Life is like chess, lost your queen, enjoy your pawns. Chess and life

Chess is, on the one hand, a meditative process that allows you to turn off everything external and focus on a calm, measured game, but, on the other hand, it is a great way to train your brain and develop skills. changes. And chess, like any other serious game, has unwritten rules, following which you can become a winner.

There are also rules that can be applied not only in the game, but also in life:

Lots of options. In any situation, there are many different options for the development of events, and if you want to win, you must at least imagine and provide for several of them at once. As a rule, the most obvious option happens not in 99% of cases (as you think), but in 50% of cases.

Patience. As they say, the quieter you go, the further you will go. Don’t make rash actions or attacks, learn to wait, and you will achieve success. As the old Chinese wisdom says: “If someone has done you wrong, do not try to take revenge on him, sit on the bank of the river, and soon you will see the corpse of your enemy floating past you on the water.”

View from the outside. If you try to put yourself in your opponent's shoes and figure out why he makes certain moves or what scheme he is trying to play, you can understand how to counter him more effectively. If you are so engrossed in your own moves and do not notice those around you, then in the end you will miss the fatal blow.

Winner's mindset. Think positively and expect only to win, without making empty moves. Let your moves lead to mistakes, but they should all be aimed at results. A waste of time can only be justified in one case: if it is part of your cunning plan.

Gratitude. Thank your opponent for his smart moves and don’t hide your pleasure from a good game, and then you will receive the same attitude in return. Don't let your pride get in the way of your wisdom.

The ability to lose. Know how to lose a single game, and you will never lose in life as a whole; you will simply start a new game and win it, taking into account previous mistakes. It is not the one who is stronger who wins, but the one who goes to the end. Be philosophical about this.

Pleasure. Live playfully and enjoy the very progress of the game, because it is the process of moving towards the goal (both in the game and in life) that gives the greatest pleasure. You gain new experiences, new skills, reasons to be happy and sad. Victory is just a short, albeit very joyful moment, but, in my opinion, it’s not very healthy to live when the bulk of the pleasure in life comes only from these short-lived moments of victory.

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Rook endings are not won!
Siegbert Tarrasch.
Rumor mistakenly attributes this aphorism to Savely Tartakover, who himself honestly referred to the authorship of Tarrasch.

I feel great seeing my opponent writhing in his death throes.
Robert James Fisher

Poor people! How similar are you in all your endeavors to that chess player who “could win his game”...
Savely Tartakover

Be a threat every time you sit down to play.
Ken Smith

During a tournament, a chess master must be an abstinent monk and a predator rolled into one. A predator in relation to a rival, an ascetic in everyday life.
Alexander Alekhine

Bogolyubov: Checkmate in four moves! Tartakower: Don't bother me!
Savely Tartakover

Capablanca proved that you can be the best and still be the first.
Savely Tartakover

Character weaknesses usually appear during a chess game.
Garry Kasparov

The computer is the only opponent who makes no excuses when he loses to me.
Robert James Fisher

That's what chess is all about. Today you give your opponent a lesson, and tomorrow he teaches you a lesson.
Robert James Fisher

Being with one woman all your life is like an endgame with colorful bishops.
Victor Korchnoi

Life is a game of chess.
Miguel Cervantes

Chess is a healing plaster for thousands of pricks of fate.
Max Weiss

It is characteristic of a grandmaster that he wins a won position quickly and accurately.
Irwin Chernev

Your game is only as good as your worst move.
Dan Heisman

Always remember to counterattack. This is the best defense and often wins even lost games.
Frank Marshall

A good player is always lucky!
Jose Raul Capablanca

A tactician must know what to do when there is something to do, a strategist must know what to do when there is nothing to do.
Savely Tartakover

The loser is always wrong.
Vasily Panov

The penultimate mistake wins.
Savely Tartakover

The second grade move is often the most accurate.
Savely Tartakover

Maintaining the maximum number of combat forces is in the interests of the side that currently has the largest playing space.
Alexander Alekhine

Mistakes are always waiting to be made.
Savely Tartakover

Mistakes exist to be made.
Savely Tartakover

Wrong moves are often very difficult to find.
Savely Tartakover

Opponents checkmate themselves. We just need to wait a little.
Siegbert Tarrasch

The greatest art in chess is not to show your opponent what he can do.
Garry Kasparov

Combination is the soul of chess.
Alexander Alekhine

People have been playing me below their capabilities for 15 years now.
Robert James Fisher

