This is my spiritual patron and a symbol of my struggle.

H) This is the priest and spiritual mentor who trains the warrior to enlightenment and supernatural power under the eyes of the warrior's ancestors.

I) These are stones of achievement and abundance. They are the foundation of my life and the symbols of my dedication, They give the right to stand and speak with honor as a Tula Fale. And they support mana, or supernatural power.

J) Tortoise shell to ward off evil spirits. Warriors used shells as shields."

You can, of course, get confused and follow this path, composing your tattoo from symbols close to your heart. But let’s not forget that European symbolism is much more interesting and complex than the symbolism of primitive islanders, caressed by the sea and the sun.

I am a supporter of an adequate attitude to such conventions. You can, of course, stick to the imposed image, but a tattoo in the modern sense should look more aesthetically pleasing than a jumble of different, sometimes unrelated symbols. The only advice I can give you is to listen to yourself, choose elements and create your tattoo. And then... show it to everyone! Sergey Grek.

And also, I’ll give here as an example a letter from a beautiful girl, Natalya, who ordered a tattoo from me based on Polynesian motifs:

"Sergey, hello! I called you today (or rather, yesterday) about the possibility of you giving me a tattoo with island Polynesian symbols. Attached is a draft sketch that I drew so that you have an understanding of how I imagine it. He is not very artistic and clear-cut, but I told you on the phone that by occupation I am not an artist at all, and certainly not a tattoo artist (although, I must admit, I tried very hard and was proud of the result))) ).
How did the idea of ​​turning to Polynesia come about: I had an idea of ​​what meaning I wanted to put into the image on my body + I wanted this image to be connected with the sea, sea animals, etc., because I have been diving quite a lot recently for several years, I intend to continue to develop in this area and do not exclude the possibility of making this my additional, and later possibly my main job. Next, I turned to the Internet, where, after a fair amount of digging, I came across the theme of Polynesian tattoos, in which I found exactly what I needed, and besides, they look very original and beautiful. I won’t say that I found a lot of information on the topic of Polynesian tattoos and its history (especially on the Russian-language network, more on foreign sites), but I got a general idea. Then I downloaded the book “Polinesian tattoo handbook” by Roberto Gemory - something like *Polynesian tattoo for dummies*))), and drew with it. Of course, I understand that this is very far from a real Polynesian and Maori tattoo, but rather “based on motifs” collected from numerous island tribes of Oceania.. But I don’t pretend to be a Maori warrior)) After all, a tattoo should bring aesthetic pleasure to its owner and carry semantic meaning for him in the first place. It seems so to me, at least. The main thing for me is not to screw up too much with the symbolism, but in this I really count on your help. So, having studied the meaning of the symbols and choosing from them those that met my request, I took up a pencil and tried to put them together. What happened is what happened. I hope, with your help, we will bring this idea to fruition. According to the sketch of my tattoo, or what I meant: The main idea is to write a manta (symbol of freedom, independence, beauty and, if we talk about the sea, water protection) into the circle of the sun (life, absolute, inexhaustible positive energy), which will be accumulated in merging with the moon, or rather the crescent (symbolizing femininity, the feminine principle, feminine energy, etc.). To some extent, I associate myself with this manta. And the merging of the sun and the moon is a kind of Yin-Yang and the possibility of the impossible in my life. I tried to include a turtle in the center of the manta (a symbol of the family that is in an inextricable connection with me, health and longevity, a navigator through life). In the center of the figures of both the manta ray and the marquis turtle is a cross (a symbol of harmony). The turtle's head is a symbolic image of the hammerhead shark (determination, resilience, perseverance). Her right front flipper is a fishhook (luck), her left front is a sea shell (meaning love, shelter, shelter), her hind legs are mountains (stability). There are shark teeth around the turtle (as a symbol of family protection from all external troubles and adversities, and also as a symbol of the ability to adapt to change). The horseshoe icon above the manta's tail is a symbol of a woman. Below, at the base of the tail, is the symbol of the palm tree (peace and tranquility). Along the right wing of the manta there is an enata ornament (friends and loved ones, who are always with me and provide support). Then the double helix, twist (union, eternal love). On the left wing of the manta there is an ornament of islands (travel, discovery). Then - a triple twist (meeting other cultures, adapting to the new). In the manta's head are the signs of Koru (new beginning), flanked on either side by frigate birds (discoveries). Crescent (everything about women here) from bottom to top: fish 4 pcs. (as a symbol life, prosperity and joy), Koru (new beginning), sea shell (intimate side of life and love), jasmine flower (beauty), hibiscus flower (femininity and passion), 2 birds following each other (freedom, the ability to see what is happening from above, help from a loved one / partner / mazh in difficult life situations), waves to the right of the birds (changes for the better), again a sea shell, a fish hook (luck in everything). Sun rays ornament - sky and air. Something like this... :-) By tattoo location: I want it to be on the back, in the center. It started right under the shoulder blades (or even between them) and went down. But this is, of course, discussed with you in accordance with how it will look in terms of the alignment of the muscles, how it will fit on my not very wide back, or other nuances that I do not know about. By tattoo size: I am sending you a scanned copy of the A4 sheet on which the sketch was made. I would like the actual tattoo to be no larger than the drawn size. Or, if it did, it wasn’t much (because, as I already mentioned, my back is quite narrow, and I’m not yet ready to stuff it from the neck to the lower back). But again, this needs to be discussed with you. I understand little about the art of applying drawings to the body, I don’t know how close the lines can fit to each other and how thin they can be, how much the paint of the contours floats over time (if it floats) and, of course, I don’t want that in a year or two my tattoo turned into one solid black blot... More wishes: I want it to look as light and “openwork” as possible, i.e. not overloaded with heavy thick lines. I saw many photographs of men's Polynesian tattoos, which were very massive, aggressive, with a predominance of black, spanning the entire limb or torso. I'd like to avoid this. I hope I was able to more or less clearly explain to you what kind of tattoo I want to get. I already told you on the phone that this would be my first. Therefore, don’t get me wrong (even if it’s funny to you, although you’re probably already used to it..))))), I treat everything connected with it very carefully and seriously. In addition, the decision to apply it for me is associated with serious changes that have partly already begun in my life, and, to a greater extent, which are about to happen in the near future. So I really count on your understanding!)) For my part, I promise to try to bother you as little as possible.)))))))))

Nowadays, Polynesian tattoos are very popular along with many other types. And now it won’t be too difficult to make one for yourself: you just need to choose a sketch and a good craftsman.


The origin of such intricate patterns is quite interesting. Tattoos are called Polynesian because they originally appeared in Polynesia among the Maori tribe. The process of applying the pattern was considered sacred, so only priests had the right to fill them. And, as you might already guess, tattoos were not made for beauty either, each of them had a special sacred meaning and, according to people, was a kind of divine channel. The drawings could be on a specific part of the body (lower leg, chest, thigh, face, arms, etc.) or on several at the same time.

They also played a large role in the tribal society of that time. From tattoos one could determine about a person: character, tribe, occupation, origin and much more. However, it is worth noting the fact that only men could do it for themselves, but in no case women.

What it is?

Not to be confused with anything. Each of them consists of small patterns, geometric shapes, spirals, bends, lines and other details, which all together ultimately form an overall whole picture. For example, a turtle, a wave and much more. When choosing, you should know the meaning of a Polynesian tattoo. We will look at this in more detail below using specific examples.


The image of a shark denotes perseverance, fortitude, perseverance, because it is a strong and dangerous predator. Such a tattoo could be applied, for example, to fishermen so that it would protect them from other animals. Often this design was applied to the legs or chest.


Tattoos in the Polynesian style in the form of masks are very interesting. They are also called TIKI. In ancient times, only hunters and tribal warriors could wear such images of masks. Why? Because it was these people who were exposed to greater danger due to their activities, and TIKI could protect them in difficult times, protect them from attacks by animals and people and, most importantly, from evil spirits. Such Polynesian masks have eyes, when looking into which all “evil spirits” are afraid. Typically, Polynesians had multiple TIKI mask tattoos on different parts of their bodies to ward off evil from all sides.