The parties are always different, the interviews are always the same.
Garry Kasparov,

This game is the touchstone of the human mind.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Strong enemy pieces should be exchanged.
Jose Raul Capablanca

The strictest rules in chess are exceptions.
Savely Tartakover

You know you're a chess fanatic when your first question when meeting someone is: What's your rating?
Bill Wall

You know you're a chess fanatic when you buy the coolest and most expensive computer just to play chess on it or use it as a database.
Bill Wall

You know you're a chess fanatic when you buy a newspaper just because it has a chess column.
Bill Wall

You know you're a chess fanatic when you take your chess book to the toilet and forget to go there.
Bill Wall

The threat is stronger than its execution.
Savely Tartakover

An isolated pawn depresses the mood on the entire board.
Savely Tartakover

A draw can be achieved by repeating the position three times or with one weak move.
Savely Tartakover

It's not enough to be a good player, you also have to play well.
Siegbert Tarrasch

There is no woman against whom I would not win, even if I gave the horse ahead.
Robert James Fisher

There are no good or bad players. There are only good or bad players.
Adolf Anderssen

There are no good or bad players. There are only good or bad moves.
Siegbert Tarrasch

There are no good or bad moves. There are only good or bad cigars.
Emmanuel Lasker

There are two types of victims: correct ones and mine.
Mikhail Tal

There have been periods in my life when I almost believed that I couldn’t even lose one single game.
Jose Raul Capablanca

It is better to sacrifice your opponent's pieces.
Savely Tartakover

Mistakes are the salt of chess.
Savely Tartakover

Don't rely on your opponent's mistakes, but rely on them.
Bill Wall

I am a world champion and am not obliged to discuss anything with anyone.
Viswanathan Anand

I don't believe in psychology, I believe in strong moves.
Robert James Fisher

I have never met a single chess player whose eyes did not glow with the fire of mortal vengeance after losing a game.
Bill Wall

I consider each of my opponents to be a master until he proves me otherwise.
Vasily Panov

I hate anyone who beats me at chess.
Lisa Lane

I have never had the pleasure of beating a completely healthy opponent.
Amos Byrne

During the first game my teeth hurt. The second time I had a headache. During the third I was tormented by rheumatism, and during the fourth I did not feel very well. And in the fifth? Well, you can’t win all the time!
Savely Tartakover

I know people who have enormous willpower, but do not know how to play chess.
Robert James Fisher

I love chess for its logic.
Efim Bogolyubov

I love chess for its illogicality.
Savely Tartakover
1887 - 1956

I play fair and play to win. If I lose, I take medication.
Robert James Fisher

I've been playing chess for 50 years, but I've never won against a healthy opponent.

I understand chess better than any other living master.
Jose Raul Capablanca

At first glance I grasp the essence of the position and know what to do in it. Others evaluate, but I just know.
Jose Raul Capablanca

I will beat the top 30 US chess players in a simultaneous game.
Jose Raul Capablanca

I find that chess is very useful when traveling alone in Turkey. ...Take yourself to the nearest teahouse. Order a glass of tea, and another or Raki, and set up a chess problem. Within seconds Turks will appear. They won't play chess with you, but it starts a conversation.
Brian Sewell

To you, Mr. Lasker, I can only say three words: checkmate.
Siegbert Tarrasch

In blitz the knight is stronger than the bishop.
Vlastimil Gort

Everyone wins at chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even defeat is not scary.
David Bronstein

There can only be one mistake in chess: overestimating your opponent. Everything else is either bad luck or weakness.
Savely Tartakover

In chess you can only become a great master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life.
Alexander Alekhine

Intelligence is determined not by the path traveled, but by the result.
Garry Kasparov

Don't eat beans before the game.
Bill Wall
Chess journalist

I wasn't sure what square to take the rook to. Because there were three alternatives e8, d8 and c8, I decided to go for the middle one.
Jan Timman

Yes, I once played a game of blitz, it was on a train in 1929. (from an interview in 1989)
Mikhail Botvinnik

The older I get, the more I value pawns.
Paul Keres

Karpov is a museum piece.
Garry Kasparov

All grandmasters are crazy. They differ only in the degree of their insanity.
Victor Korchnoi

Combining and trading under the counter should be prohibited.
Savely Tartakover

Lisa Lane, the US chess champion, once called Fischer the strongest living chess player. Answer: "That's true, but Lisa Lane is not really in a position to judge that."
Robert James Fisher