You can often find such an image. The turtle is a symbol of protection, since its durable shell will never allow anything bad to break through: negative energy, misfortunes, bad thoughts and emotions. It is also a very strong amulet, as the Polynesian tribes believed.


It is a symbol of energy, life, light. Such a tattoo seems to illuminate the path of a person’s life. The sun is depicted in different ways, which also affects the meaning. For example, sunrise means an influx of energy, awakening, and sunset means rebirth.


In contrast to the Sun, there is another equally important symbol. The Moon (as well as the Month) in general denotes everything related to fortitude, and also serves as a kind of figurative source of light and protection for hunters.


In nature, the stingray is generally harmless, but at the same time poisonous. These cute creatures are perceived by Polynesians as a symbol of calm, regularity, grace and beauty, which can, however, hurt if encroached upon.


As you can see, the Polynesians, with images and patterns on the body, sought to adopt all the best features and qualities personified by these objects or creatures. The same thing happened, for example, with the drawing of a lizard. They come in different types, but they are all distinguished by speed, resourcefulness, and courage. As a rule, such tattoos were worn by warriors so that they would help them in difficult times. If a lizard was depicted with a turtle, this meant that the bearer of the tattoo was a man of his word.


But a kind of spiral was considered a sign of hope and the beginning of a new (better) life. Another name is Koru. Spirals can be closed or open. In the first case, this means infinity, constancy, self-development, and in the second - renewal and restoration.

Meaning of symbols

Above we looked at the main options for images and drawings, which are made up of patterns and details. However, in addition to them, there are also smaller, but no less important symbols of the Polynesian tattoo, each of which also has its own meaning. As a rule, large drawings are also created from them.

These symbols are interesting not only from the point of view of the history of tattooing, but also for studying the culture and mentality of the tribes of Oceania as a whole. For example, the famous traveler and ethnographer Carl von den Steinen at the end of the 19th century (1897-98) made a lot of useful notes regarding the life of Polynesian tribes. He passed them on to other scientists and universities. In his notes, he also touched on the symbols to which the Polynesians attached great importance.

Let's take a closer look at the meanings of these pictures.


A person (otherwise known as “enata”) is a fairly simple symbol. As a rule, it occurs as part of complex drawings and denotes close people. If enata is reversed, it symbolizes defeated enemies.

Also, many Polynesian peoples depicted a circle of these little people, translated as “cloudy sky,” which symbolizes the sky, as well as all ancestors who, according to legend, can patronize the living.

But the likeness of two figures united together usually depicts a marriage, a wedding, a couple.

Enata symbols are very easy to confuse with other images of warriors in the form of the same human figures. But there is a significant difference between them - the presence of a spear. And the meaning of such drawings is already different.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to recognize the symbols of men in a Polynesian tattoo. Some variations are so simplified that they represent a kind of geometric image that only slightly resembles a person.


Small simplified images of objects could also make up a whole picture. So, for example, to designate a human warrior, spears, arrowheads, sharp objects (fangs, stings) and other battle weapons could be drawn on it. They were also often made into a long chain or circle.

Another indispensable item in the life of the Polynesians, which was both a weapon for battles and used to build houses/canoes, was the hoe. It symbolized skill, strength, respect.

But by the design of the club it was possible to identify the leader of the tribe, since only they used it in battles. This item denotes leadership, nobility, honor, respect, honor. In general, all the qualities of an ideal leader.


Among other simple symbols, the inhabitants of the islands in Oceania often tattooed them on the bodies of animals. For example, centipedes were often depicted. They are, like stingrays: generally harmless, but poisonous, therefore dangerous and symbolize courage, the spirit of struggle.

Lizards (geckos, mokos), which often appear in the ancient myths of many peoples, also have a special sacred meaning. Polynesian tribes believe that these animals bring good luck and protection, protection from evil spirits. In some cases, the image of a moko signified divine origin.

Another important animal in Polynesian tattoos is the turtle (“honu”). Represents family, fertility, longevity, peacefulness, ocean, freedom. The whale symbol also has a similar meaning.

Fish was important to the islanders as it was the main source of food. And that is why the image with a fish meant abundance, prosperity, life. But the pattern in the form of scales, it was believed, could be protection for humans.

Often, island residents tattooed themselves with sharks, or rather, with their sharp triangular teeth. This symbol means strength and courage. It is believed that the pattern can protect in water. In addition, there is also a hammerhead shark symbol, which also symbolizes sociality and friendship.

How to get a Polynesian tattoo these days?

If earlier not every person, but only men of some tribes in Oceania, could afford such tattoos, now everything has become much simpler and more accessible. If you have gone through the directory of Polynesian tattoos and have firmly decided to make yourself the desired design, then now you need to find a master in a tattoo parlor. In such places, as a rule, many of the tattooists know how to do such things. They draw a sketch or immediately type in the chosen image. You can get yourself a neat Polynesian tattoo on your arm or fill your entire body; the scope for realizing your fantasies is quite wide.

However, many believe that such patterned designs should be made in Polynesia. And indeed, only there you can feel the entire sacredness of such an action. Often, drawings are made there in the same way as the distant ancestors of the Polynesians did, using the fang of an animal (for example, a shark or a wild boar). It is worth noting that this is a painful, but at the same time more impressive process.

. Polynesia sketches“transferred” to the Europeans, and they elevated the island patterns to the rank of a cult.

Westerners began to literally pray for the new culture of body painting.

The sailors, who were the first to adopt the tradition of painting themselves from the inhabitants of Oceania, modified it.

The shipbuilders replaced the abstract symbols of the Indians with anchors, swallows, female images, and compasses that were close and understandable to them.

However, the descendants of the 17th century sailors decided to pay tribute to the truly Polynesian.

Abstraction came into fashion, like all ethnics. Only now, in pursuit of the beauty of form, Europeans began to miss the meaning. Let's figure out what its essence is.

The meaning of Polynesian tattoos

A land washed by the seas. This Polynesia. Tattoo meaning here they are often associated with the ocean. The Indians follow the example of its inhabitants.

Thus, the shark is pricked as a symbol of power, perseverance and perseverance. At the same time, Polynesians are aware of the degree of aggression emanating from the sea predator.

Therefore, the redskins depict shark teeth separately. They become a talisman against any threats from the outside.

Residents of the islands also consider the image of stingrays to be a protective symbol. Polynesians honor them as caretakers of the water's depths.

Stingrays are poisonous, which gives them the power to punish. At the same time, the smooth, unhurried movements of elasmobranchs indicate calm.

Therefore, the Indians decided that stingrays were dangerous, but wise. An ideal combination for a protective symbol, because you need to know who and what energies to “drive away” from the wearer tattoo.

Polynesia Maori, that is, the main tribe of the islands of Oceania, is a world of pagan beliefs.

Indians deify nature and consider themselves descendants of its creations. Some tribes believe that they descended from whales.

By the way, according to the worldview of the Redskins, they protect friendship. Other Polynesians think that their ancestors were dolphins, revered as a symbol of harmony.

Third tribes choose their emblem Turtle tattoo. Polynesia for armored animals - a land where they were proclaimed the guardians of wisdom, the embodiment of longevity and tranquility.

In parallel with the protective function, Polynesian tattoos describe a person’s character.

In the tribal system, patterns have long been one of the few opportunities to introduce oneself to others.

Moreover, this presentation depends largely on the nuances of the images. So, the same turtle in the rays of the rising sun is a sign of the hardworking and thrifty.

This may not be taken into account tattoo in the style of "Polynesia". Therefore, people with drawings printed in Europe and the USA are often incorrectly perceived as red-skins.

For the latter, not only the plot of the painting makes sense, but also its location on the body. The classics attract few contemporaries.

Meanwhile, most positive values Polynesian tattoo associated with areas of the face. It's always open.

Since tattoos were a way for the Redskins to convey information, it was natural that reasons for pride would be displayed on their faces.