Long analysis, wrong analysis.
Bent Larsen

You don't always have to make the best move. The move must be active, enterprising, correct and beautiful.
David Bronstein

In chess you only learn from mistakes. There is always something right in mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

My first goal was not to win the game, but to sacrifice a piece.
Wilhelm Steinitz

The lack of spectators doesn't bother me. I have enough fight in my games.
Vladimir Kramnik

Modern Computers have taken the place once occupied by woman chess players.
Robert James Fisher

Mom, I just became an ex-world champion. (coming home after losing a match to Mikhail Botvinnik)
Mikhail Tal

There is nothing more difficult in chess than choosing the strongest continuation from two approximately equal strengths, which is often the only correct one.
Siegbert Tarrasch

Nowadays, when you"re not a grandmaster at 14, you can forget about it.
Viswanathan Anand

Only a good elephant can be sacrificed. A bad one can only be lost.
Yuri Razuvaev

Only a really strong chess player knows how weak he is playing.
Savely Tartakover

Without mistakes there can be no brilliant victories.
Emmanuel Lasker

Sacrifices are only possible due to the opponent's mistake.
Savely Tartakover

Chess laws exist to be broken.
Savely Tartakover

Chess is life.
Robert James Fisher

Chess is merciless. You must be ready to kill.
Alexey Shirov

Chess is a struggle, mainly with your mistakes.
Savely Tartakover

Chess is like life.
Boris Spassky

Chess is like a beautiful woman to whom we constantly return, no matter how often she rejects us.

Later, ... I began to achieve success in decisive games more and more often. Perhaps because I realized a simple thing: not only was I overcome by fear, but also my opponent.
Mikhail Tal

Place the board so that the sun shines in your opponent's eyes.
Ruy Lopez

Style? I don't have any style!
Anatoly Karpov

The strategy determines how to lure a girl into the back seat of a car. Tactics - what to do next.

The game is far more important than the final result.
Alexey Shirov

There are tough players and nice guys, and I"m a tough player.
Robert James Fisher

Tips for the winner: Invite your opponent after the game to analyze his game for all his mistakes.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Always remember that you had the best position all along - until the mistake on the last move.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Ask for better playing conditions next time.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Draw your opponent's attention to the fact that he was thinking for a long time and thereby slowing down the game.
Bill Wall

Tips for the loser: Tell your opponent that he was on the losing side due to terrible play in the opening, middlegame and endgame.
Bill Wall

Advice for the loser: Treat your opponent with understanding, in the end he was just lucky.
Bill Wall

In an effort not to stand to lose, some lose the game.
Savely Tartakover

About women: Chess is better.
Robert James Fisher

Try playing after your opponent has had a hearty lunch.

What do other women and chess players have in common? Their goal is a good game.
Markus Ronner

What is chess? - What is life?
Harun al-Rashid

We like to think. (asked by Hans Ree why he and Karpov get into time trouble so often).
Garry Kasparov

If your opponent offers you a draw, try to understand why he thinks he's worth worse.
Nigel Short

When you play with Bobby, it's not about winning or losing. It's about survival.
Boris Spassky

When I visit a chess club, everyone goes dumb with admiration.
Jose Raul Capablanca

When I win, I'm a genius. When I don't win, I'm not a genius.
Robert James Fisher

When I play with white, I win because I play with white. When I play black, I win because I am Bogolyubov.
Efim Bogolyubov

If Spassky sacrifices a piece, you can give up almost immediately. But when Tal sacrifices a piece, play on. He might donate something else and then... who knows?
Miguel Najdorf

Whoever turns back steals wallets.
William Fenton

Who is your favorite writer? "I myself."
Alexander Ermolinsky

Who is your opponent today? "Today I am playing against black pieces."
Akiba Rubinstein

After I ground them one by one, my superiority became obvious.
Jose Raul Capablanca

How does Tal win? He develops all his pieces towards the center and then sacrifices them somewhere.
Robert James Fisher

How can I accept a draw? I don’t know how I’m standing!
Fritz Saemisch

Chess, a game of precision, requires luck, luck, and more luck!
Savely Tartakover

Victory is achieved not by good play, but by better play.
Savely Tartakover

  • The whole world is a chessboard. The player on the other side of the board is hidden from us. We know that he always plays fair, that he is always fair and patient. But we also know that he will never miss a mistake on our part, that he will never accept our ignorance of the rules as an excuse. - T. Huxley.
  • Chess in the evening. - L. Tolstoy (from the Diary).
  • In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate. - A. Azimov, science fiction writer.
  • In life, the rules are not as simple as in chess. We do not always know what irreversible consequences our decision may lead to. * Sometimes the situation is obvious, and in other cases you have to rely on intuition. It is always worth asking ourselves if we can correct the mistake if our decision turns out to be wrong. Will we have a choice if things take a bad turn? Is there an alternative course and a different perspective? This approach requires us to exercise restraint when we feel the desire to cut the Gordian knot in order to free ourselves from tension. Many unsuccessful decisions were caused by the desire to quickly get rid of the responsibility for making them. These are unforced errors, the worst kind of consequences of haste. - G. Kasparov “Chess as a model of life.”
  • Unlike chess, in life the game continues even after the game ends. - Isaac Asimov.
  • In chess you can only become a great master when you realize your own mistakes and weaknesses. Just like in life. - A. Alekhine.
  • In chess, this is called "zugzwang", when it turns out that the most useful move is not to move anywhere. - Nemo, film “Mr. Nobody” (2009).
  • They say that a whole life is not enough to play chess - well, this is a flaw of life, not of chess. - K. Morgenstern.
  • If you hunt wild animals just for sport, you don't want the kill to come easy. On the contrary, you like a duel with a fast and resourceful beast, because there is no pleasure in reprisal against a defenseless creature. A similar interest fuels a chess player who takes on the task of solving a chess problem. He wants to solve it, but at the same time he instinctively wants to experience torment to the last. He doesn't want the easy way out at all. False leads that can confuse even an experienced solver only add to the pleasure of discovering the only solution. A good chess composer knows about this instinct and strives to satisfy it... - E. Lasker.
  • Life, unlike a chessboard, is not always just black or white. - D. Updike “Let's get married.”
  • Life is like a game of chess - if you make the right moves you win, if you make the wrong moves you lose. - ?
  • Life is like chess: just a skillful placement of the right pieces on a black and white field. - Oleg Roy “Atonement”.
  • Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move. - ?
  • When you have a conversation or argument, conduct it as if you were playing chess. - Baltasar Gracian y Morales.
  • I would compare the world to a chessboard - Now it’s day, now it’s night. What about the pawns? We are with you. They move you, press you and beat you. And they put it in a dark box to rest. - O. Khayyam.
  • The skills you acquire at the chessboard will be useful to you in life. No one will regret the time devoted to chess, because it will help in any profession. - T. Petrosyan.
  • On the chessboard, lies and deceit do not last long. - E. Lasker.
  • At the Chess Olympiad in Dresden, the report of the Spaniards caused a sensation. Chess helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. They act like medicine. A person retires, and his brain abruptly stops active work. Transitions to a different state. And chess helps keep your mind clear. - ?
  • There is no remorse stronger than chess. - Wells.
  • One of the interesting features of chess, compared to all other sports, is that there is a pronounced struggle between generations. What happens in life, but in life it is hidden, but on the chessboard it happens completely openly. - Yu. Averbakh.
  • Oh. Am I sorry or not sorry? - Paulsen.
  • The decision-making of a chess master is psychologically comparable to the mental activity of a military leader or investigator; comparison of the game of chess with interpersonal conflicts in politics, ideology and ethics is unlawful. - N. Krogius.
  • Revolutions are like a game of chess, where pawns can destroy the king, save him, or take his place. - P. Buast.
  • The most amazing feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and you carefully lead him to make a mistake. If you play the combination correctly, you win. Pure chess. - K. McGregor, Irish fighter without rules.
  • Chess players know better than anyone what lost tempo is. - ?
  • Chess players have the ability to grasp subtle connections between phenomena. - A. Binet.
  • Chess leads to spirituality because it makes us understand that there is a struggle between two forces - white and black, which symbolize good and evil, positive and negative. They make it clear that each of us has our own role, but different abilities: pawn, queen or queen, but depending on our location, all of us, even simple pawns, can checkmate. - Bernard Werber “The Last Secret.”
  • Chess is given: from 6 years to 20 - for development, from 20 to 50 - for pleasure, from 50 to... - for health! - ?
  • Chess is beautiful enough to spend your life on. - Hans Ree.
  • Chess as a model of life. - G. Kasparov (book title).
  • Chess carries certain elements of the structure of society and struggle. - A. Karpov.
  • Chess helps to develop a rational, conscious sense of citizenship and self-identity. - M. Goloz.
  • Chess is like life, only life is a total war, and chess is a limited war. - R. Fisher.
  • Chess is an encyclopedia of fateful situations, methods of action and their possible consequences. - Leonid Yudasin.
  • Chess is life. - R. Fisher.
  • Chess is a model of the world, it is life itself. - V. Mishin.
  • Chess is a healing plaster for thousands of pricks of fate. - Max Weiss.