The forehead, for example, was reserved for data on victories in battles. The patterns on the chin should speak about the origin of the person, and on the cheeks - about his occupation. Tattoos near the eyes reveal marital status.

Foreign residents, of course, cause "Polynesia" tattoo on the forearm, legs, back. In general, there is no crime in this.

But the meaning of the symbols is partially lost. The correct selection of drawing elements can correct the situation.

Based on these same elements, island tattoos are divided into types. Let's talk about them.

Types of Polynesian tattoos

Tattoo "Polynesia" - photo, which, at first glance, looks like a set of disparate symbols. The pictures are made up of dots, zigzags, spirals, and corners.

They are, in fact, the island tattoos, their primary elements. Thus, the spiral is the personification of “unwinding life and being in general.

The size of the “whirlpools” matters. Large spirals speak of the future, small ones indicate stages of the past.

Various nodes store information about ancestors and are able to tell the family tree. Therefore, there is a separate type of nodal "Polynesia" tattoo.

On the shoulder, neck, chest, patterns composed of crosses can also be located. The Maoris proclaim them a sign of harmony, the balance of all forces and elements.

Direct line to Polynesia tattoo on arm, leg, or other part of the body is an element of the military path.

In tattoos used for the strong and brave, they also use a lot of sharp corners.

They personify unexpected turns in battles and readiness for any force majeure.

It turns out that not only the overall picture matters, but also every “strokes” in it. These “strokes,” by the way, were applied with sharpened bones or shark teeth.

This is the historical procedure for body painting on the islands Polynesia. Sun Tattoo, “Moon”, “Masks” were applied long and painfully.

Therefore, in Oceania they only practiced men's tattoos. Polynesia“not ready” to give stories for women.

There are no amulets for motherhood, talismans for girlish happiness, few flowers and plant themes.

Where to get a Polynesian tattoo

If you look at the question in terms of choosing a salon, it is ideal to go to the homeland of island tattoos.

Among the Redskins there are still masters who know every nuance of national subjects. Sharp fish bones have not been used for a long time.

In the artist’s hands you will see a standard typewriter. But, in the head and heart of the master, the knowledge of the ancestors lurks.

Some tattoo artists in Oceania are hereditary artists. This, by the way, indicates shamanic roots.

In past centuries, the redskins trusted the process of impaling only to priests.

If Polynesia tattoo on leg, head, shoulder, was drawn by someone else, he risked being severely punished for encroaching on the work of the wisest.

European masters often preserve only the style of ethnic tattoos. Their meaning fades into the background.

As a result, abstract plots in the eyes of knowledgeable people look the same as Chinese characters applied to the body without a thorough knowledge of the language.

A brutal drawing may turn out to be, for example, a symbol of cowardice or disobedience to authorities.

Now let’s answer the question of where to get a Polynesian tattoo, from the point of view of the body area. The historical arrangement of the patterns has already been discussed.

But, if painting your face is not part of your plans, you can find alternatives. The first is tattoos on the hands, for example, Tattoo "Polynesia: Sleeve".

This image covers most of the limb. Some sleeves start at the wrist and end just at the neck.

The hands are almost as open as the face, which means they can fulfill the historical role of representing a person in society.

In hot areas, the eggs also remain exposed. They are insensitive to pain.

Therefore, you can apply your “calling card” with little blood, without enduring painful sensations on your face or neck.

Although, many are ready to “sacrifice” their neck. The drawings look really impressive here. The main thing is not to overdo it with the size of the picture.

Large-scale tattoos blacken the neck, as if tearing the head from the body. And it becomes difficult to endure the procedure. By the way, about blackening.

Polynesian tattoos are only monochrome. The presence of color is already a fantasy on the theme, changing the entire concept of tribal patterns.

One of the categories of tattoos that are especially popular these days are Polynesian tattoos. Such drawings are bright and visible from afar. But the distinctive feature of these images is not only the brightness and originality of the design, but also the deep meaning. Polynesian tattoos will make you feel the strength and power of a native Polynesian. Despite the popularity of this type of tattoo, the style of drawing remains new for many people.