The prevailing ideas that chess allegedly arose as a game model of warring armies are erroneous. Chess is a model of social life. Chess pieces are like people: each person behaves differently. Someone is looking for the best move, someone is looking for the best...

The prevailing ideas that chess allegedly arose as a game model of warring armies are erroneous. Chess is a model of social life.

Chess pieces are like people: each person behaves differently. Some are looking for the best move, others for the best plan. There is an analogy between chess and human relationships. During a chess game, a peculiar conflict situation arises. Moreover, quite often it goes beyond the purely formal movement of pieces on the board and, as it were, goes over to the personalities of the players. Life, like a chess game, develops in accordance with the principles of strategy and tactics. Chess teaches us how our lives could turn out given equal opportunities and without chance. If a game of 40 moves is compared to a human life of 80 years, then the loss of tempo is equivalent to the loss of two years of life.

Chess is closely intertwined with life. Some terms that were once purely chess terms have become commonly used words: variation, opening, time trouble, forcing. The interaction of people with each other can be thought of as a chess game. Life is like chess - it is a non-standard task. Both in chess and in life, non-trivial actions often lead to success. The world of chess is extremely conventional, but many patterns of the real world in which we live are repeated in it. The same countless number of situations, the same uncertainty of ways to achieve the goal. Just as a chess piece has relative strength, so a person has a certain significance.

We know many cases where a person achieved success when he made a brilliant sacrifice (gift, service, money) at the right time in the right place. Behind the chess terms is the real social world. Behavior, interaction, needs, intentions, relationships, plans, assessments, ambitions, motives, mistakes of people - all this reflects the language of chess.

This is what chess terms mean. White and black - 1. Ours and others. 2. Man and woman. 3. Parents and children. 4. Boss and subordinate. 5. Competitors. 6. Rivals.

Queen - 1. Significant person. 2. Director. 3. A person endowed with great power.

Rook - 1. An adult. 2. Strategist. 3. Influential person.

Elephant - 1. Boy, girl. 2. Tactician. 3. A person with little power.

Shah - 1. Dissatisfaction, remark, distrust, warning, reproach, insult, threat. 2. Alarm signal. 3. Ambition.

Middlegame - Development of interaction (relationships) between people. Endgame is the end of interaction (relationships) between people.

Gambit is an invitation to establish a relationship, accompanied by gifts, money, and services. Field control - 1. Insight into the partner's intentions. 2. Observation (surveillance) of the actions, behavior and/or speech of the partner.

Demarcation line - 1. Established relationships between people without the right to change them. 2. Boundary in relationships between people. 3. Zone of influence.

Of great interest are chess phrases - models of life situations. Transformed into everyday life, they can have the most beneficial effect on regulating human behavior. Here's what some chess phrases sound like in everyday context:

It is very useful to try to throw off the burden of already found options, assessments and opinions and look at the situation with a fresh look, the look of an outside observer, change the perception of this situation, trying to think and find new ideas that have not been considered before.

It was necessary to understand, not in words, but in deeds, that there are no boring tasks and activities, but there is an inability to find interest in a task, there are boring people (boring game).

But what kind of life is this (chess) - without risk, without a battle of nerves, without the whimsical turns that fate chooses in interaction with other people?! After all, your partner, no matter how deep and carefully thought out, can be opposed by an equally cunning one! This means that if you want to achieve something in life, take risks!

So, there is no absolutely error-free life (game). And defeats, sad as it may be, accompany everyday reality, so only those who can find a way to successfully interact with other people, firstly, make their thinking as reliable as possible (then the number of failures will be reduced), and, secondly, overcome consequences of failure with minimal nervous and material losses.

Everyday business (party) is a continuous chain of tactical actions connected by strategic plans.

Don't waste your time on scams (debut traps). A scam is good once in a lifetime. Others won't fall for it. It is worth working on creating entire systems that are focused not so much on immediate profit (debut), but on the middle of life (middlegame) and even the future (endgame).

The ability to have time to make all the necessary preparations (useful moves) before the onset of undesirable, but very real events, greatly simplifies the achievement of success. Having an alternate airfield (window) is extremely important when a conflict begins.