Polynesian sleeve style

Origin of Polynesian style tattoos

The Polynesian Islands consist of a group of islands that are found in the Pacific Ocean. The most famous among them are Tahiti, Cook Island, Hawaii, Easter Island. Every person associates these islands with exoticism. It was here, on these fertile lands, that not only the original method of painting, but also the very concept of tattooing arose. This word comes from “ta” - picture and “atu” - spirit.

There is a legend that the Polynesian god Tiki taught the inhabitants to apply drawings on their bodies.

For the Polynesians, body paintings were not an easy way to decorate themselves. Tattoos demonstrated a person's occupation, his status among other inhabitants of the island, as well as individual characteristics and qualities. On the islands, the number of tattoos corresponded to the place a person occupied in society. Modern tattoos do not demonstrate social status, but convey the atmosphere of Polynesia and the character of the people.

Shoulder of a man in Polynesian patterns

Originality of the drawing

Polynesian tattoo designs consist of complex patterns and intricate shapes. The lines of the drawing curl or are applied straight, thus forming a separate composition or image. These can be geometric shapes, elements, animals, cosmic bodies and others. Each element of such a picture has its own meaning.


Only priests had the right to apply drawings on the human body. Because this process was not simply a decoration of the body, but a mysterious rite that could be identified with an act of initiation.

Hand bracelet made in Polynesian style

Traditions of the Polynesians

Tattooing, like the image itself, was an important ritual in the Polynesian Islands. The artist who drew the tattoo was a priest, and for his work he necessarily received gifts and, more valuable, the respect of the entire society. Since the process of applying a tattoo was lengthy, those who wanted to receive a body design and deserved it lived for a long time in the priest’s house. The “clients” prayed constantly.

Only leaders and their close circle could have a large number of large-scale tattoos. For others, the drawings were much simpler. Women had their lips tattooed to protect them from aging.

I'm crazy about Polynesian tattoos. And I myself am the owner of one. This drawing looks elegant, non-trivial and always attracts the attention of others. In addition, such a tattoo acts as a kind of totem and gives self-confidence and strength.

Artem, St. Petersburg.

Polynesian style tattoos on the forearm

Polynesian tattoos: a variety of design options

The process of drawing a picture, like the image itself, has many options that have developed traditionally. The Moko technique differed from the well-known image piercing technique. To perform this, a chisel was used to produce cut wounds.

Polynesian style turtle tattoo on back

Such designs were preferred by the Maori tribe; other inhabitants of the Polynesian islands were more traditional. Maori are also known for their tattoo motifs: pu-kauwae (spiral designs on the chin), pae-pae (spiral designs on the cheeks) and others. Such drawings determined the status of the Polynesian.

Polynesian tattoo designs differ from other body designs in their clarity of lines and shapes. This tattoo is very reminiscent of wood carving, creating the effect of a three-dimensional image. The elements used in tattoos are quite diverse: from spirals and lines to images of representatives of the animal world. It was the richness of the flora and fauna of Polynesia that became the source for body designs in the form of fish, moon, stars, ferns and other symbols. Images and additional details are placed symmetrically on the body. This gives special uniqueness and charm to the body pattern.

Polynesian tattoo on leg

The meaning of tattoos

Polynesian tattoo photos are freely available both online and in tattoo parlor catalogs. These drawings can tell a lot about their owner. Their symbols are quite deep and emphasize the main character traits of a person. Often such a tattoo can illustrate a person’s life credo, parting words, a kind of totem and amulet.

Modern lovers of body painting, when choosing Polynesian tattoos, often miss their meaning and use the drawing as a decorative element of the image.

  • The shark symbolizes omnipotence, power and strength, and determination. Because the shark is perceived as a sacred animal, possessing power and fearlessness. This design is designed to protect the owner.
  • Tiki is a popular symbol representing Polynesian masks. Such drawings protect the owner from external threats, as well as from evil spirits. The eyes on the mask look in different directions, which symbolizes attention and protection.
  • Turtle – life expectancy, fertility. This pattern is a symbol of family and protection.
  • Moon– a female version of the Polynesian tattoo. Because the Moon has become a symbol of femininity, femininity and abundance.
  • Sun, as in other tattoos, embodies eternity and life. The combination of two luminaries - the Moon and the Sun - emphasizes that the impossible is possible.
  • Lizards, geckos are a symbol of supernatural power.

Polynesian style blackwork on the leg

Before getting a tattoo, every person thought about the appropriateness of the action. I'm not an exception. Therefore, having finally made a decision, I determined for myself a category of tattoos that optimally expressed my essence and admiration for the art of body painting. For those who are also undecided, I advise you to consider this category as an option.

Alina, Omsk

Video: the best Polynesian style tattoos

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos

The Polynesian tattoo is deeply symbolic and seems a little rough. In the article we will talk about the meaning and features of the images, and also provide an original selection of photos with sketches.

The first body designs appeared on the Pacific Islands. For the Indians, they were like memoirs: they talked about their status in society, exploits, physical and spiritual development. It was believed that the image connected a person with the gods and significantly influenced his fate. The Polynesian tattoo was tattooed exclusively by priests over several months. Procedure accompanied by special rituals and songs to support the man. The priest attached a stencil with an image to the body, used a hammer and a sharpened tooth to cut out the elements and covered them with dye. The pigment was made from the resin of coniferous trees. The blood was constantly wiped away - not a single drop should fall on the ground. After the procedure, the juice of tropical plants was rubbed into the skin to make it pale, creating a contrast of black lines and a white body. Men were expelled from society if the drawing was not completed.

The nobility had more body designs than people of low status. Men most often got Polynesian tattoos on their faces (especially leaders), in the area from the waist to the knees. Large spirals were applied to the buttocks (closed meant infinity and perfection, unfolded meant renewal and restoration). The patterns on the chest and wrist determined a person’s position in society. An ornament on the forehead meant success in battle, on the cheeks - profession, on the chin - origin. Women had fewer designs; they were mostly applied to the lips and chin.

Sketches of Polynesian tattoos were brought to the West by an assistant of James Cook at the end of the 18th century. The navigator introduced the word “tattoo” into the English language, which, translated from the tribal dialect, meant either “beating” or “drawing”.

Features of Polynesian tattoos

A tattoo in the Polynesian style looks rough and massive, hidden aggressiveness is visible. A drawing or pattern consists of thin, wide and short lines, zigzags and waves that form geometric shapes. There is no play of color palette and shadows, abstraction and blurred contours. The pictures are symmetrical and clear, made with black pigment, although now you can add a little color or complement the image with bright colors. This tattoo looks gentle and feminine and is common among girls.

Each element has a deep meaning and carries a great energy charge that can change the fate of the owner. Lines in the form of fish scales protect him from warning danger and enemies. The bonito or tuna element signifies energy, resourcefulness and skill, and can be part of a pattern or animal. It is depicted in the form of teeth arranged in two rows so that white diamonds appear in the middle. Shark teeth (several black triangles connected by one line) - protection in the water, fearlessness, strength, the ability to adapt in any situation. The legend says that while swimming, one girl was bitten by a shark. In response, she was not confused, but shouted her name. The predator apologized and swam away. The marks left by the teeth are a mark that the girl is her friend. Since then, shark teeth (niho mano) have been applied to the ankle.

The Polynesian design is quite complex, so many people go to Tahiti, Easter Island, Samoa or Haiti to have it applied by a qualified artist. However, after the Spanish conquerors, many sources were destroyed and the meaning of some symbols is unknown. You also need to take into account that Polynesian tattoos are divided into several subtypes; each island has its own motives and methods of application. In Hawaii, ornaments, images of skulls, wreaths and flowers predominate; on the island of Samoa, tattoos are applied the old-fashioned way: not with a needle, but with a pig’s or shark’s tooth.

A tattoo in the Polynesian style must be carefully selected in terms of meaning, volume and location. Lines and small figures can get lost in the curves of the body, the drawing will turn out to be cropped, so it is necessary to take into account the relief of muscles and muscles.