My most difficult opponent is me. In life, I often involuntarily exaggerate the significance of something or someone, turn it into something super-significant, and exaggerate the difficulties facing me.

We should not forget that human interaction (chess) is a confrontation. It unfolds at the will of two partners (a man and a woman, a boss and a subordinate, competitors), each of whom pursues his own goals and strives in every possible way to prevent the achievement of the goals of his rival.

At the end of the excursion, I give a chess commentary on parent-child relationships. Negligent Son - Parent During a game between a parent and a negligent son playing with white pieces, a position arose in which a white knight attacked a black rook, threatening to knock it down (insolent). Standing and waiting for the plans of a negligent son to be implemented is a difficult task. Therefore, Black himself begins counterplay. Taking advantage of the home preparation, the parent makes an intermediate move with the bishop (strategist). Once White is tempted by the rook, the breakthrough will turn out in Black's favor. The careless son, without further ado, grabbed the black rook with his knight (careless). But now, after the bishop moved, the position has changed. The initiative of the careless son has dried up. You can see how poorly his figures are positioned. Bishop pressure and pawn assault turn against them. The initiative passed to the parent. He fianchettas the bishop and occupies the center with his pawns (almighty). A bold and completely correct decision. The next move, the careless son attacked the black queen with his rook (trepat), but did not notice the fork, which the parent immediately made. It was a check by the bishop with a simultaneous attack on the rook (almighty).

As with everything in our lives, there are many reasons why we deviate from our strict obligations. But these exceptions are rare, and it is a fact that a chess bishop, aimed along a good long diagonal at the opponent’s king and rook, is better than any rook and knight. The negligent son went as king to square d1 (dissatisfied). The parent took the rook (pilot of the family ship) as his bishop. What is this? The parent offered the queen's sacrifice to his negligent son (an ironic instigator). Tricky move! Black takes the bishop away in advance and pretends that he is going to vigorously object with a perpetual check. If the parent's thirtieth move was a small surprise, then the 31st caused a real stir among the spectators and commentators.

So that's what it's all about! The bishop knocked down the rook to gain time for the concentration of heavy pieces along the d vertical. The careless son became nervous. He grabs the black queen (parasite). A gross miscalculation. The analysis showed that White's position was hopeless. An attempt to muddy the waters by capturing the queen leads nowhere. The parent carries out a combination and checkmates the careless son. A good example of coordinated, friendly work of black pieces and pawns.

Chess is a board game that we all know very well. But you probably haven’t thought about the fact that chess is very similar to our lives. What can they tell you about her?

What do the rules of the chess game say?

  • White goes first

Black people are allowed by the rules to mostly respond - it's sad, but this still happens in modern society.

  • Castling

Management never fights in the forefront.

  • Taking on the pass

When your opponent quickly progresses and gets level with you, standing shoulder to shoulder, you can step over him to settle the score with him and gain an advantage.

  • Victim

You must be willing to give up the things you love most in order to ultimately succeed in life.

  • Accommodation

The knight in the corner of the board is a lost knight. If you don't give your most valuable employees what they need, they will be useless and likely leave you eventually.

  • Move a pawn

The poorest and weakest are most often targeted and suffer the greatest losses.

  • Pawn Cohesion

If there is disagreement and inconsistency in economically weak areas, this is evidence of impending doom.

What do chess pieces teach us?

  • Pawn becomes queen

A small person can become great if he is persistent.

  • King

The ruler is weaker than he should be.

  • Queen (queen)

Even though women are much more powerful, they should be selfless and always keep the welfare of men in mind.

  • Pawns

If your team doesn't care about ordinary people, it won't last long.

  • Rook at the end of the game

The quietest people, the ones you don't expect anything from, can often be the most reliable and helpful.

  • Double rook

It is more beneficial for the team if you encourage bright individuals to be together, rather than separate them.

  • Queen (queen) and bishop

To get closer to the big man, you either need to be his wife, or be ready to cross swords with anyone for him.

  • Lots of queens

The king is allowed to have several wives. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Qualities that chess develops

  • Foresight

To achieve long-term success, it is important to learn to plan ahead.

  • Impassivity

It is very important that your opponent never sees you suffer. In battle, hide your weaknesses.

  • Time control

If you don't value time, you won't be successful, no matter your strengths.

Benjamin Franklin said: “Life is like chess, in struggle, competition, good and bad events.” Perhaps now you understand better what he meant.