Legends and meaning of symbols

Each image has deep symbolism, imbued with legends and beliefs.
It is believed that the Polynesian-style sun tattoo appeared on the body of the Indians first. It illuminates the path of life, and after death it does not allow one to go into darkness. The drawing denotes life and immensity, good luck in your endeavors, and brings positivity and happiness. The rising luminary is a symbol of new life and wisdom, the awakening of energy, and the sunset is the rebirth of all living things.

The Polynesian moon is often used in images of women. She personifies femininity, spiritual strength and greatness, dedication to the chosen cause. Drawing is often found among businessmen, as it helps to achieve their goals. If he is depicted with a dolphin, he will be interpreted as a wise leader. The moon is always depicted as the abiding month and protects hunters. Together with the sun, it gives a chance to make impossible plans possible, supports ambitious and purposeful people.

The Polynesian turtle tattoo is also revered among beautiful ladies. She represents family, fertility and longevity. Helps to find harmony of spirit with body, is a talisman of the hearth and protection from misfortunes. The turtle and the sunrise signify hard work. Polynesian warriors used her shell as a shield, so the design has another meaning: strength of body and spirit, stamina and poise. According to legend, the turtle carries souls to the kingdom of the dead, therefore, after death, the Polynesians applied to the body the sign of a person walking nearby or sitting on the shell.

The image of a shark means perseverance and power, protection from enemies and troubles. Among the Polynesian people, she was a sacred animal; they worshiped her power and strength. A picture of a fish in the form of a triangle means resistance to troubles; if depicted under a luminary, it means imperishable strength and power; together with a dolphin, it means strong and true friendship.

The body design of a lizard is a connection with the gods and access to other worlds. According to legend, the gods come to humans exclusively in the form of a gecko, so the image personifies the supernatural power that passes to the owner. For warriors, tattoos meant physical strength, hardness, endurance and speed. If a lizard was stuffed with a turtle, it means that the person is responsible for his words and actions.

Warriors and hunters wore the Tiki deity mask to protect themselves from evil spirits and death. The image suits temperamental and courageous men. The picture can be supplemented with various elements: shark teeth, tuna, birds, waves, people.
The Polynesian stingray tattoo signifies elegance, spiritual beauty, grace and freedom, and is a powerful protection. Often this image includes hooks symbolizing good luck, tiki masks - protection from all evil, a hibiscus flower - beauty, a cross - harmony and balance, and shark teeth. Each drawing can be supplemented with other details. The stingray was revered by the Polynesians, as it was considered one of the most dangerous inhabitants of the oceans, and therefore can mean dexterity and cunning. This Polynesian tattoo can be done on the shoulder or back, or on the ankle and foot; it looks good on the lower back of girls.

Polynesian tattoos for men - physical and spiritual strength

The body pattern gives masculinity and brutality if applied to the back or forearm, covering part of the chest. A full length sleeve or from shoulder to elbow, from elbow to neck looks good.

Often men apply similar work on the leg to the knees, on the calves, on the side of the lower leg or from the foot to the thigh. The composition may consist of several patterns or a thin strip of ornament going down along the stomach or back.

Women's Polynesian tattoos - mystery and grace

The pictures look too massive for the female body, but you can choose beautiful images to make them seem light and delicate, not overloaded with wide lines. Polynesian-style tattoos are applied to the leg, arm and shoulder, but they look more feminine and luxurious on the shoulder blade, back, and lower back. Pictures of lizards or stingrays look more elegant when the tail is depicted as a flexible or twisted ring. The composition can be supplemented with flowers or ferns (calmness and peace), butterflies and dragonflies (spiritual transformation), birds (freedom and control over the situation from above).

Polynesian tattoos do not combine well with bright and voluminous images of other styles. You should not fill the drawings too small: each picture consists of a large number of different details, they can visually merge into a black and white spot. The beauty and grandeur of the body painting will be lost.

Photo of tattoo in Polynesia

On the shoulder





On the foot

On the chest




On the back

On the forearm